Some golfers don't let snow stop them from hitting the links to play snow golf, a game with rules that make it golf in name only. Here are some useful tips that will help you in Swinging your Golf Club in Snow.
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Winter Golf Swing Practice Plan
1. Tips to Swing
your Golf Club in
Some golfers don't let snow stop them
from hitting the links to play snow golf, a
game with rules that make it golf in
name only. Here are some useful tips
that will help you in Swinging your Golf
Club in Snow.
2. Step 1
Choose a club. Tee up your ball on
the tee box. Hit your drive shot off
the tee the same as you would if
there were no snow.
3. Step 2
Hit your next shot after your drive.
Swing at the ball so that your club
makes contact with the middle of
the ball instead of behind it if
you're hitting the ball off of hard
4. Step 3
Improve your lie by making a
footprint behind your ball if it is in
soft snow or use your club or a
shovel to scrape the snow away
from around the ball to prepare for
your swing
5. Step 4
Choke down on your club to
account for the shorter distance
between your hands. Swing it
underneath the ball as you would
do if you were in the rough.
6. Step 5
Use a sand wedge to chip the ball
off a frozen pond or lake. Test the
ice before walking on it by tapping
it with your chosen club. Take a
drop if you don't want to risk
walking on ice.
7. Step 6
Gauge your swing according to the
type of snow on which your ball sits:
hard, soft or deep.