The document discusses why more people today seem to have problems eating gluten compared to past generations, suggesting that modern wheat products contain gluten that more easily leads to weight gain and issues than wheat from the past. It notes people today often struggle with eating any wheat while parents could eat bread without negative effects, and that the wheat people eat now is different than what past generations consumed. The document promises to show how to create gluten-free foods that taste good and are easy for anyone to make.
2. Why You Should Stop Eating Gluten
I am amazed today at how many
people seem to have a problem with
eating gluten .
I can remember times with my
parents ate all the bread they
wanted to and still had a very slim
figure .
3. Why You Should Stop Eating Gluten
But nowadays it seems that most
people have trouble eating any type of
wheat product .
Why is that?
4. Why You Should Stop Eating Gluten
Why is it that so many people now seem
to be obese even bread but our parents
didn't even seem to gain any weight ?
5. Why You Should Stop Eating Gluten
I think one of the main reasons is
because the week that our parents age
is different than the week we eat today.
6. Why You Should Stop Eating Gluten
I want to show you how to create great
food that's gluten free , but taste delicious.
And his food that anyone can create no
matter whether you can cook or not .