1) A young bald eagle was spotted catching a duck and bringing it to a strip of ice to eat.
2) The young eagle was then joined by ravens and a mature bald eagle, who scared the others away but shared the duck.
3) A coyote approached and after the raptors left, ate the leftovers of the duck.
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Wild Kingdom!
1. Wild kingdom!January 26, 2010Apologies for the poor photo quality! The animals were far away, the light was flat and I dont really know how to use my new camera yet.
2. Anthony spotted this large bird of prey (raptor) making passes over the water. It was a little far away, but we could tell it was either a bald eagle or golden eagle, judging from its size.
4. But after a few passes, we realized it was circling two ducks , represented here as the two dark spots on the left. As an aside, Im also considering a future in Loch Ness Monster photography!
5. Yep, the eagle was after one of the ducks it landed directly on top of one and began smothering it (we assume).
9. to a strip of ice to eat. (Yes, we felt really bad for the ducksbut lets try to focus on what a good meal this is for the eagle.)
10. Here, the eagle was close enough for us to identify it as a young (<5 year-old) bald eagle. You can see that it only has speckled white feathers, not the full white head and tail. You can also tell (well, sort of) that the beak is in the process of turning yellow, but still dark toward the tip).
11. Soon, a couple of ravens flew over to get in on the action. They tend to follow bald eagles around, looking for an easy meal.
12. But the ravens werent the only ones looking for lunch. A mature bald eagle landed right on top of where the young eagle had been eating, scaring away the ravens. The young eagle jumped, but didnt leave. It also had the presence of mind to grab most of the duck, in its left talons.
13. The young eagle still has the duck. The mature eagle has a bunch of feathers. And one of the ravens had enough courage to come back.
14. And yell at the bald eagle for crashing the party.
15. Well off to the right, we noticed a coyote. This is about a quarter of a mile from where the raptor lunch was going down. At first, we thought it was a coincidence.
16. But then the coyote started making its way across the beach.