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SAVAN DARJI (110283111016)
CHIRAG RATHOD (110283111013)
MOHIT SHINGADIA (110283111014)
Our project is about stepper motor controlling using zigbee i.e.
wireless stepper motor controlling. Of course there are many
wireless approaches like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi etc. Also they have high
data rate. But in application like sensing some parameter, motor
controlling not that much data rate is required.
Disadvantage of above technologies is they consume more
power results into shorter battery life. But zigbee consumes less
power so using this battery life can be increased. Though the data
rate of zigbee is less, but it can be used in such applications.
There are wide range of applications of stepper motor in
industries. Our project is about stepper motor control, which is located
at remote end. So we can control the mechanical movement of any
application of stepper motor like position control of an antenna, robotic
arm movement remotely. Also in some places of the plants temperature
is high or dangerous chemicals are present. So in those cases it might
dangerous for worker to work in such environment. So it is convenient
to control mechanical movement remotely with the help of stepper
motor. Also our project is about wireless controlling, so wire networks
are not required. It can work wirelessly up to 30 m (indoor) and up to
90 m (line of sight).
The AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit
microcomputer with 4K bytes of Flash Programmable and Erasable
Read Only Memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using
Atmels high density nonvolatile memory technology and is
compatible with the industry standard MCS-51 instruction set and
pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be
reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory
The XBee and XBee-PRO RF Modules were engineered to meet
IEEE 802.15.4 standards and support the unique needs of low-cost,
low-power wireless sensor networks. The modules require minimal
power and provide reliable delivery of data between devices. The
modules operate within the ISM 2.4 GHz frequency band and are pin-
for-pin compatible with each other.
It is a socket for zigbee, which can be connected to the USB port of laptop
via USB data cable of that board. There is also driver software available to
support this hardware with laptop, which can be downloaded from
internet. Main function of this board is to convert serial data into USB
compatible data and vice versa. This is done through the FTDI IC
mounted on USB board. In addition to this it also converts 5 V into 3.3 V,
which is necessary for zigbee. Pin spacing of zigbee does not match with
the hole spacing of PCB. So we must use either USB or serial board to
mount zigbee, which has socket for zigbee.
X-CTU is a software which is useful for zigbee modules. This
software is useful for configuration of zigbee devices as well as
sending or receiving data through zigbee devices. We have to
configure zigbee modules once before we use it into our application.
Configuration includes PAN id, destination address device type e.g.
router, coordinator, end device etc. In console / terminal window
whatever we write, it sends that data in ASCII standard to USB port,
where zigbee module is connected. Zigbee module will transmit it to
other zigbee device. Here, some screenshot of X-CTU is illustrated.
 Remote end sends acknowledgment according to time that motor takes
for that rotation. Now when operator sends any command for motor
rotation and if motor would have not rotated because of any reason like
power supply problem, lose connections then also remote end will send
the positive acknowledgment by calculating time for that rotation. This
is like disadvantage of our project. By interfacing tachometer to sense
the rotation of motor and monitoring it by controller this problem can
be solved.
 We enter the password in X-CTU terminal screen. Password is visible
in the X-CTU screen. To get rid of it interface this software with other
software which has security feature so that it does not show the
password. So anyone who sees the screen of laptop cannot see the
password and it will be protected.
We can control the degree of rotation of stepper motor in either direction i.e.
clockwise or anticlockwise as remotely. Stepper motor is used in wide area of
application. Zigbee module can be used for wireless ad-hoc approach. We can
implement wireless handshaking commands for fulfillment of our project
through efficient use of microcontroller 8051 with zigbee module. With the help
of these assembled components we tried to implement such project which can
fulfill our objective. We get success to achieve it. During implementation of this
project, we learn many things about zigbee and its utilization in practical world.
As per our objective we tried to develop such system which have layman
approach with wireless authorized access and after a very long learning process
we achieved our goal with the help of so many experienced persons guidance.
We hope our efforts become helpful for others.
1. www.youtube.com
2. www.ti.com
3. www.digi.com
4. www.nmbtc.com
5. www.topwin6.com

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Wireless stepper motor control using zigbee

  • 2. INTRODUCTION Our project is about stepper motor controlling using zigbee i.e. wireless stepper motor controlling. Of course there are many wireless approaches like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi etc. Also they have high data rate. But in application like sensing some parameter, motor controlling not that much data rate is required. Disadvantage of above technologies is they consume more power results into shorter battery life. But zigbee consumes less power so using this battery life can be increased. Though the data rate of zigbee is less, but it can be used in such applications.
  • 3. USEFULNESS There are wide range of applications of stepper motor in industries. Our project is about stepper motor control, which is located at remote end. So we can control the mechanical movement of any application of stepper motor like position control of an antenna, robotic arm movement remotely. Also in some places of the plants temperature is high or dangerous chemicals are present. So in those cases it might dangerous for worker to work in such environment. So it is convenient to control mechanical movement remotely with the help of stepper motor. Also our project is about wireless controlling, so wire networks are not required. It can work wirelessly up to 30 m (indoor) and up to 90 m (line of sight).
  • 5. MICRO CONTROLLER(ATML89C51) The AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 4K bytes of Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmels high density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry standard MCS-51 instruction set and pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer.
  • 6. ZIGBEE AND ZIGBEE-PRO The XBee and XBee-PRO RF Modules were engineered to meet IEEE 802.15.4 standards and support the unique needs of low-cost, low-power wireless sensor networks. The modules require minimal power and provide reliable delivery of data between devices. The modules operate within the ISM 2.4 GHz frequency band and are pin- for-pin compatible with each other.
  • 8. USB BOARD (RECEPTACLE) It is a socket for zigbee, which can be connected to the USB port of laptop via USB data cable of that board. There is also driver software available to support this hardware with laptop, which can be downloaded from internet. Main function of this board is to convert serial data into USB compatible data and vice versa. This is done through the FTDI IC mounted on USB board. In addition to this it also converts 5 V into 3.3 V, which is necessary for zigbee. Pin spacing of zigbee does not match with the hole spacing of PCB. So we must use either USB or serial board to mount zigbee, which has socket for zigbee.
  • 9. XCTU X-CTU is a software which is useful for zigbee modules. This software is useful for configuration of zigbee devices as well as sending or receiving data through zigbee devices. We have to configure zigbee modules once before we use it into our application. Configuration includes PAN id, destination address device type e.g. router, coordinator, end device etc. In console / terminal window whatever we write, it sends that data in ASCII standard to USB port, where zigbee module is connected. Zigbee module will transmit it to other zigbee device. Here, some screenshot of X-CTU is illustrated.
  • 11. Remote end sends acknowledgment according to time that motor takes for that rotation. Now when operator sends any command for motor rotation and if motor would have not rotated because of any reason like power supply problem, lose connections then also remote end will send the positive acknowledgment by calculating time for that rotation. This is like disadvantage of our project. By interfacing tachometer to sense the rotation of motor and monitoring it by controller this problem can be solved. We enter the password in X-CTU terminal screen. Password is visible in the X-CTU screen. To get rid of it interface this software with other software which has security feature so that it does not show the password. So anyone who sees the screen of laptop cannot see the password and it will be protected. FUTURE EXPANSION
  • 12. CONCLUSION We can control the degree of rotation of stepper motor in either direction i.e. clockwise or anticlockwise as remotely. Stepper motor is used in wide area of application. Zigbee module can be used for wireless ad-hoc approach. We can implement wireless handshaking commands for fulfillment of our project through efficient use of microcontroller 8051 with zigbee module. With the help of these assembled components we tried to implement such project which can fulfill our objective. We get success to achieve it. During implementation of this project, we learn many things about zigbee and its utilization in practical world. As per our objective we tried to develop such system which have layman approach with wireless authorized access and after a very long learning process we achieved our goal with the help of so many experienced persons guidance. We hope our efforts become helpful for others.
  • 13. REFERENCES 1. www.youtube.com 2. www.ti.com 3. www.digi.com 4. www.nmbtc.com 5. www.topwin6.com