This presentation discusses Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, which suggests that intelligence exists in several domains beyond IQ scores. It focuses on practical intelligence, emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence, and how these relate to adult learners. Practical intelligence involves applying experience and problem-solving skills to new situations, while emotional intelligence comprises self-awareness, self-management, and relationship skills. Cultural intelligence allows one to understand and adjust to different cultural contexts. Developing these intelligences can help adult learners meet expectations, build relationships, and advance professionally.
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Wk 3 team_d_assignment_nature_of_intelligence
1. Nature of Intelligence
Allen Coulter, Joan Meyers, Otis Sheppard, & Sirena Banks
2. Multiple Intelligences
? Learning theories
address the various
ways people learn
? Gardner¡¯s theory of
multiple intelligences
suggests varying
intelligence levels in
nine areas (Kim, 2009)
(Image Howard Gardner, 2014)
4. Practical Intelligence
? Practical Intelligence is the ability to find a more optimal fit
between themselves and the demands of the environment
through adapting to the environment, shaping the
environment, or selecting a new environment in the pursuit
of personally-valued goals (Sternberg & Hedlund, 2002).
? Adult learners have the ability to use experience and
skills of everyday living and apply it to knowledge in the
? Practical Intelligence and Tacit (Sternberg & Hedlund,
? Adult learners apply problem solving and personal
experience to knowledge
? Known as ¡°street smarts ¡° and or ¡°common Sense¡±
? Knowledge not learned through training
? Knowledge not found in books
5. Practical Intelligence
? The Conceptualization of Tacit Knowledge
? Tacit knowledge is context-specific knowledge about
what to do in a given situation or class of situations
(Sternberg & Hedlund, 2002).
? Practical intelligence is implied knowledge. It is not a
linguistic or a numerical form of knowledge it is more
personal (Sternberg & Hedlund, 2002).
? Example: Adults learn through personal experience
like learning a new language one may not be able to
learn the language just by learning the rules of
grammar they have to be around it hear it and pick it
up. It can¡¯t be explained in words, it is simply
6. Emotional Intelligence
? The internal factors that you develop over time;
? Why you feel the way you do
? Your moral compass
? Self management-how you handle things and
how effective you are
? Aligning your actions with your passion
? How you put together relationships
? In 2013 Hill and Rivera defined emotional
intelligence as the ability to be aware and in
control of one¡¯s own emotions as well as
empathic with others, the ability to motivate
7. Emotional Intelligence & Adult
? Strive to meet external expectations
? Learn better ways to serve others
? Seek higher levels of professional advancement
? To make or maintain social relationships (Esposito,
? Encourage contacts between students and faculty
? Develop reciprocity and cooperation among students
? Use active learning techniques
? Give prompt feedback
? Emphasize time on task
? Communicate high expectations
? Respect diverse talents and ways of learning
8. Characteristics of Cultural
? Transferring social skills from one cultural
context to another
? Adjusting actions in regards to cultural
? Incorporating knowledge from education and
? Understanding of the emotional norms and
behaviors in other cultures
9. Cultural Intelligences Impact
? Ascalon, Schleicher, and Born (2008)
highlighted the impact of cultural
? Facilitation of awareness of differences between
? Uses role-playing scenarios is an effective training
? Reduces ¡°one¡¯s knee-jerk responses can help one
prepare for cross-cultural encounters (p. 120)
? Increases knowledge of different cultures, self-efficacy,
awareness of the role of empathy, non-ethnocentrism,
communication, and interpersonal
10. References
Artist Unknown (2014). Photograph of Howard Gardner. Retrieved from
Ascalon, Ma. E., Schleicher, D. J., & Born, M. Ph. (2008). Cross-cultural social intelligence: An assessment for
employees working in cross-national contexts. Cross Cultural Management, 15(2), 109-130.
Esposito. 2005. Emotional intelligence and andragogy: The adult learner. Thonburi, Thailand: 19th international
conference, learning organizations in a learning world.
Hill, Dianne. & Rivera, Eduardo. 2013. Online adult learning and emotional intelligence oxymoron's? St.
Edwards University.
Kim, I. (2009). The Relevance of Multiple Intelligences to CALL Instruction. Reading Matrix: An International Online
Journal, 9(1), 1-21.
Sternberg, R. J., & Hedlund, J. (2002, April). Practical Intelligence, g, and Work Psychology.. human Performance,
15(1/2), 143-160.