Will is Alexis Fraser's 15-year-old brother who has played soccer for 10 years. During a soccer game last year, Will received a concussion when an opposing player shoved him down and stepped on his head, causing him to not get up and worrying the crowd. Coaches brought Will to the bench and while he ended up being okay, the player who caused the injury did not receive a penalty.
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By: Alexis Fraser
My brother, Will, is a sophomore and he has been
playing soccer for ten years, and he is 15 years old.
Last year, my brother got a concussion playing soccer
from the other team. They shoved my brother down
and stepped on his head. The crowd gasped and
everyone stared, I wonder will he get up. When my
2. brother didnt get up the coaches ran to him on the
field and brought him to the bench so that they could
start the game. The person that did it didnt even get
carded, but thankfully my brother was ok and
Brighton won the soccer game.