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Why source from Portugal...
Gateway to Africa & Latin America
Portugal is a matchless strategic location for companies seeking to expand their business into Portuguese and Spanish-speaking
markets. From Portugal it is possible to cover the entire Iberian Peninsula as a market. Portugal is the European country closest to
the American time zones. Historically, Portugal has privileged liaisons with Africa and Latin America. Portuguese is the 5th most
spoken language in the world. Portuguese-speaking countries represent a market of about 250 million people.
Many relevant IT solutions used worldwide today were developed in Portugal
First pre-paid mobile phone card in the world
Software solution for the safe circulation of European citizens
within Schengen area
Software applications that assure the integrity of NASAs
mission-critical IT systems
If you are among the 3 million people that use the London Underground,
or the train in the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark or Finland, you are
also using Portuguese technology as the software that schedules the
railway crews was developed in Portugal.
The European advantage
Western European ethics in culture, law and business as Portugal is a founding member of the European Union and Eurozone.
Inflation is low and the Euro protects European clients against currency fluctuations. There are no Visa restrictions on staff.
Business in a pleasant destination
Portugal has a highly rated business environment and advanced access and communication infrastructures. The country is very
attractive for its quality of life, political stability and security. Portugal also has privileged geography and climate with an average of
220 sunshine days per year. All major European airlines fly to Lisbon with plenty of direct flights from most European hubs. Clients
staff are usually receptive to travel to Lisbon both on planned trips and on short notice.
High quality human capital at competitive costs
The IT industry in Portugal is comprised of a highly skilled, experienced, driven and adaptable workforce. Portuguese workers are
also language-skilled, as half of the population speaks 1 foreign language and a quarter speaks at least 2. Despite the broad
qualification of the workforce, wages in Portugal are competitive and staff availability is high.
Continuous improvement in education as a trend
The quality of education and scientific research in Portugal is recognized internationally. Portuguese universities keep rising in
European and world rankings. 35% of Portuguese students in their 20s are enrolled in tertiary education and 100.000 new
graduates are expected in the next 4 years. Acknowledgment of the Portuguese talent is growing, as proven by the opening of
investigation centres in Portugal and multiplication of international awards.
State-of-the art ICT
The ICT field has a high level of excellence in Portugal. Portugal keeps growing as a shared services and nearshore destination.
Companies like SAP, IBM, Microsoft, Apple, Cisco, Altran and Nokia Siemens Networks are some of the global market players with
operations of this kind in Portugal. Portuguese IT companies see their international recognition grow day-to-day thanks to
state-of-the-art products and services.
...and why choose cleverti?
cleverti is a Portuguese company providing nearshore outsourcing
software Development, Testing and Support services. We serve small to
midsize software companies and IT departments using different techno-
logies and methodologies.
The type of service we offer, number of staff engaged and business
model adopted are tailored to your needs. We can undertake long-term
operations with several resources as well as meet a spontaneous need
for a single resource.
Our value proposition is based on two principles:
Provide you with enhanced technological capacity as
When relevant, help deploy your software products in Portugue-
se and Spanish-speaking markets, making use of the product
know-how acquired along the nearshore cooperation.
Custom Software Development,
Software Maintenance, Systems
Integration and Migration.
Developers skilled in common
platforms and methodologies.
Functional and Non-functional
Testing. Practice undertaking
day-to-day testing operations.
QA Engineers with international
First, Second and Third-line
Support. 24*7 worldwide coverage.
Dedicated and shared services.
Support Engineers with expertise,
experience and drive for the role.
Dedicated Team Time & Material Fixed Cost
Long-term, ongoing cooperation
Own management team
More strategic relation
Open-ended / long-term projects
Variable requirements
Hard to estimate required resources and/or
plan the budget
Frequent need to add new features
Well-defined project specifications
Well-defined budget and timeline
Limited budget / small and quick project
Dedicated team works as an extension of the
customers organization
Budget is measured in man/months
Fixed monthly cost, without overhead
Budget reflects actually spent hours
Monthly payments based on the time and
resources used in the project
Budget is based on the requirements
Estimation includes project cost, delivery date
and detailed plan for completion
Fixed price according to the agreement
Team exclusivity
Ability to select and monitor team members
Flexible contract terms
No start-up or maintenance fees
More flexible than fixed budget
Budget can be adjusted according to the
Lower risk, as the project can be changed or
canceled at any stage
Wider predictability of the projects costs
Well-defined time limits
Exact development plan and technical
Proactive work to add value to your business within various stages of growth
Skilled staff / specific skills as needed throughout the lifecycle of your software products
Proven track record of nearshore cooperation with central and northern European companies
Matching IT skills, work culture and business vision
Personal and reliable relationship with fast and efficient communication
Increased focus of your internal staff on core competencies
Important reduction of your software costs and time-to-market
+ Help to deploy your products in African and Latin American markets
Overall benefits
Edif鱈cio Atlas I
Av. Jos辿 Gomes Ferreira, 9  7尊
1495-139 Lisboa Portugal
p +351 214 124 600
f +351 214 124 601
e marketing@cleverti.com
w cleverti.com
clevertii n n o v a t i o n w o r k s !
We offer flexible business models that enable increased capacity, scalability and a more efficient use of resources.

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  • 1. Why source from Portugal... Gateway to Africa & Latin America Portugal is a matchless strategic location for companies seeking to expand their business into Portuguese and Spanish-speaking markets. From Portugal it is possible to cover the entire Iberian Peninsula as a market. Portugal is the European country closest to the American time zones. Historically, Portugal has privileged liaisons with Africa and Latin America. Portuguese is the 5th most spoken language in the world. Portuguese-speaking countries represent a market of about 250 million people. Many relevant IT solutions used worldwide today were developed in Portugal First pre-paid mobile phone card in the world Software solution for the safe circulation of European citizens within Schengen area Software applications that assure the integrity of NASAs mission-critical IT systems If you are among the 3 million people that use the London Underground, or the train in the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark or Finland, you are also using Portuguese technology as the software that schedules the railway crews was developed in Portugal. The European advantage Western European ethics in culture, law and business as Portugal is a founding member of the European Union and Eurozone. Inflation is low and the Euro protects European clients against currency fluctuations. There are no Visa restrictions on staff. Business in a pleasant destination Portugal has a highly rated business environment and advanced access and communication infrastructures. The country is very attractive for its quality of life, political stability and security. Portugal also has privileged geography and climate with an average of 220 sunshine days per year. All major European airlines fly to Lisbon with plenty of direct flights from most European hubs. Clients staff are usually receptive to travel to Lisbon both on planned trips and on short notice. High quality human capital at competitive costs The IT industry in Portugal is comprised of a highly skilled, experienced, driven and adaptable workforce. Portuguese workers are also language-skilled, as half of the population speaks 1 foreign language and a quarter speaks at least 2. Despite the broad qualification of the workforce, wages in Portugal are competitive and staff availability is high. Continuous improvement in education as a trend The quality of education and scientific research in Portugal is recognized internationally. Portuguese universities keep rising in European and world rankings. 35% of Portuguese students in their 20s are enrolled in tertiary education and 100.000 new graduates are expected in the next 4 years. Acknowledgment of the Portuguese talent is growing, as proven by the opening of investigation centres in Portugal and multiplication of international awards. State-of-the art ICT The ICT field has a high level of excellence in Portugal. Portugal keeps growing as a shared services and nearshore destination. Companies like SAP, IBM, Microsoft, Apple, Cisco, Altran and Nokia Siemens Networks are some of the global market players with operations of this kind in Portugal. Portuguese IT companies see their international recognition grow day-to-day thanks to state-of-the-art products and services.
  • 2. ...and why choose cleverti? cleverti is a Portuguese company providing nearshore outsourcing software Development, Testing and Support services. We serve small to midsize software companies and IT departments using different techno- logies and methodologies. The type of service we offer, number of staff engaged and business model adopted are tailored to your needs. We can undertake long-term operations with several resources as well as meet a spontaneous need for a single resource. Our value proposition is based on two principles: Provide you with enhanced technological capacity as needed; When relevant, help deploy your software products in Portugue- se and Spanish-speaking markets, making use of the product know-how acquired along the nearshore cooperation. Development Custom Software Development, Software Maintenance, Systems Integration and Migration. Developers skilled in common platforms and methodologies. Testing Functional and Non-functional Testing. Practice undertaking day-to-day testing operations. QA Engineers with international certifications. Support First, Second and Third-line Support. 24*7 worldwide coverage. Dedicated and shared services. Support Engineers with expertise, experience and drive for the role. Dedicated Team Time & Material Fixed Cost Long-term, ongoing cooperation Own management team More strategic relation Open-ended / long-term projects Variable requirements Hard to estimate required resources and/or plan the budget Frequent need to add new features Well-defined project specifications Well-defined budget and timeline Limited budget / small and quick project Dedicated team works as an extension of the customers organization Budget is measured in man/months Fixed monthly cost, without overhead Budget reflects actually spent hours Monthly payments based on the time and resources used in the project Budget is based on the requirements Estimation includes project cost, delivery date and detailed plan for completion Fixed price according to the agreement Team exclusivity Ability to select and monitor team members Flexible contract terms No start-up or maintenance fees More flexible than fixed budget Budget can be adjusted according to the requirements Lower risk, as the project can be changed or canceled at any stage Wider predictability of the projects costs Well-defined time limits Exact development plan and technical documentation When How Why Proactive work to add value to your business within various stages of growth Skilled staff / specific skills as needed throughout the lifecycle of your software products Proven track record of nearshore cooperation with central and northern European companies Matching IT skills, work culture and business vision Personal and reliable relationship with fast and efficient communication Increased focus of your internal staff on core competencies Important reduction of your software costs and time-to-market + Help to deploy your products in African and Latin American markets Overall benefits Edif鱈cio Atlas I Av. Jos辿 Gomes Ferreira, 9 7尊 Miraflores 1495-139 Lisboa Portugal p +351 214 124 600 f +351 214 124 601 e marketing@cleverti.com w cleverti.com clevertii n n o v a t i o n w o r k s ! We offer flexible business models that enable increased capacity, scalability and a more efficient use of resources.