3. Presenters
Adele Gagliardi
Office of Policy
Development and Research
Employment and Training
U.S. Department of Labor
Have a question or comment about WIOA? Email DOL.WIOA@dol.gov
4. Presenters
Christine Quinn
Technical Assistance,
Training and Workforce
Communications Team
Senior Advisor
Employment and Training
U.S. Department of Labor
Have a question or comment about WIOA? Email DOL.WIOA@dol.gov
5. State and local presenters
Lori H. Collins, Director, Division of Workforce &
Employment Services, Kentucky Career Center
Mike Riley, ETPL lead, Division of Workforce &
Employment Services, Kentucky Career Center
Lisa Salazar, City of Los Angeles Economic &
Workforce Development Department, Director -
YouthSource System.
6. State and local presenters
Thomas Colombo, Deputy Assistant Director,
Arizona Department of Economic Security,
Division of Employment & Rehabilitation Services
Jennifer James Price, Undersecretary for
Workforce Development Executive Office of Labor
and Workforce Development
Scott C. Fennell, Chief Operation and Financial
Officer, Career Source Florida
7. Guidance and other
Technical Assistance
January 2016: Publish final regulations
Early 2015: Issue NPRM
Winter-Spring 2015: TEGLs
WIOA vision
Recommended transition activities
Operating instructions
8. Guidance and other
Technical Assistance
Regional Office technical assistance
Single website with all WIOA materials:
9. Transition Activities
Begin conversations across core
partners to lay the groundwork for
robust strategic planning. Examples:
Registered Apprenticeship
Job Corps
Unemployment Insurance
Perkins career and technical education
10. Transition Status: Poll
Where are you with regards to convening
strategic partners?
A) Identified partners
B) Have begun meeting
C) Begun strategic planning
D) Have not yet reached out to partners
11. Massachusetts
Jennifer James Price,
Undersecretary for Workforce Development
Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
12. Transition Activities
Develop a vision and roadmap for
Build new and strengthen existing
partnerships at all levels.
13. Transition Status: Poll
What is the status of your development
of a state vision?
A) Its in development
B) We have a good idea of our vision
C) Together with our partners, we have
a good idea of our vision
D) We are waiting for DOLs vision
14. Florida
Scott C. Fennell, Chief Operation and Financial
Officer, Career Source Florida
15. Transition Activities
Develop plans to add members to
state boards to become WIOA-compliant
Develop transition plans
16. Transition Status: Poll
Where are you with regards to transition
A) We have started preparing a written transition
plan, based on strategic planning
B) We have prepared timelines
C) We have identified areas where we need to plan
D) We werent planning to do a formal plan but have
talked about our plan
E) We havent started planning yet
17. State of Arizona
Thomas Colombo, Deputy Assistant Director,
Arizona Department of Economic Security, Division
of Employment & Rehabilitation Services
18. Transition Activities
Prepare for fiscal and program
changes for transition across
legislation and identify new program
Review Eligible Training Provider Lists
19. Transition Status: Poll
What is the status of your review of the
Eligible Training Provider Lists?
A) We have begun a review of our current ETPL
compared to new WIOA requirements
B) We have started making updates to our ETPL
based on WIOA requirements
C) We havent done anything with the ETPL yet
20. Kentucky
Lori H. Collins, Director, Division of Workforce &
Employment Services,
Kentucky Career Center
Mike Riley, ETPL lead, Division of Workforce &
Employment Services, Kentucky Career Center
22. Transition Activities
Ensure new competitions for youth
funds support the 75% out-of-school
youth and the 20% work experience
expenditure rate goals
23. Transition Status: Poll
Have you started reviewing your youth
programs to plan for changes?
A) Extensively, we have a plan in place
B) We have begun reviewing the new
requirements and putting a plan in place
C) No we are waiting on guidance from
24. City of Los Angeles
Lisa Salazar
City of Los Angeles Economic & Workforce Development
Department, Director - YouthSource System
25. Information and Questions
Department of Labor
WIOA resource page
WIOA dedicated email
Department of Education
Office of Career, Technical, & Adult Educations WIOA resource page
Rehabilitation Services Administrations WIOA resource page