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wildfire press
wildfire press
A literary nonfiction publisher for a new generation, Wildfire Press
covers pressing social justice issues from fresh, empowering perspectives.
Through our books, we ignite social change on topics relevant to young
adults, such as access to education, food justice, sustainability, womens
rights, and aboriginal concerns.
At Wildfire Press, our books are not the final word. They are sparks our
readers can fan into flames. Creating true, lasting change is up to all of us.
Our Mission
Kathleen Burckhardt | Gill Cott | Alanna McMullen | Josh Oliveira | Ali ONeill | Zo? Tustin | Daryn Wright
imprint of Greystonewildfire press
A Graphic Novel
Written by Rukhsana Khan
Illustrated by Gavin Aung Than
A dynamic graphic portrayal of the early life of Nobel Prize-
winner, Malala Yousafzai, and how she courageously overcame
the oppressive forces that shaped her life.
Written by Rukhsana Khan
Illustrated by Gavin Aung Than
A Graphic Novel
The powerful story of a young activist who refused to be silenced
as she demanded education for girls throughout the world. From
humble beginnings, Nobel prize-winner Malala Yousafzai grew into
an international advocate for equality. While terrorist forces were
threatening her life, Malala found power and strength in education.
Malala in the Making is a moving graphic novel illustrating the day-
to-day challenges and decisions that shaped her in Taliban-controlled
Pakistan and eventually lead her to stand up for justice at gunpoint.
Four years after her recovery, this novel tells the story of the people
and events that made Malala into the hero and young activist for
womens education she is today.
September 25, 2016
ISBN: 798-842-413-1110
Graphic Novel
8" x 10" | 160 pp | trade paperback
full colour graphics throughout
? Partnership with The Malala Fund
? Supplementary teaching
resources available for ages 12 and up
? Advanced review copies
$18.95 cad Like many other young women, I was very moved by Malalas tale. You will
cry, laugh, and marvel at Malalas courage and grace in this moving visual
portrayal. - Emma Watson, Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women
Rukhsana Khan is a Pakistani Canadian childrens author and storyteller. Her work has appeared in
Message International and Kahani magazine, and she is the author of several picture books, including
Red Lollipop (2010) and Silly Chicken (2005). She has also written two novels C Wanting Moor (2009)
and Dahling, If You Luv Me Would You Please, Please Smile (1999) C and several short story collections.
Khan has been awarded the Golden Kite Award for picture book text for Red Lollipop. She was born in
Mingora, Pakistan - the same town as Malala - and now lives in Toronto.
Gavin Aung than is a cartoonist who has been featured in The Washington Post, The Huffington Post,
and Slate. He first gained recognition with his cartoon blog, Zen Pencils, where he graphically depicts
famous quotes by inspirational figures.
His first collection of comics, Dream the Impossible Dream: Vol I (2014), debuted on the New York
Times bestseller list. He lives in Melbourne, Australia.
My Harrowing Journey From Damascus to Canada
Nizar Hamdan
A young Syrian, Nizar Hamdan, tells the heartbreaking
story of his dangerous journey from war-torn Damascus to
the safety of Canada.
My Harrowing Journey from
Damascus to Canada
Nizar Hamdan
Bloodied and alone, 16-year-old Nizar Hamdan crawls out of the rubble
of his childhood home and walks out of the only country he has ever
known. In a crowded refugee camp in Turkey, Nizar desperately searches
for money for a flight to Canada, where his mother and sisters are waiting
worlds away. Among thousands of refugees fleeing conflict, Nizar is robbed
and beaten as he finds borders closed and governments hardened. Taking
desperate measures to cross Europe, Nizar finds himself clinging to the side
of an overcrowded boat, helplessly watching others lose their battles to the
elements. In a moment of despair he accepts that his journey C and life
C will end in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, but the hope of a new
home inspires him to keep fighting.
Nizar still carries the scars of his 5,800 mile journey. Now in the comfort of
a new home in Canada, he realizes he must use his voice to speak for those
who never made it to safety. This is his journey C one of so many, and one
you wont easily forget.
January 8, 2016
ISBN: 978-767-8767898
Memoir / Political / Current Issues
5.25? x 8? | 288 pp | trade paperback
? Canada-wide tour
? Promotion on CBC Radio
? Partnering with Canadian Red
Cross and UNHCR
? Author is an expert in the crisis and
has a connection to policy makers
$21.95 CAD
While the media floods us with stories of refugees, we rarely see the people
behind the headlines. Hamdan writes with passion and intelligence as he
desperately searches for peace among chaos. - Alison Flood, The Guardian
Nizar Hamdan grew up comfortably in Damascus with his family, until he lost his father and brothers
in a military attack on their neighbourhood. Since fleeing the violence in Syria, Hamdan is now studying
international relations at Trinity College in Toronto. He is an advocate for the protection of refugees and
campaigns for fair immigration policies across the world, including on campus at University of Toronto
where he is president of the Refugee Outreach Association and the Syrian Students Association. Hamdan,
now 20 years old, lives Toronto with his mother and sisters.
Bilal faheem is a translator who works in Vancouver. He has worked with many award winning Syrian
authors including Khaled Khalifa and Samar Yazbek
A Manifesto for Canadas Inclusive & Sustainable
Severn Cullis-Suzuki
With help from energetic young activists, Canada can reclaim the
lead on environmental and social causes C starting today!
With a more progressive government in Ottawa, tar sands oil production
in freefall, political engagement growing in native communities, and key
climate talks upcoming, the time for concerned Canadians to act is right
now! Severn Cullis-Suzuki shows us how in her first book, A New Leaf.
By connecting lessons learned in her past activism experiences, including
addressing the UN in 1993, to her intimate knowledge of pressing current
events, Severn provides readers with a clear path forward on social and
environmental issues.
Severn is an activist for a new generation. Shes funny, relatable, and tireless
in the fight to secure a more inclusive and sustainable future. Will you join
September 23, 2016
ISBN: 978-555-4529472
Current Issues
5.25? x 8? | 248 pp | trade paperback
b&w photos
? Podcasts with the Severn and guests
? Partnership with the David
Suzuki Foundation
? Book tour of Western Canada and
$19.95 cad
A New Leaf shows how recent events have provided Canada a chance
to re-enter the vanguard of progressive politics. The arrival of this fresh
voice from the Suzuki clan could not be more timely. - Tom Sandborn,
The Vancouver Sun
Severn Cullis-Suzuki is a public speaker, former television host, author, and daughter of renowned
Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki. She has a bachelors degree in ecology from Yale and a
masters in ethnobotany from the University of Victoria.
With 55,000+ social media followers and contributions to two prior books, Severn is a leading voice
for a new generation of activists.
When not fighting for social and environmental causes, Severn lives with her husband and two sons
in Haida Gwaii, B.C. She also sits on the boards of the David Suzuki Foundation and the Haida
Gwaii Higher Education Society.
A Manifesto for Canadas
Inclusive & Sustainable Future
Severn Cullis-Suzuki
Canadas Food Scarcity Epidemic
Sarah Elton
A compelling series of stories from people across Canada
exposing the startling reality of fresh food deserts and what
we can do to fix them.
a fresh vegetable is a treasure in Canadas food deserts, where access to
healthy food  especially produce  is limited by distance or cost.
Darryl struggles to afford food, yet he is overweight. Janets teeth are falling
out, but soda is her most affordable calorie source. After working two jobs,
Keelie can rarely travel thirty minutes to buy fresh food. She worries what
teachers think when they see potato chips in her childrens lunches.
From Vancouvers Downtown Eastside to North Preston Halifax and
throughout Canadas isolated North, people are eating poorly due to
limitations beyond their control. This is partly a geographical issue, but it
has also become a new social divide.This expos also covers how some areas
are combatting fresh food deserts, such as fresh food buses in Toronto and
Ottawa and the fresh food forest being planted in Duncan, B.C.
What will you do to help?
April 14, 2016
ISBN: 978-342-7138410
Current Affairs / Local Interest
People, Politics & the World
5.25" x 8"| 208 pp | trade paperback
b&w photos
Marketing highlights:
? Partnership with Vice magazine and
David Suzuki Foundation
? Pop-up farmers market tour in
low-income areas
? Promotion in CBCs Here and Now
$19.95 cad
An intense reminder that hunger is not a problem limited to third world
countries. - Michael Pollan, author of The Omivores Dilemma
sarah elton is a Canadian journalist and bestselling author of Consumed: Food for a Finite Planet
and Locavore: From Farmers Fields to Rooftop Gardens, How Canadians Are Changing the Way We Eat.
Her work has been reviewed in Grist, The New York Times, Lucky Peach, and Ottawa Citizen. She has
written on food issues for The Globe and Mail, Macleans and The Daily Beast. She is currently the food
columnist for CBC Radio Ones Here and Now.
Sarah is an instructor with the Fellowship in Global Journalism at the University of Torontos Munk
School of Global Affairs and an adjunct professor with the School of Environmental Design and Rural
Development at The University of Guelph.
Canadas Food Scarcity Epidemic
An intense reminder that hunger is not a problem limited
to third world countries
Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivores Dilemma
Sarah Elton
wildfire press

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  • 3. A literary nonfiction publisher for a new generation, Wildfire Press covers pressing social justice issues from fresh, empowering perspectives. Through our books, we ignite social change on topics relevant to young adults, such as access to education, food justice, sustainability, womens rights, and aboriginal concerns. At Wildfire Press, our books are not the final word. They are sparks our readers can fan into flames. Creating true, lasting change is up to all of us. Our Mission Kathleen Burckhardt | Gill Cott | Alanna McMullen | Josh Oliveira | Ali ONeill | Zo? Tustin | Daryn Wright imprint of Greystonewildfire press
  • 4. MALALA IN THE MAKING A Graphic Novel Written by Rukhsana Khan Illustrated by Gavin Aung Than A dynamic graphic portrayal of the early life of Nobel Prize- winner, Malala Yousafzai, and how she courageously overcame the oppressive forces that shaped her life. MALALA IN THE MAKING Written by Rukhsana Khan Illustrated by Gavin Aung Than A Graphic Novel The powerful story of a young activist who refused to be silenced as she demanded education for girls throughout the world. From humble beginnings, Nobel prize-winner Malala Yousafzai grew into an international advocate for equality. While terrorist forces were threatening her life, Malala found power and strength in education. Malala in the Making is a moving graphic novel illustrating the day- to-day challenges and decisions that shaped her in Taliban-controlled Pakistan and eventually lead her to stand up for justice at gunpoint. Four years after her recovery, this novel tells the story of the people and events that made Malala into the hero and young activist for womens education she is today. September 25, 2016 ISBN: 798-842-413-1110 Graphic Novel CGN008000 CGN000000 8" x 10" | 160 pp | trade paperback full colour graphics throughout Marketing ? Partnership with The Malala Fund ? Supplementary teaching resources available for ages 12 and up ? Advanced review copies $18.95 cad Like many other young women, I was very moved by Malalas tale. You will cry, laugh, and marvel at Malalas courage and grace in this moving visual portrayal. - Emma Watson, Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women Rukhsana Khan is a Pakistani Canadian childrens author and storyteller. Her work has appeared in Message International and Kahani magazine, and she is the author of several picture books, including Red Lollipop (2010) and Silly Chicken (2005). She has also written two novels C Wanting Moor (2009) and Dahling, If You Luv Me Would You Please, Please Smile (1999) C and several short story collections. Khan has been awarded the Golden Kite Award for picture book text for Red Lollipop. She was born in Mingora, Pakistan - the same town as Malala - and now lives in Toronto.
  • 5. Gavin Aung than is a cartoonist who has been featured in The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, and Slate. He first gained recognition with his cartoon blog, Zen Pencils, where he graphically depicts famous quotes by inspirational figures. His first collection of comics, Dream the Impossible Dream: Vol I (2014), debuted on the New York Times bestseller list. He lives in Melbourne, Australia.
  • 6. BOY WITHOUT A COUNTRY My Harrowing Journey From Damascus to Canada Nizar Hamdan A young Syrian, Nizar Hamdan, tells the heartbreaking story of his dangerous journey from war-torn Damascus to the safety of Canada. BOY WITHOUT A COUNTRY My Harrowing Journey from Damascus to Canada Nizar Hamdan Bloodied and alone, 16-year-old Nizar Hamdan crawls out of the rubble of his childhood home and walks out of the only country he has ever known. In a crowded refugee camp in Turkey, Nizar desperately searches for money for a flight to Canada, where his mother and sisters are waiting worlds away. Among thousands of refugees fleeing conflict, Nizar is robbed and beaten as he finds borders closed and governments hardened. Taking desperate measures to cross Europe, Nizar finds himself clinging to the side of an overcrowded boat, helplessly watching others lose their battles to the elements. In a moment of despair he accepts that his journey C and life C will end in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, but the hope of a new home inspires him to keep fighting. Nizar still carries the scars of his 5,800 mile journey. Now in the comfort of a new home in Canada, he realizes he must use his voice to speak for those who never made it to safety. This is his journey C one of so many, and one you wont easily forget. January 8, 2016 ISBN: 978-767-8767898 Memoir / Political / Current Issues BIO026000 SOC007000 5.25? x 8? | 288 pp | trade paperback Marketing ? Canada-wide tour ? Promotion on CBC Radio ? Partnering with Canadian Red Cross and UNHCR ? Author is an expert in the crisis and has a connection to policy makers $21.95 CAD While the media floods us with stories of refugees, we rarely see the people behind the headlines. Hamdan writes with passion and intelligence as he desperately searches for peace among chaos. - Alison Flood, The Guardian Nizar Hamdan grew up comfortably in Damascus with his family, until he lost his father and brothers in a military attack on their neighbourhood. Since fleeing the violence in Syria, Hamdan is now studying international relations at Trinity College in Toronto. He is an advocate for the protection of refugees and campaigns for fair immigration policies across the world, including on campus at University of Toronto where he is president of the Refugee Outreach Association and the Syrian Students Association. Hamdan, now 20 years old, lives Toronto with his mother and sisters. Bilal faheem is a translator who works in Vancouver. He has worked with many award winning Syrian authors including Khaled Khalifa and Samar Yazbek
  • 7. A NEW LEAF A Manifesto for Canadas Inclusive & Sustainable Future Severn Cullis-Suzuki With help from energetic young activists, Canada can reclaim the lead on environmental and social causes C starting today! With a more progressive government in Ottawa, tar sands oil production in freefall, political engagement growing in native communities, and key climate talks upcoming, the time for concerned Canadians to act is right now! Severn Cullis-Suzuki shows us how in her first book, A New Leaf. By connecting lessons learned in her past activism experiences, including addressing the UN in 1993, to her intimate knowledge of pressing current events, Severn provides readers with a clear path forward on social and environmental issues. Severn is an activist for a new generation. Shes funny, relatable, and tireless in the fight to secure a more inclusive and sustainable future. Will you join her? September 23, 2016 ISBN: 978-555-4529472 Current Issues NAT011000 SOC062000 5.25? x 8? | 248 pp | trade paperback b&w photos Marketing ? Podcasts with the Severn and guests ? Partnership with the David Suzuki Foundation ? Book tour of Western Canada and Toronto $19.95 cad A New Leaf shows how recent events have provided Canada a chance to re-enter the vanguard of progressive politics. The arrival of this fresh voice from the Suzuki clan could not be more timely. - Tom Sandborn, The Vancouver Sun Severn Cullis-Suzuki is a public speaker, former television host, author, and daughter of renowned Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki. She has a bachelors degree in ecology from Yale and a masters in ethnobotany from the University of Victoria. With 55,000+ social media followers and contributions to two prior books, Severn is a leading voice for a new generation of activists. When not fighting for social and environmental causes, Severn lives with her husband and two sons in Haida Gwaii, B.C. She also sits on the boards of the David Suzuki Foundation and the Haida Gwaii Higher Education Society. A NEW LEAF A Manifesto for Canadas Inclusive & Sustainable Future Severn Cullis-Suzuki
  • 8. FRESH FOOD DESERTS Canadas Food Scarcity Epidemic Sarah Elton A compelling series of stories from people across Canada exposing the startling reality of fresh food deserts and what we can do to fix them. a fresh vegetable is a treasure in Canadas food deserts, where access to healthy food especially produce is limited by distance or cost. Darryl struggles to afford food, yet he is overweight. Janets teeth are falling out, but soda is her most affordable calorie source. After working two jobs, Keelie can rarely travel thirty minutes to buy fresh food. She worries what teachers think when they see potato chips in her childrens lunches. From Vancouvers Downtown Eastside to North Preston Halifax and throughout Canadas isolated North, people are eating poorly due to limitations beyond their control. This is partly a geographical issue, but it has also become a new social divide.This expos also covers how some areas are combatting fresh food deserts, such as fresh food buses in Toronto and Ottawa and the fresh food forest being planted in Duncan, B.C. What will you do to help? April 14, 2016 ISBN: 978-342-7138410 Current Affairs / Local Interest People, Politics & the World SOC050000 CGN000000 5.25" x 8"| 208 pp | trade paperback b&w photos Marketing highlights: ? Partnership with Vice magazine and David Suzuki Foundation ? Pop-up farmers market tour in low-income areas ? Promotion in CBCs Here and Now $19.95 cad An intense reminder that hunger is not a problem limited to third world countries. - Michael Pollan, author of The Omivores Dilemma sarah elton is a Canadian journalist and bestselling author of Consumed: Food for a Finite Planet and Locavore: From Farmers Fields to Rooftop Gardens, How Canadians Are Changing the Way We Eat. Her work has been reviewed in Grist, The New York Times, Lucky Peach, and Ottawa Citizen. She has written on food issues for The Globe and Mail, Macleans and The Daily Beast. She is currently the food columnist for CBC Radio Ones Here and Now. Sarah is an instructor with the Fellowship in Global Journalism at the University of Torontos Munk School of Global Affairs and an adjunct professor with the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development at The University of Guelph. Canadas Food Scarcity Epidemic An intense reminder that hunger is not a problem limited to third world countries Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivores Dilemma Sarah Elton Fresh Food Deserts