This document provides information on Wiggins' non-pressurizing fast fueling system called the JNX. It summarizes the system components, including the automatic shutoff valve, jet level sensor/vent, refueling nozzles, and accessories. It explains that the JNX system is fail-shut and overfill resistant, providing a safer option than competitors' non-pressurizing systems.
This document provides assembly and maintenance instructions for a single stage centrifugal pump. It describes installing the inner and outer bearings in the bearing block, inserting the keyed shaft through the bearings and splash ring. It also details assembling the packing gland unit with packing rings and locking ring, installing the shaft sleeve and impeller with O-ring and key, and attaching the casing with a flat gasket. Procedures for dismantling the impeller, gland packing, bearings and shaft are also outlined.
The document is a motor operations manual from Cavo Drilling Motors. It provides information on Cavo's drilling motor designs, applications, operation procedures, performance factors, specifications, and troubleshooting guidelines. The manual aims to aid users in selecting, using, and maintaining Cavo downhole drilling motors for various drilling applications.
The document discusses centrifugal pump classification, installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting. It begins with an overview of centrifugal pump classification according to ANSI/API standards, describing various pump designs and their type codes. It then covers topics like pump installation, maintenance processes and tasks, and common issues that can cause insufficient discharge flow such as the pump not being primed, low speed, high system head, and more.
The document defines a spanner and wrench as a hand tool used to provide grip and torque for turning nuts and bolts. It then provides formulas to convert between bolt sizes in millimeters and the required spanner or wrench size based on ANSI/ISO standards. A second table shows formulas for converting bolt sizes to the appropriate Allen key size. The purpose is to help determine the proper tool size needed based on the bolt diameter.
This document provides product identification information for Asconumatics products. It explains their alphanumeric and numerical catalogue numbering systems used to identify products. It provides details on what each part of the catalogue number represents, such as prefixes, series numbers, and suffixes. It also describes how to use the catalogue numbering system to find specific product information and specifications in the company's catalogues.
1. The document discusses separation techniques for removing impurities from fuels, including gravity separation and centrifugation.
2. Gravity separation uses settling tanks and centrifuges apply centrifugal force to separate denser components like water and dirt from lighter components like fuel.
3. Centrifugation, or the use of centrifuges, amplifies the effects of gravity through high-speed rotation, allowing for more rapid and continuous separation than gravity alone.
This document provides specifications for flanges and bolts for piping systems. It includes tables with information on flange size, bolt quantity, stud size, and end-to-end length for different pipe sizes. The tables cover Class 150, 300, 400, 600 and 900 flanges under product lines such as Series A, B, and others.
This document provides information on various vibration signatures and their potential causes. It discusses signatures related to unbalance, misalignment, looseness, resonance, gears, bearings, electrical issues, and other faults. Key points covered include the relationships between frequency peaks, phase measurements, speed-dependent amplitudes, and how different fault types affect the vibration spectrum.
A gasket fills the space between mating surfaces to prevent leakage when under compression. Gasket material allows for less precise fits between machine parts by filling irregularities. Gaskets are commonly cut from sheet materials and can be non-metallic, semi-metallic, or metallic depending on the application and standards.
Este documento describe las especificaciones y propiedades de los tubos cuadrados y rectangulares fabricados con acero ASTM A500. Estos tubos se utilizan com炭nmente en aplicaciones industriales, agr鱈colas y de transporte debido a que son f叩ciles de soldar, cortar, dar forma y maquinar. El documento proporciona detalles sobre las dimensiones, espesores, pesos y propiedades mec叩nicas de una amplia gama de tama単os de tubos cuadrados y rectangulares.
A p叩-carregadeira Case W20E-Turbo oferece maior pot棚ncia, versatilidade e conforto para o operador, com destaque para seu motor a diesel de 152 hp e cabine climatizada.
Este documento presenta un cat叩logo de sistemas de soporte Unistrut que incluye informaci坦n sobre productos, especificaciones y aplicaciones. El cat叩logo contiene secciones sobre soportes utilitarios, manejo de materiales, configuraciones de rieles acanalados, accesorios, sistemas de soporte para iluminaci坦n y datos t辿cnicos. Unistrut ofrece una amplia gama de soluciones de soporte ajustables y reutilizables para aplicaciones industriales, comerciales y de ingenier鱈a.
Seals are used to prevent fluid leakage. Mechanical seals specifically use two flat faces in contact that rotate to create a tight seal against leakage. They have primary sealing faces and secondary seals. Selection depends on factors like liquid properties, pressure, and temperature. Proper installation, material selection, and maintenance are important to prevent failures.
The training content covers:
- Importance of proper bearing storage
- Importance of proper bearing installation
- Importance of bearing maintenance
- Bearing mounting and dismounting methods
Este documento presenta el cat叩logo t辿cnico de productos de Reinike Hermanos S.A., una compa単鱈a chilena especializada en la fabricaci坦n de pernos especiales y productos de maestranza. El cat叩logo incluye 7 cap鱈tulos que describen los servicios, campos industriales, y especificaciones t辿cnicas de pernos, esp叩rragos, tuercas, golillas y otros productos.
Este documento presenta tablas que especifican la capacidad de corriente en amperios para diferentes calibres de cables THHN, THWN y THW en funci坦n de la temperatura ambiente y el n炭mero de conductores. Tambi辿n incluye un factor de correcci坦n para temperaturas distintas a 30属C y m叩s de 3 conductores. Por 炭ltimo, describe una f坦rmula para calcular la m叩xima corriente de cortocircuito permitida para cables THHN y THW.
O documento lista as especifica巽探es t辿cnicas de v叩rios modelos de injetores, incluindo marca, modelo do injetor, resist棚ncia, indut但ncia e outras medidas. Fornece detalhes sobre injetores usados em ve鱈culos como Cummins, Frontier, Renault Master, Siemmens Ford, Volvo, Dodge Ram, Ducato e outros.
The document contains information about pipe sizes and their corresponding water flow capacities. It provides the inner diameter (ID) and outer diameter (OD) for schedule 40 steel pipes of various sizes. It then lists the gallons per minute (GPM) and gallons per hour (GPH) that can pass through each pipe size under different pressure assumptions: low pressure/suction side of pump, average pressure of 20-100 PSI, and high/peak pressure. It also notes the potential for pressure loss and noise at higher flow rates. A second table provides GPM values corresponding to different pipe sizes and pressures in PSI.
This document compares three types of valves: SMC ball valves, stainless steel valves, and PVC valves. SMC ball valves have a simple structure and manufacturing process, are very watertight, resistant to heat deformation, harmless to humans, and require little maintenance. However, they have high initial costs. Stainless steel valves have a complicated structure, are watertight but prone to issues from wear, are not deformable by heat, but can freeze and rupture in low temperatures. PVC valves have a complicated structure, average watertightness, are prone to deformation by heat, are harmful to humans, and have a short product life requiring high maintenance costs.
This document provides a test plan for a Perkins Vista A 105HP fuel injection pump with specifications and procedures. It lists the pump rotation as clockwise, governor spring position as 5, and plunger diameter as 7.0 mm. The test conditions are specified as ISO 4113 fluid at 40属C, 0.3 bar inlet pressure, and specific nozzle and holder components. The test procedures include measuring delivery, governor response, cut-off, idle delivery, shut-off, timing, and overcheck values to validate the pump settings.
This document provides an electrical wiring diagram for a 2000 Lexus RX 300. It includes a legend identifying various electrical components and their associated abbreviations. The diagram maps out the electrical connections between components like the engine control module, ignition coils, fuel injectors, sensors, and other systems. Connector locations and wire colors are specified.
This document provides instructions for properly aligning coupled machinery. It outlines important checks to perform before starting alignment like ensuring low shaft and coupling runout. It describes taking initial alignment readings and calculating required movement if misalignment is found. The key steps are correcting for radial and axial misalignment separately, then total alignment by adding or removing shims at the machine legs as needed. The final step confirms alignment is within tolerance by taking a last reading. Overall the document stresses performing top-bottom alignment before side-to-side for best results.
The document discusses bearing failure analysis, including classifying failure modes, potential causes of premature failure, and how to properly analyze failed bearings. It provides an overview of a training on bearing failure analysis, which examines damaged bearings to determine the root cause of failure. The training aims to help experts classify failure modes and identify causes like lubrication issues, mechanical damage, or material defects. It also outlines best practices for securing evidence from failed bearings to facilitate accurate analysis.
This document provides specifications for various sizes of metric hex nuts, including their nominal size, thread pitch, width across flats for wrench size, minimum and maximum widths across corners, and minimum and maximum thickness. The table lists specifications for hex nut sizes from M1.6 to M64.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre la Serie 30/31 de v叩lvulas de mariposa fabricadas por Bray Controls. Estas v叩lvulas ofrecen mejor confiabilidad y vida 炭til debido a caracter鱈sticas como conexiones de v叩stago y disco resistentes, sellos primarios y secundarios efectivos, y asientos intercambiables. Adem叩s, las v叩lvulas Bray cumplen con varios est叩ndares internacionales y son compatibles con actuadores y bridas est叩ndar.
This document provides information about well completion processes and equipment. It discusses steps like well clean up, mud displacement, perforating, and describes completion equipment such as packers, landing nipples, perforated joints, and side pocket mandrels. The document is a reference for engineers, providing technical details on well completion design, operations, and component functions.
The Novaplex Integral is a diaphragm pump that uses hydraulically actuated diaphragms rather than direct contact between the crank gear and process fluid. The diaphragms separate the hydraulic fluid from the pumped liquid to ensure zero leakage. Novaplex Integral pumps can handle high pressures and flow rates, making them suitable for critical installations. They use double diaphragms with position control and leak detection for safety.
This document provides information on various vibration signatures and their potential causes. It discusses signatures related to unbalance, misalignment, looseness, resonance, gears, bearings, electrical issues, and other faults. Key points covered include the relationships between frequency peaks, phase measurements, speed-dependent amplitudes, and how different fault types affect the vibration spectrum.
A gasket fills the space between mating surfaces to prevent leakage when under compression. Gasket material allows for less precise fits between machine parts by filling irregularities. Gaskets are commonly cut from sheet materials and can be non-metallic, semi-metallic, or metallic depending on the application and standards.
Este documento describe las especificaciones y propiedades de los tubos cuadrados y rectangulares fabricados con acero ASTM A500. Estos tubos se utilizan com炭nmente en aplicaciones industriales, agr鱈colas y de transporte debido a que son f叩ciles de soldar, cortar, dar forma y maquinar. El documento proporciona detalles sobre las dimensiones, espesores, pesos y propiedades mec叩nicas de una amplia gama de tama単os de tubos cuadrados y rectangulares.
A p叩-carregadeira Case W20E-Turbo oferece maior pot棚ncia, versatilidade e conforto para o operador, com destaque para seu motor a diesel de 152 hp e cabine climatizada.
Este documento presenta un cat叩logo de sistemas de soporte Unistrut que incluye informaci坦n sobre productos, especificaciones y aplicaciones. El cat叩logo contiene secciones sobre soportes utilitarios, manejo de materiales, configuraciones de rieles acanalados, accesorios, sistemas de soporte para iluminaci坦n y datos t辿cnicos. Unistrut ofrece una amplia gama de soluciones de soporte ajustables y reutilizables para aplicaciones industriales, comerciales y de ingenier鱈a.
Seals are used to prevent fluid leakage. Mechanical seals specifically use two flat faces in contact that rotate to create a tight seal against leakage. They have primary sealing faces and secondary seals. Selection depends on factors like liquid properties, pressure, and temperature. Proper installation, material selection, and maintenance are important to prevent failures.
The training content covers:
- Importance of proper bearing storage
- Importance of proper bearing installation
- Importance of bearing maintenance
- Bearing mounting and dismounting methods
Este documento presenta el cat叩logo t辿cnico de productos de Reinike Hermanos S.A., una compa単鱈a chilena especializada en la fabricaci坦n de pernos especiales y productos de maestranza. El cat叩logo incluye 7 cap鱈tulos que describen los servicios, campos industriales, y especificaciones t辿cnicas de pernos, esp叩rragos, tuercas, golillas y otros productos.
Este documento presenta tablas que especifican la capacidad de corriente en amperios para diferentes calibres de cables THHN, THWN y THW en funci坦n de la temperatura ambiente y el n炭mero de conductores. Tambi辿n incluye un factor de correcci坦n para temperaturas distintas a 30属C y m叩s de 3 conductores. Por 炭ltimo, describe una f坦rmula para calcular la m叩xima corriente de cortocircuito permitida para cables THHN y THW.
O documento lista as especifica巽探es t辿cnicas de v叩rios modelos de injetores, incluindo marca, modelo do injetor, resist棚ncia, indut但ncia e outras medidas. Fornece detalhes sobre injetores usados em ve鱈culos como Cummins, Frontier, Renault Master, Siemmens Ford, Volvo, Dodge Ram, Ducato e outros.
The document contains information about pipe sizes and their corresponding water flow capacities. It provides the inner diameter (ID) and outer diameter (OD) for schedule 40 steel pipes of various sizes. It then lists the gallons per minute (GPM) and gallons per hour (GPH) that can pass through each pipe size under different pressure assumptions: low pressure/suction side of pump, average pressure of 20-100 PSI, and high/peak pressure. It also notes the potential for pressure loss and noise at higher flow rates. A second table provides GPM values corresponding to different pipe sizes and pressures in PSI.
This document compares three types of valves: SMC ball valves, stainless steel valves, and PVC valves. SMC ball valves have a simple structure and manufacturing process, are very watertight, resistant to heat deformation, harmless to humans, and require little maintenance. However, they have high initial costs. Stainless steel valves have a complicated structure, are watertight but prone to issues from wear, are not deformable by heat, but can freeze and rupture in low temperatures. PVC valves have a complicated structure, average watertightness, are prone to deformation by heat, are harmful to humans, and have a short product life requiring high maintenance costs.
This document provides a test plan for a Perkins Vista A 105HP fuel injection pump with specifications and procedures. It lists the pump rotation as clockwise, governor spring position as 5, and plunger diameter as 7.0 mm. The test conditions are specified as ISO 4113 fluid at 40属C, 0.3 bar inlet pressure, and specific nozzle and holder components. The test procedures include measuring delivery, governor response, cut-off, idle delivery, shut-off, timing, and overcheck values to validate the pump settings.
This document provides an electrical wiring diagram for a 2000 Lexus RX 300. It includes a legend identifying various electrical components and their associated abbreviations. The diagram maps out the electrical connections between components like the engine control module, ignition coils, fuel injectors, sensors, and other systems. Connector locations and wire colors are specified.
This document provides instructions for properly aligning coupled machinery. It outlines important checks to perform before starting alignment like ensuring low shaft and coupling runout. It describes taking initial alignment readings and calculating required movement if misalignment is found. The key steps are correcting for radial and axial misalignment separately, then total alignment by adding or removing shims at the machine legs as needed. The final step confirms alignment is within tolerance by taking a last reading. Overall the document stresses performing top-bottom alignment before side-to-side for best results.
The document discusses bearing failure analysis, including classifying failure modes, potential causes of premature failure, and how to properly analyze failed bearings. It provides an overview of a training on bearing failure analysis, which examines damaged bearings to determine the root cause of failure. The training aims to help experts classify failure modes and identify causes like lubrication issues, mechanical damage, or material defects. It also outlines best practices for securing evidence from failed bearings to facilitate accurate analysis.
This document provides specifications for various sizes of metric hex nuts, including their nominal size, thread pitch, width across flats for wrench size, minimum and maximum widths across corners, and minimum and maximum thickness. The table lists specifications for hex nut sizes from M1.6 to M64.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre la Serie 30/31 de v叩lvulas de mariposa fabricadas por Bray Controls. Estas v叩lvulas ofrecen mejor confiabilidad y vida 炭til debido a caracter鱈sticas como conexiones de v叩stago y disco resistentes, sellos primarios y secundarios efectivos, y asientos intercambiables. Adem叩s, las v叩lvulas Bray cumplen con varios est叩ndares internacionales y son compatibles con actuadores y bridas est叩ndar.
This document provides information about well completion processes and equipment. It discusses steps like well clean up, mud displacement, perforating, and describes completion equipment such as packers, landing nipples, perforated joints, and side pocket mandrels. The document is a reference for engineers, providing technical details on well completion design, operations, and component functions.
The Novaplex Integral is a diaphragm pump that uses hydraulically actuated diaphragms rather than direct contact between the crank gear and process fluid. The diaphragms separate the hydraulic fluid from the pumped liquid to ensure zero leakage. Novaplex Integral pumps can handle high pressures and flow rates, making them suitable for critical installations. They use double diaphragms with position control and leak detection for safety.
This document summarizes the key components and functions of an industrial hydraulic system. The system uses pressurized hydraulic fluid to power machinery through either an open or closed loop circuit. It then describes the specific hydraulic system used for a gasification unit, including the power pack, working field circuit, and recirculation unit. It provides details on the hydraulic reservoir, pumps, filters, accumulators, valves, actuators, and other critical components that make up the system. Maintenance procedures are also briefly outlined.
Welcome to ELGi Equipments Brazil Always Better. We manufacture a wide range of air compressors, air accessories and parts for all verticals of industries.
The Jindex Pinch Valve range has been designed to solve process problems associated with controlling the flow of abrasive or corrosive fluids. Industries such as mineral processing, pulp and paper, power generation, chemical handling, effluent treatment, water and waste water use the Jindex Pinch Valve.
Carel electronic expansion valves are designed to meet any cooling capacity requirements up to 2000 kW in air-conditioning and refrigeration applications, and stand out above all for their excellent flow control, even at lower flow-rates.
Carel expansion valves have three main strengths:
1. Reliability over time: the standard design process used for the Carel ExV valves includes accelerated life testing of 1*106 cycles; the valves are certified in accordance with the main national and international standards; compliance with these standards guarantees maximum quality of both the products and the manufacturing process, as well as continuous commitment to improving the environmental management system.
2. Very precise control: this is guaranteed by Carel electronic controllers, designed especially to optimise management of air-conditioning and refrigeration systems, with special focus on energy saving. In addition, highly precise control is also assured by the special shape of the movable elements, guaranteeing flow with an equal percentage characteristic, the stroke length, achieved by using stainless steel ball-bearings, and the use of high precision mechanical components.
3. Perfect refrigerant tightness: despite the rotary motion of the motor, the movable element does not rotate during movement. This allows the use of a high quality Teflon seal, which rests gently on the valve seat, without any sliding. To improve tightness of the seal, an elastic steel spring is fitted that pushes the movable element against the seat when the system is closed: this moreover allows the motor to complete a number of extra turns before stopping. The energy accumulated by the spring in this stage gives additional energy to close the valve, meaning tightness values that are comparable to those provided by a traditional solenoid valve.
Finally, testing of 100% of the valves manufactured provides a further guarantee of reliability over time and valve tightness, and helps ensure operations with a reduced environmental impact.
This document discusses the importance of proper valve maintenance for pipeline safety and the environment. It introduces the SafeSeal360 valve greasing system, which helps ensure critical valves are properly lubricated to maintain integrity. The system reduces valve failure risks and costs compared to replacement. It can be mounted near valves and greased remotely or on-site, extending valve life and reducing leakage and maintenance needs.
The document discusses the importance of proper valve maintenance for pipeline safety and the environment. It introduces the SafeSeal360 valve greasing system, which helps ensure critical valves are properly lubricated and sealed. The system attaches to valves, uses high pressure to distribute grease evenly around the valve in 360 degrees, and can be operated remotely. This extends valve life and reduces costs of replacement or repairs from leakage. The system is ideal for valves in remote or environmentally sensitive areas.
Pressure Jet offers its customers the best Hydro Jetting Machines available. Hydro jetting pumps, which have undergone extensive testing and are available for sale in both domestic and foreign markets, are produced to order and tailored to the specific needs of the end user. Visit our company's website for any other queries.
PressureJet - Manufacturer Of High Pressure Hydro Test Pump, Hydro Jetting Ma...sewerjettingpumps
PressureJet - World Class Manufacturer and Exporter of High Pressure Hydro Test Pump, Hydro Jetting Machine, Hydro Blasting Machine, High Pressure Cleaning Pump and first choice for Major Industrial Pump Applications.
The document provides an overview of general control valves, including:
- Definitions of control valves and their functions
- The four main features of control valves: capacity, rangeability, characteristics, and pressure drop
- The three main types of flow characteristics: linear, equal percentage, and quick opening
- Potential issues like cavitation and flashing
- The components and construction of common control valve types like globe, ball, butterfly, and diaphragm valves
- Actuator types, bonnet designs, and other accessories
- Considerations for valve sizing, selection, and installation
PressureJet - World Class Manufacturer and Exporter of High Pressure Hydro Test Pump, Hydro Jetting Machine, Hydro Blasting Machine, High Pressure Cleaning Pump and first choice for Major Industrial Pump Applications.
The document provides an overview of general control valves, including:
- Definitions of control valves and their functions
- Common features such as capacity, rangeability, characteristics, and pressure drop
- Types of flow characteristics including linear, equal percentage, and quick opening
- Potential issues like cavitation and flashing
- Examples of control valve classifications and constructions
- Considerations for actuators, bonnets, and accessories
The document serves as an introduction to key concepts for control valves.
Merlin Marine Test Equipment provides equipment for testing and repairing diesel fuel injection systems. This includes fuel pump test stands, camboxes, calibration rigs, injector testers, and an ultrasonic cleaning tank. The document provides details on the DC 80-EM fuel pump test stand which is designed for calibrating large single cylinder fuel pumps. It also describes the S400-M injector tester used for testing injectors and the Autolap 200 nozzle lapping machine used for reconditioning injector nozzles.
This document contains a user manual for automatic control valves that includes the following sections:
- Section 1 provides information on basic valves including their operation, sizing guides for metal valves, details on plastic valves, and installation instructions.
- Section 2 covers automatic control valves in more detail including their design, operating pressures and velocities, media they can control, control options, and hydraulic performance.
- Section 3 includes operating instructions and a troubleshooting guide.
The manual provides technical specifications and guidelines for proper use of different types of automatic control valves for applications like irrigation, sewage, and industrial processes. It explains the valves' components, operation, pressure and flow characteristics.
2. aboutus
History & Innovation
By 1967, when we entered the off
highway market, Wiggins connec-
tors was already recognized
throughout the aerospace industry
as an innovator in fueling systems.
With over 45 years of experience
in high quality refueling systems,
AdelWiggins Group has the con-
nectors, nozzles, receivers and
vents to make your fleet as efficient
and safe as possible.
As a leader in the field of highly engineered aerospace components, we
have leveraged our knowledge to successfully develop high quality parts to
support the mining and construction industry. Leading the way with new
products, in 1972 we introduced the ZZ9A nozzle, part of the fast, clean and
efficient refueling which has become virtually an industry standard today.
Following up on that success, we made a more reliable, lighter and faster fu-
eling nozzle, the ZZ9A1. And now, we are introducing the new Wiggins noz-
zle, ZZ9A2 and the new JNX receiver with the JVX vent; the industrys safest
and most reliable refueling system.
3. 3323.881.7601 Fax: 323.981.7301
Contact Us
Wiggins Service Systems
5000 Triggs Street, Los Angeles, CA 90022
323.269.9181 Fax: 323.269.3759
Sales Administrator | Katrina Ureno,, 323.881.7601
Distribution Manager | Dave Martin,, 323.881.7646
Business Unit Manager | Mario Pantuso,, 323.881.7637
Technical Support | Chris Quang,, 323.881.7667
4. non-pressurizing
The JNX Series Non-Pressurizing
Fast Fueling System
Fast, Clean, and ULTRA SAFE
The Wiggins JNX non pressurizing system allows for automatic diesel refueling at up
to 211 gpm (800 lpm) with existing Wiggins nozzles and does not pressurize the fuel
tank. Shutoff is automatic, fully self contained, and cannot be overridden. JNX
offers top line quality, performance, and reliability at a competitive price.
Competitors Non Pressurizing Systems
Competitors' non pressurizing systems use float valves and are FAIL OPEN systems.
They will overfill and pressurize the fuel tank if fueling is carried out with a faulty float
valve or bleed hose. (Competitors' systems commonly make use of an internal bleed
hose, which is vulnerable to fatigue due to fuel slosh.) In this situation, fuel continues
to bleed through the faulty float valve or hose even when the fuel level has passed
the required shutoff point, preventing pressure from equalizing across the shutoff
piston. The pressure imbalance keeps the piston open, and fuel continues to flow
into the tank unchecked. Consequently, the tank overfills and is pressurized in
proportion to the flow rate the higher the flow rate, the greater the spillage and
pressure build up creating a potentially severe safety and environmental hazard.
The Wiggins ULTRA SAFE JNX System
The Wiggins JNX system represents a technological leap forward in non pressurizing
automatic diesel refueling systems. The JNX system uses conventional
pressure sensitive fuel nozzles such as the Wiggins ZZ9A1 and ZZ9A2 while providing
users with unique FAIL SHUT and OVERFILL RESISTANT features not matched by the
The Wiggins JNX shutoff valve is FAIL SHUT: the spring closed main valve can only
be opened by a pressure signal from the jet level sensor if for any reason the
pressure signal is lost, the main valve will close, shutting off the flow of fuel into the
tank. This ensures that overfilling the tank is not possible even if any part of the jet
level sensor or signal hose were to fail.
The unique Wiggins jet level sensor does not have any moving parts to wear out and
is thus extremely reliable. The Wiggins non pressurizing system uses only external
signal hoses, making JNX easy to install and maintain. The JNX system is available in
both direct and remote fill configurations.
5. When the pressure signal is
cut o鍖 by the rising fuel level,
the JNX valve closes, which
also triggers the fuel nozzle to
shut o鍖, and fueling is stopped
When the fuel level is higher
than the jet level sensor, the
jet is interrupted, cu陶ng o鍖
the pressure signal to the
JNX valve
5323.881.7601 Fax: 323.981.7301
How It Works
Fuel 鍖ows through the signal
hoses and jet level sensor,
creang a pressure signal to
open the JNX valve and allow
fuel into the tank
During fueling, the jet level
sensor is uninterrupted and
allows fueling to connue
Automac Shuto鍖 Valve
(JNX 01 02 25 shown)
Refueling Nozzle
(ZZ9A2 shown)
Jet Level Sensor/Vent
(JVX shown)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210
Flow Rate (lpm)
Flow Rate (gpm)
JNX System Pressure Drop vs. Flow Rate
(ZZ9A2 nozzle connected to JNX-01-02)
*Note: actual pressure drop will vary based on 鍖uid density and viscosity.
6. X
Standard automatic shutoff valve
ZN2 style receiver interface to mate with
ZZ9A1 or ZZ9A2 nozzle
2" NPT male thread for mounting to tank
Works with JVX (short) or JVXL (long) jet
level sensor/vent
211 gpm (800 lpm) maximum flow rate
Min. Flow Rate 25 gpm (95 lpm)
Max. Flow Rate 211 gpm (800 lpm)
Operating Pressure 75 psig (520 kPa)
Weight 3.33 lbs (1.51 kg)
Automatic ShutoffValves
Standard automatic shutoff valve
ZN2-style receiver interface to mate with
ZZ9A1 or ZZ9A2 nozzle
Bolt-on mounting flange
Works with JVX (short) or JVXL (long) jet
level sensor/vent
211 gpm (800 lpm) maximum flow rate
Min. Flow Rate 25 gpm (95 lpm)
Max. Flow Rate 211 gpm (800 lpm)
Operating Pressure 75 psig (520 kPa)
Weight 3.94 lbs (1.79 kg)
7. 7323.881.7601 Fax: 323.981.7301
Standard automatic shutoff valve
2" JIC Adapter for fuel transfer hose
2" NPT male thread for mounting to tank
Works with JVX (short) or JVXL (long) jet level sensor/vent
211 gpm (800 lpm) maximum flow rate
Min. Flow Rate 25 gpm (95 lpm)
Max. Flow Rate 211 gpm (800 lpm)
Operating Pressure 75 psig (520 kPa)
Weight 3.74 lbs (1.70 kg)
Standard automatic shutoff valve
2" JIC Adapter for fuel transfer hose
Bolt-on mounting flange
Works with JVX (short) or JVXL (long) jet level sensor/vent
211 gpm (800 lpm) maximum flow rate
Min. Flow Rate 25 gpm (95 lpm)
Max. Flow Rate 211 gpm (800 lpm)
Operating Pressure 75 psig (520 kPa)
Weight 4.35 lbs (1.97 kg)
Automatic ShutoffValves
Remote automatic shutoff valve
Code 61 inlet adapter
2" NPT male thread for mounting to
Works with JVX (short) or JVXL (long)
jet level sensor/vent
211 gpm (800 lpm) maximum flow rate
Automatic shutoff valve
2" NPT adapter for ZN2-type receiver
2" NPT male thread for mounting to
Works with JVX (short) or JVXL (long)
jet level sensor/vent
211 gpm (800 lpm) maximum flow rate
Remote automatic shutoff valve
Code 61 inlet adapter
12-bolt mounting flange (as used on
certain CAT速 machines)
Works with JVX (short) or JVXL (long)
jet level sensor/vent
211 gpm (800 lpm) maximum flow rate
Automatic shutoff valve
2" NPT adapter for ZN2-type receiver
Bolt-on mounting flange
Works with JVX (short) or JVXL (long)
jet level sensor/vent
211 gpm (800 lpm) maximum flow rate
9. 9323.881.7601 Fax: 323.981.7301
Jet Level/Sensor/Vent
Vent assembly with integrated
jet level sensor,
3 psig relief valve, and spill
Jet level sensor does not have
moving parts: it is extremely
2" NPT male thread for
mounting to tank
Short sensor length
Vent assembly with integrated
jet level sensor,
3 psig relief valve, and spill
Jet level sensor does not have
moving parts: it is extremely
2" NPT male thread for
mounting to tank
Long sensor length
248 mm
74 mm
116 mm
74 mm
Fuel Level
74 mm
305 mm
116 mm
Fuel Level
131 mm
Operating Pressure 75 psig (520 kPa)
Weight 1.74 lbs (0.79 kg)
Operating Pressure 75 psig (520 kPa)
Weight 1.72 lbs (0.78 kg)
10. www.fastfueling.com10
Refueling Nozzles
Industry-standard diesel refueling
150 gpm (570 lpm) maximum flow rate
Automatic shutoff; works with
pressurizing and non-pressurizing
1.5" NPT female inlet thread
Durable, dependable Elast-O-Dog
Field-replaceable components
441 mm
O 2.95"
75 mm
442 mm
O 2.95"
75 mm
Min. Flow Rate 25 gpm (95 lpm)
Max. Flow Rate 150 gpm (570 lpm)
Operating Pressure 75 psig (520 kPa)
Weight 5.64 lbs (2.56 kg)
High-flow rate diesel refueling nozzle
211 gpm (800 lpm) maximum flow rate
Automatic shutoff; works with
pressurizing and non-pressurizing
2" NPT female inlet thread
Durable, dependable Elast-O-Dog
Field-replaceable components
Min. Flow Rate 25 gpm (95 lpm)
Max. Flow Rate 211 gpm (800 lpm)
Operating Pressure 75 psig (520 kPa)
Weight 6.10 lbs (2.77 kg)
11. 323.881.7601 Fax: 323.981.7301 11
JNC2A VR310-11
JNX-75 CSPF-C007
Receiver for use with
remote JNX: mates
with ZZ9A1 or ZZ9A2
Extra-light spring to
minimize risk of
premature shutoff
Comes with protective
dust cap
Weld-on flange for
mounting JNX-01-02-25
or JNX-01-64-25
2' NPT Extension for
mounting JNX receiver inside
ZNC3, ZNC3L, ZNC4 and
Weld-on 2" NPT half coupling
for mounting automatic
shutoff valve or jet level
Wiggins offers a variety of adapters, flanges, and hose kits that allow JNX to be
customized to suit even the most challenging installations. Below are just a few examples:
12. fuelsystems
Actuating Assembly
Replacement Kit
Housing Handle
Replacement Kit
Rebuild Kit for ZN2CV
Installation Kit for ZN2CV
Fuel Systems
Latching Mechanism
Replacement Kit
Fuel Receiver with Check Valve
甌 ZZ9A1 Data Table
Flow Rate Pressure Operating Weight
(gpm) Drop Pressure (lbs)
25 1.0 psi 125 psig max 5.75
60 4.0 psi 125 psig max 5.75
100 9.0 psi 125 psig max 5.75
125 14.0 psi 125 psig max 5.75
150 24.0 psi 125 psig max 5.75
7 .50 MAX
13. 323.881.7601 Fax: 323.981.7301
The VR300 Fuel at 300 GPM
The VR300 system is also nonpressurized and has a flow capacity
of up to 300 gallons per minute. Non-pressurized systems allow
operators to use Wiggins high flow fueling systems on vehicles
with lightweight or composite fuel tanks.
Easy to Install
Can be mounted directly
on fuel tank, or in remote location
Several manufacturers have
equipped their vehicles to accept
the VR300 mounting
Designed for vehicles with large fuel
Fuel at rates up to 300 GPM
Spend less time fueling and more
time working
Interlock feature prevents spills from
disconnecting nozzle during fueling
Positive shut off cannot be
overfilled, shut off cannot be
Unique cam-lock nozzle attachment
assures a leak proof seal between
nozzle and receiver.
Uses same jet sensor technology as
Nozzle includes full tank indicator
Proven reliability hundreds of units
in use world wide
Rated Flow: 10 to 300 GPM
Operating Pressure: 25 to 125 PSIG
Pressure Drop: 7 PSID @ 200 GPM
18 PSID @ 300 GPM
Rotation: 30 Degrees
Disconnect Spillage: 3 cc, Max.
Housing Material: Aluminum
Weight: 9 LBS
Jet Sensor Assembly
Could be mounted on the
top or the side of the tank.
Fuel Receivers
Pressurized flush mount bolt-on
receiver with half coupling
Pressurized flush mount weld-on
receiver with half coupling
甌 Data Table
Receiver Application Poppet Color
ZN2A Standard for most applications and mountings Clear
ZN2B has a light spring to avoid premature shutoff when Blue
head pressure is higher than normal
ZN2D has a heavy spring to avoid overfilling the tank when Red
head pressure is lower than normal
ZN2AC Stainless-Steel version of ZN2A Clear
ZNC2A Same as ZN2 with cap
15. fueltankvents
323.881.7601 Fax: 323.981.7301
3.00 HEX
4X .375 HOLES 90属 APART
2.0 0
3.000 HEX
5.75 APPRO X
10.00 APPRO X
3.0 0
甌 Data Table
Vent Mounting Length Pressure Rebuild Kit
Model Style Relief Number
ZV10 Pipe Thread 9.375 10.2 - 12.9 psi K30285
ZV10A Welded Half-Coupling 9.375 10.2 - 12.9 psi K30285
ZV10B Flange/Gasket 9.375 10.2 - 12.9 psi K30285
ZV10C Same as ZV10 w/Threaded Outlet 9.500 10.2 - 12.9 psi K30285
ZV10F Same as ZV10 w/Long Stem 12.50 10.2 - 12.9 psi K30285
ZV11 Gas Cap Mount 9.312 10.2 - 12.9 psi K30285
ZV11A Gas Cap Mount w/Long Stem 12.50 10.2 - 12.9 psi K30285
ZV13 Vented Pipe Thread 12.00 10.4 - 11.3 psi N/A
ZV13F Long Stem 14.70 10.4 - 11.3 psi N/A
ON2 / C3B12
Crankcase Receiver and Cap
P1804 / P1880
Transmission Receiver and Cap
Crankcase Nozzle and Plug
C1807 / P1844
Transmission Nozzle and Plug
Service Couplings
To order nozzle
with plug (OP12),
specify OSP2
Mates with ON2
and ONC2A
To order receiver with cap, specify ONC2A
17. 6005A12 / 6008-12
Hydraulic Receiver and Cap
EC285A8 / 1208-8
Coolant Receiver and Cap
6000B12 / 6009-12
Hydraulic Nozzle and Plug
EC280B8 / 1209-8
Coolant Nozzle and Plug
Mates with EC285A8 Receiver
323.881.7601 Fax: 323.981.7301 17
Mates with
18. servicecouplings
Coolant Nozzle
Coolant Receiver
NOZZLE Dimension
Application Part # Cap A B C D T
Coolant R11 R1107 2.70" Max 2.53" Approx 1.92" Approx 1.500" Hex .50" NPT Int. Thread
Transmission R13 R1307 3.10O" Max 2.85" Approx 2.20" Approx 1.750" Hex .75" NPT Int. Thread
Oil R15 R1507 3.300" Max 3.04" Approx 2.25" Approx 2.00" Hex .75" NPT Int. Thread
Hydraulic R17 R1707 3.700" Max 3.42" Approx 2.75" Approx 2.250" Hex 1.00" NPT Int. Thread
RECEIVER Dimension
Application Part # Cap A B C D T1 T2
Coolant R12 R1205 2.23" Max 1.17" Approx 1.410" Max 1.250" Hex 1.187"-12UN-2A Thread
.875"-14UNF-2B Int. Thread with SAE
J1926/1-10 Boss Seal Surface
Transmission R14 R1405 2.49" Max 1.39" Approx 1.610" Max 1.437" Hex 1.312"-12UN-2A Thread
1.062"-12UN-28 Int. Thread with SAE
J1926/1-12 Boss Seal Surface
Oil R16 R1605 250" Max 1.50" Approx 1.990" Max 1.750" Hex 1.625"-12UN-2A Thread
1.312"-12UN-2B Int. Thread with SAE
J1926/1-16 Boss Seal Surface
Hydraulic R18 R1805 2.89" Max 1.70 Approx 2.300" Max 2.000" Hex 1.875"-12UN-2A Thread
1.625"-12UN-2B Int. Thread with SAE
J1926/1-20 Boss Seal Surface
Service Couplings
19. 323.881.7601 Fax: 323.981.7301
ZS5 Nozzle (Mates with ZN2A)
The ZS5 Bulk Transfer Nozzle is designed
to mate with the ZN2 receiver. It can be
used to drain a fuel tank for servicing, or
to transfer fuel from one tank to another.
The end fitting is the same 2-inch NPT
female fitting as the ZZ9A1.
Nozzle Adapters for the ZZ9A1
Bulk Fuel Coupling
Breakaway Coupling
Breakaway Rebuildable Coupling
Straight ZN6A
Adapter Tube
90属 ZN6B
Adapter Tube
20. Wiggins Service Systems has been the leader in fast fueling systems since 1967.
Wiggins product is made with aerospace grade materials and combines superior
performance with unmatched quality and reliability. To learn more about Wiggins
fast fueling systems, contact your authorized Wiggins distributor or visit
Wiggins Service Systems
5000 Triggs Street, Los Angeles, CA 90022
323.269.9181Fax: 323.269.3759