Show provides an overview of the wildlife of the Cumberland River Region of Kentucky. It also provides the state animals, birds, fish, etc. for Kentucky. As a PowerPoint show, it is set to have interactive elements that in the slideshare format may not work.
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Wildlife of the Kentucky Cumberland River Region
1. Wildlife of the Cumberland River Region
Wolf Creek National Fish
Eileen Tramontana
Environmental Education/
Volunteer Specialist
4. What are the names of two of the fish
that are raised at the Hatchery?
A. Cutthroat and Rainbow Trout
B. Rainbow and Brown Trout
C. Lake and Rainbow Trout
D. Brown and Brook Trout
5. That is correct. The Wolf Creek
National Hatchery raises
1. Rainbow
2. Brown
3. Brook Trout.
6. That is incorrect. The Wolf Creek
National Hatchery raises
1. Rainbow
2. Brown
3. Brook Trout.
7. What is the name of the Kentucky
State fish?
A. Rainbow Trout
B. Spotted Bass
C. Darter
D. Bluegill
36. Name two poisonous snakes found in
A. Copperhead and Western Pygmy
B. Timber and Diamondback Rattlesnake
C. Western Cottonmouth and Kingsnake
D. Western Cottonmouth and Timber
37. That is correct. Poisonous snakes
found in Kentucky are
1. Western Cottonmouth
2. Western Pygmy Rattlesnake
3. Copperhead
4. Timber Rattlesnake
38. That is incorrect. Poisonous
snakes found in Kentucky are
1. Western Cottonmouth
2. Western Pygmy Rattlesnake
3. Copperhead
4. Timber Rattlesnake
39. Eastern Skunk
Squirt the Skunk lives
at the Wolf Creek
National Fish Hatchery
and he invites you to
come visit.
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