The document describes 12 action steps for leading organizational change identified in Champions of Change. It asks the responder to analyze a change initiative they witnessed based on how well it matched these steps, addressing each step individually. The 12 steps are: building support of key groups; using leader behavior to generate support; using symbols and language deliberately; defining stability points; creating dissatisfaction with the current state; building participation in planning and implementing change; rewarding supportive behavior; providing time and opportunity to disengage from the old; developing and communicating a clear future vision; using multiple leverage points; developing transition management structures; and collecting and analyzing feedback.
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Winning hearts and minds
1. Given a change initiative that you witnessed in your current or former organization, identify how the
action steps either matched or fell short of the action steps identified in Chapter 5, Winning Hearts and
Minds: Overcoming the Obstacles to Change, in Champions of Change. Please address each action step
in your answer.
The twelve Action Steps are described as:
1. Build the support of key power groups.
2. Use leader behavior to generate support.
3. Use symbols and language deliberately.
4. Define points of stability.
5. Create dissatisfaction with the current state.
6. Build participation in planning and implementing change.
7. Reward behavior in support of change.
8. Provide people time and opportunity to disengage from the old.
9. Develop and communicate a clear image of the future state.
10. Use multiple leverage points.
11. Develop transition management structures.
12. Collect and analyze feedback.