In questo articolo ho parlato di:
1.WSL e il Cloud
2. Modalit MS_DOS
3. WinToGo
Inoltre mi sono concentrato nell'archeologia informatica; ho iniziato a leggere e "recensire" la max raccolta di computer_idea presente in Internet Archive. Buona Lettura!
Guida al Computer - Lezione 168 - Windows 10 Creazione del supporto dinsta...caioturtle
Come screare un DVD o una pendrive d'installazione per Windows 10 o per aggiornare il sistema operativo a Windows 10. Anche dove scaricare il file immagine dai server della Microsoft.
- PRISM is a system for planning, recruiting, installing, supporting, and managing service providers. It aims to clearly establish expectations and select the right service providers who meet criteria in areas like competency, experience, financial strength, and vision.
- The recruitment process involves prospecting, shortlisting, attracting providers through addressing objections and outlining ROI. Installation includes legal agreements, guidance, and training.
- Support systems include introduction to contacts, decision matrices, and performance management through monthly reviews addressing people management, ROI, reporting, and motivating providers and supervisors. Risks include loss of interest or unethical competition while conflicts can arise from delays or not following guidelines.
This very short document appears to be discussing a family of 17 people who have realized that they do not own a television. It seems to be making light of their television-less situation, as indicated by the "HAHAHA" at the end.
Sampoerna Schools System's Editorial Style Guide (2nd Revision)Reza Putra
The document provides guidelines for consistent editorial style across communications for the Sampoerna Schools System. It outlines rules for grammar, punctuation, formatting, and other elements to ensure a unified brand voice. The style guide is based on existing guides from the Putera Sampoerna Foundation and the school's visual identity systems. It is intended to be used by writers and editors in both internal and external materials to strengthen the school's message and brand.
Turnitin is an online plagiarism detection tool that allows students to submit assignments electronically and receives originality reports. It can be used for formative feedback by setting up Turnitin assignments on the module page. Issues around online submission and context need to be considered when using Turnitin. The document provides instructions on how to create a Turnitin assignment, set options like due dates and originality reports, and how students will access submitted assignments and feedback.
The document discusses the Texas STaR Chart, which outlines Texas' long range plan for technology from 2006-2020. The STaR chart focuses on teaching and learning, educator preparation, leadership and support, and infrastructure for technology. It provides goals and implications for adopting digital technologies in schools to meet stakeholder expectations over the next decade.
The document summarizes upcoming changes to the search interface for The Cochrane Library. It describes improvements made based on feedback, including consolidating search features onto three tabs for Basic, Advanced, and Medical Terms searches. Key changes are autocomplete suggestions, ability to insert lines and append searches, and managing saved searches and strategies in a central library. The new interface is currently being tested with plans to launch in the coming months after approval by Wiley and Cochrane.
El documento cuenta la historia de una chica que se suicid坦 porque nunca escuch坦 palabras de apoyo y afecto de las personas cercanas a ella. Al morir, un 叩ngel le pregunta por qu辿 lo hizo si sab鱈a que la quer鱈an, a lo que ella responde que a veces unas pocas palabras de consuelo valen m叩s que todo lo dem叩s. Luego reflexiona sobre lo mucho que a炭n espera escuchar un "te quiero" de la persona a la que m叩s am坦. Finalmente, el texto enfatiza la importancia de expresar el afecto a las personas cercanas
El documento presenta una variedad de nuevos dise単os y productos tecnol坦gicos como edificios inteligentes en Corea, pantallas curvas, flexibles y plegables para computadoras, tel辿fonos y televisores, as鱈 como innovaciones en electrodom辿sticos, muebles, iluminaci坦n y transporte, entre otros.
際際滷s for presentation given on Day 2 of AltC 2014 at University of Warwick
Clued Up! Our site for student Digital Literacies:
The eMatrix - our staff-facing resource for TEL:
The eLearning Best Practice module aims to provide staff with effective online resources and training. It will include the structure and content of online workshops, resources for demonstrations and support, and how these relate to other elearning platforms. The module seeks to address low participation in traditional training and diverse digital skills by creating a coherent online presence. Next steps include identifying appropriate topics for online workshops, how to present resources on different platforms, and developing a strategy to promote new content through various channels.
The assignment requires students to create an action plan that includes:
1) An organizational chart identifying key stakeholders in integrating technology from the district to campus level including their roles
2) A comprehensive professional development plan to achieve the action plan goals
3) An evaluation plan to assess the progress and success of the action plan
4) Posting the action plan online and reviewing another student's plan
Numera巽達o progressiva das se巽探es de um documentoBiblioteca FOA
This document outlines the rules for numbering sections in a written document according to the Brazilian standard NBR 6024:2003. The rules specify that:
1) Arabic numerals should be used for numbering primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, and quinary sections consecutively
2) Section titles become progressively bolded or indented to distinguish section levels
3) Numbering only goes up to the quinary level (level 5 sections)
University 2.0? Using social software to enhance learner engagementjimson99
The document discusses using social media tools like Facebook to enhance student engagement and learning in higher education. It notes that students already spend significant time on such sites, and argues they could be leveraged for educational purposes. An experiment is described where a course created a Facebook page and encouraged students to interact around course content. Student feedback was mixed, finding the tools helped stay informed but they were not as active generating content on Facebook as in traditional classes. More research is needed on integrating informal social spaces into formal education.
IP Strategy - what has changed, what is changing?DuncanBucknell
IP strategy is the use of intellectual property to inform, attain, and maximise organisational goals. This symposium will examine contemporary IP strategy both as a field of study and as a practical management tool.
Una delle aree in cui l'introduzione dell'uso del computer e delle sue sempre crescenti capacit si esprimono al meglio 竪 certamente quella della produzione multimediale.
Ebbene oggi esistono tantissimi software open source dedicati alle varie aree della produzione multimediale che non hanno nulla da invidiare ai software pi湛 blasonati e sono disponibili per tutti i principali sistemi operativi.
Ecco 21 soluzioni Open Source da usare subito + 1 bonus!
Aggiornare il proprio PC a Windows 10: e perch辿 no?Enzo Contini
Come fare? Che vantaggi ne derivo? Cosa rischio? e perch辿 farlo?
Per un anno (fino al 29 luglio 2016) laggiornamento (da Windows 7 in poi) sar gratuito e le nuove funzionalit introdotte sono tali che dovrebbero indurre anche i pi湛 restii ad effettuare tale upgrade.油油
E perch辿 poi non prendere in considerazione di utilizzare uno smartphone con il medesimo sistema operativo, con il quale risulta quindi possibile utilizzare la medesima interfaccia utente e condividere le medesime app?
- PRISM is a system for planning, recruiting, installing, supporting, and managing service providers. It aims to clearly establish expectations and select the right service providers who meet criteria in areas like competency, experience, financial strength, and vision.
- The recruitment process involves prospecting, shortlisting, attracting providers through addressing objections and outlining ROI. Installation includes legal agreements, guidance, and training.
- Support systems include introduction to contacts, decision matrices, and performance management through monthly reviews addressing people management, ROI, reporting, and motivating providers and supervisors. Risks include loss of interest or unethical competition while conflicts can arise from delays or not following guidelines.
This very short document appears to be discussing a family of 17 people who have realized that they do not own a television. It seems to be making light of their television-less situation, as indicated by the "HAHAHA" at the end.
Sampoerna Schools System's Editorial Style Guide (2nd Revision)Reza Putra
The document provides guidelines for consistent editorial style across communications for the Sampoerna Schools System. It outlines rules for grammar, punctuation, formatting, and other elements to ensure a unified brand voice. The style guide is based on existing guides from the Putera Sampoerna Foundation and the school's visual identity systems. It is intended to be used by writers and editors in both internal and external materials to strengthen the school's message and brand.
Turnitin is an online plagiarism detection tool that allows students to submit assignments electronically and receives originality reports. It can be used for formative feedback by setting up Turnitin assignments on the module page. Issues around online submission and context need to be considered when using Turnitin. The document provides instructions on how to create a Turnitin assignment, set options like due dates and originality reports, and how students will access submitted assignments and feedback.
The document discusses the Texas STaR Chart, which outlines Texas' long range plan for technology from 2006-2020. The STaR chart focuses on teaching and learning, educator preparation, leadership and support, and infrastructure for technology. It provides goals and implications for adopting digital technologies in schools to meet stakeholder expectations over the next decade.
The document summarizes upcoming changes to the search interface for The Cochrane Library. It describes improvements made based on feedback, including consolidating search features onto three tabs for Basic, Advanced, and Medical Terms searches. Key changes are autocomplete suggestions, ability to insert lines and append searches, and managing saved searches and strategies in a central library. The new interface is currently being tested with plans to launch in the coming months after approval by Wiley and Cochrane.
El documento cuenta la historia de una chica que se suicid坦 porque nunca escuch坦 palabras de apoyo y afecto de las personas cercanas a ella. Al morir, un 叩ngel le pregunta por qu辿 lo hizo si sab鱈a que la quer鱈an, a lo que ella responde que a veces unas pocas palabras de consuelo valen m叩s que todo lo dem叩s. Luego reflexiona sobre lo mucho que a炭n espera escuchar un "te quiero" de la persona a la que m叩s am坦. Finalmente, el texto enfatiza la importancia de expresar el afecto a las personas cercanas
El documento presenta una variedad de nuevos dise単os y productos tecnol坦gicos como edificios inteligentes en Corea, pantallas curvas, flexibles y plegables para computadoras, tel辿fonos y televisores, as鱈 como innovaciones en electrodom辿sticos, muebles, iluminaci坦n y transporte, entre otros.
際際滷s for presentation given on Day 2 of AltC 2014 at University of Warwick
Clued Up! Our site for student Digital Literacies:
The eMatrix - our staff-facing resource for TEL:
The eLearning Best Practice module aims to provide staff with effective online resources and training. It will include the structure and content of online workshops, resources for demonstrations and support, and how these relate to other elearning platforms. The module seeks to address low participation in traditional training and diverse digital skills by creating a coherent online presence. Next steps include identifying appropriate topics for online workshops, how to present resources on different platforms, and developing a strategy to promote new content through various channels.
The assignment requires students to create an action plan that includes:
1) An organizational chart identifying key stakeholders in integrating technology from the district to campus level including their roles
2) A comprehensive professional development plan to achieve the action plan goals
3) An evaluation plan to assess the progress and success of the action plan
4) Posting the action plan online and reviewing another student's plan
Numera巽達o progressiva das se巽探es de um documentoBiblioteca FOA
This document outlines the rules for numbering sections in a written document according to the Brazilian standard NBR 6024:2003. The rules specify that:
1) Arabic numerals should be used for numbering primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, and quinary sections consecutively
2) Section titles become progressively bolded or indented to distinguish section levels
3) Numbering only goes up to the quinary level (level 5 sections)
University 2.0? Using social software to enhance learner engagementjimson99
The document discusses using social media tools like Facebook to enhance student engagement and learning in higher education. It notes that students already spend significant time on such sites, and argues they could be leveraged for educational purposes. An experiment is described where a course created a Facebook page and encouraged students to interact around course content. Student feedback was mixed, finding the tools helped stay informed but they were not as active generating content on Facebook as in traditional classes. More research is needed on integrating informal social spaces into formal education.
IP Strategy - what has changed, what is changing?DuncanBucknell
IP strategy is the use of intellectual property to inform, attain, and maximise organisational goals. This symposium will examine contemporary IP strategy both as a field of study and as a practical management tool.
Una delle aree in cui l'introduzione dell'uso del computer e delle sue sempre crescenti capacit si esprimono al meglio 竪 certamente quella della produzione multimediale.
Ebbene oggi esistono tantissimi software open source dedicati alle varie aree della produzione multimediale che non hanno nulla da invidiare ai software pi湛 blasonati e sono disponibili per tutti i principali sistemi operativi.
Ecco 21 soluzioni Open Source da usare subito + 1 bonus!
Aggiornare il proprio PC a Windows 10: e perch辿 no?Enzo Contini
Come fare? Che vantaggi ne derivo? Cosa rischio? e perch辿 farlo?
Per un anno (fino al 29 luglio 2016) laggiornamento (da Windows 7 in poi) sar gratuito e le nuove funzionalit introdotte sono tali che dovrebbero indurre anche i pi湛 restii ad effettuare tale upgrade.油油
E perch辿 poi non prendere in considerazione di utilizzare uno smartphone con il medesimo sistema operativo, con il quale risulta quindi possibile utilizzare la medesima interfaccia utente e condividere le medesime app?
Libro windows 7 reti sicurezza tecniche avanzateLibro Windows 7
Libro Windows 7 : reti, sicurezza, tecniche avanzate 竪 la guida definitiva per Windows 7. Questo libro su Windows 7 竪 completo e adatto sia agli utenti finali sia ai sistemisti, programmatori e professionisti dell'IT. Guida Windows 7, libro Windows 7, Manuale Windows 7... tutto questo 竪 Windows 7 reti sicurezza tecniche avanzate. Edizioni FAG Milano Autori: Maltraversi Mrco e Antonio Di Fluri ISBN 978-88-8233-865-7
Set up and management of an integrated information system on Linux.Andrea Marchetti
ITA: Configurazione e gestione, su piattaforma Linux, di un sistema informativo integrato.
The goal is to configure a Linux Server to host a Web Server capable to run Java based applications in a Windows 2000 domain (using Samba protocols).
The main purpose of this server in the company is to offer an environment to a multi platform test of Java Web Based applications developed by Gruppo Servizi and for file sharing.
Set up and management of an integrated information system on Linux.Andrea Marchetti
ITA: Configurazione e gestione, su piattaforma Linux, di un sistema informativo integrato.
The goal is to configure a Linux Server to host a Web Server capable to run Java based applications in a Windows 2000 domain (using Samba protocols).
The main purpose of this server in the company is to offer an environment to a multi platform test of Java Web Based applications developed by Gruppo Servizi and for file sharing.
4. Interfaccia grafica riorganizzata, pi湛
semplice, pulita e intuitiva.
Nuovo Esplora Risorse, nuova barra delle
Men湛 Start migliorato notevolmente
rispetto a Vista.
6. JumpList ti consente di
richiamare rapidamente le
azioni di uso comune di un
determinato programma
oppure di aprire i file recenti
8. Eliminata la Sidebar che
occupava la parte destra del
desktop di Windows Vista.
In Windows 7 i gadget sono pi湛
grandi e liberi di essere
posizionati ovunque sul desktop.
13. Come Windows Vista, include:
Windows Defender
Windows Firewall
Protezione Account Utente (UAC)
Dal Centro Sicurezza PC di Vista al
Centro Operativo di Windows 7
21. Non incluso in Windows 7, la naturale
evoluzione di Windows Defender 竪
pensata per essere la soluzione di base
per la protezione del sistema.
Microsoft Security Essentials 竪 un
antivirus, antispyware, antimalware,
gratuito e semplicissimo da configurare
ed utilizzare.
22. Windows 7 竪 estremamente pi湛 leggero
rispetto a Vista, grazie ad una migliorata
gestione delle risorse, pertanto pu嘆
essere eseguito anche su netbook o su
computer datati.
Inoltre alcuni strumenti disponibili nel
sistema consentono di mantenere il
computer efficiente nel tempo.
28. Introdotto in Windows Vista, il Centro
Connessioni di rete e condivisione
consente di gestire lattivit di rete del
computer. possibile creare, modificare
e monitorare le connessioni di rete LAN,
Wireless, remote e VPN, gestire le
impostazioni di condivisione e risolvere
eventuali problemi di connessione.
30. Il Centro di Connessione di rete e
condivisione consente anche di
tracciare la mappatura della rete cui il
computer 竪 connesso.
31. Novit di Windows 7 竪 la funzionalit
Gruppo Home, che consente di creare
una rete domestica di computer che
eseguono Windows 7. Allinterno del
gruppo 竪 possibile condividere file,
stampanti, dispositivi e flussi multimediali.
I Gruppi Home di Windows 7 sono
protetti da password.
33. Windows Media Player 12
Windows Media Center
Windows DVD Maker
Windows Internet Explorer 8
Sticky Notes
Fax e scanner di Windows
XPS Viewer
Strumento di cattura
35. Windows Media Center 竪 il vero e
proprio centro per lintrattenimento
incluso in Windows 7.
Video e DVD
40. XPS Viewer 竪 unutility che consente di
visualizzare e apporre una firma digitale
ai file XPS, formato di file a layout fisso.
I file .xps possono essere creati con
qualsiasi programma della suite Office
42. Nessuna grande novit, si pu嘆 scegliere tra:
Backgammon su Internet
Chess Titans
Dama su Internet
Mahjong Titans
Prato fiorito
Purble Place
Spades su Internet
43. Effettivamente gli utenti di Windows
noteranno la mancanza di alcuni
software presenti nelle precedenti
Outlook Express 6 / Windows Mail
Windows Movie Maker
Windows Messenger
Raccolta foto di Windows
44. Le mancanze sono state volute, infatti i
software in questione sono stati sostituiti
dalla versione 2009 di una diffusa suite di
servizi, Windows Live:
45. Windows Live Messenger
Windows Live Mail
Raccolta foto di Windows Live
Windows Live Movie Maker
Windows Live Writer
46. Problema di Vista era la compatibilit
con le applicazioni. Windows 7 mantiene
la compatibilit con tutte le applicazioni
per Windows Vista.
Versione del sistema 6.1
XP Mode (solo per 7 Professional e
47. Per chi avesse acquistato un computer
con Windows Vista preinstallato nelle
versioni Home Premium, Business e
Ultimate, tra giugno 2009 e gennaio
2010, 竪 possibile acquistare
laggiornamento alla versione
corrispondente di Windows 7 a prezzi
48. Home Premium - 209
Professional - 329
Ultimate - 339
Home Premium (AGG) - 129
Professional (AGG) - 299
Ultimate (AGG) - 319
Prezzi da