Implementing the Deep Hypertext concept: CT - revision control framework for real time distributed advanced revision control.
Claimed to be an Improvement on classic methods (snapshots, diff/patch) as well as on the OT. (OT is used in Google Wave/Docs).
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Wikisym Deep Hypertext slides
1. Deep Hypertext
with embedded revision control
implemented in regular expressions
Victor Grishchenko
TU Delft
2. Deep Hypertext
git for the Web,
with embedded revision control
implemented in regular
Victor Grishchenko
TU Delft
7. Text and hypertext
The Web you see as a glorified television
channel today is just one part of the plan. ...
...However, the intuitive editing interfaces
which make authoring a natural part of daily
life are still maturing....
need access control and archival tools that,
like browsing, don't require one to get into
the details of computer operating systems... of machines... toNelsonlinks only
-- Ted follow
from reliable sources...
-- Tim Berners-Lee
8. Text and hypertext
The Web you see as a glorified television
channel today is just one part of the plan. ...
...However, the intuitive editing interfaces
which make authoring a natural part of daily
life are still maturing....
need access control and archival tools that,
like browsing, don't require one to get into
the details of computer operating systems... of machines... toNelsonlinks only
-- Ted follow
from reliable sources...
-- Tim Berners-Lee
13. Synthesis
Michael: Wikipedia is the best
thing ever. Anyone in the
world can write anything they
want about any subject. So you
know you are getting the best
possible information.
-- The Office
14. Synthesis
Knuth is a fan of Wikipedia, but
he's a bit leery of the concept,
saying that he would not want to
have to remain forever on guard
after making technically Michael: Wikipedia is the best
complex contributions, lest his thing ever. Anyone in the
comments be badly reedited. world can write anything they
want about any subject. So you
-- Don Knuth know you are getting the best
possible information.
-- The Office
15. Social networks
git network LiveJournal network
Fwd: network twitter network
22. Simplicity
de鍖nition vs implementation
data formats: string-based
formal simplicity: STACKLESS DFA
-/=?^`{|}~]+@((((([a- z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9-]{0,62}[a-z0-9]
23. 爛0101意01温1艶温1温2恰温2恢2仰恢2温5壊温2温3a3恢1岳温3温42010杰
CT mechanics
atom offsets
within yarns 1 2 3 4 5
yarn "0"
! !
yarn "a"
Alice T e s t
atom a1
(Alice's 鍖rst)
yarn "b"
Bob x
causality relation:
a5 is caused by b2
weft: a4 weft: a4b2 weft: a5b2
25. Formal: contributions
real-time collaborative editing framework
enables git-like decentralized work鍖ows
string-based formats, regex-based
deep linking capability
deep hypertext with instant access
26. Applications of DH
real-time collaboration
federated Wikipedia
brainstorming wiki
darknet wikis
local/of鍖ine wikis
overlay content