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Wikimedia Foundation found that less than 10% of its contributors identify as female.
While the reasons for the gender gap are up for debate, the practical effect of this disparity is not.
Content is skewed by the lack of female participation.
This represents an alarming absence in an increasingly important repository of shared knowledge.
Librarians will provide training and reference sources to assist contributors in adding and improving
the Wikipedia entries for women in history. Please bring your own laptops or check one out on the
Library first floor. Light refreshments will be provided.
In partnership with the Cross Cultural Gender Center.
Free event. Open to the public. Parking is restricted.
For event information, contact Ray Pun at 559.278.2230 or email raypun@csufresno.edu.
For accessibility information, contact Susan Christensen at 559.278.5792 or email susanm@csufresno.edu.
12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Henry Madden Library Room 2108
(second floor, north, near Starbucks)
Womens Herstory Editathon
HenryMaddenLibrary MaddenLibrary

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wikipedia event_HerstoryEditathon 3-2016_v1.3

  • 1. Weinvitepeopleofall genderidentitiesexpressions transgendercisgender andgendernonconforming women Wikimedia Foundation found that less than 10% of its contributors identify as female. While the reasons for the gender gap are up for debate, the practical effect of this disparity is not. Content is skewed by the lack of female participation. This represents an alarming absence in an increasingly important repository of shared knowledge. Librarians will provide training and reference sources to assist contributors in adding and improving the Wikipedia entries for women in history. Please bring your own laptops or check one out on the Library first floor. Light refreshments will be provided. In partnership with the Cross Cultural Gender Center. Free event. Open to the public. Parking is restricted. For event information, contact Ray Pun at 559.278.2230 or email raypun@csufresno.edu. For accessibility information, contact Susan Christensen at 559.278.5792 or email susanm@csufresno.edu. Tuesday,March29 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Henry Madden Library Room 2108 (second floor, north, near Starbucks) Womens Herstory Editathon HenryMaddenLibrary MaddenLibrary