The document summarizes a kick-off workshop for the GLUES-WOCAT project held from 27-29 January 2015. It discusses WOCAT methods and tools for documenting sustainable land management (SLM) technologies and approaches. Books, videos and their use for knowledge sharing are presented. Standardized documentation of SLM experiences has helped increase global awareness of successful SLM practices and allowed for analysis of impacts. Instructional videos are an effective way to spread knowledge of documented SLM practices and have been used in workshops and educational contexts.
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WOCAT GLUES Products - Leipzig Jan. 2015
1. Kick-足off workshop GLUES-WOCAT
27-足29 January 2015
Books, videos and their use
Rima Mekdaschi Studer and Hanspeter Liniger
Centre for Development and Environment, CDE, University of Bern
2. Books
Global Regional: Total 4
National: Total 11
3. 3
Overview book,
Setting new standards:
Global selection of
case studies:
- 42 Technologies &
- 28 Approaches
Policy implications
Funded by: SDC, UNEP, CTA
17. 17
Analysis of SLM technologies
what works where, and why
Analysis of SLM approaches
putting the practices into place
Conclusions and policy points
support for decision makers
18. 18
Analysis: local & global issues
Water, off-site / downstream
21. brings together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and NGOs
relies on close collaboration
between scientists and local
stakeholder groups
17 study sites in which researchers
applied, tested, and identified new
and innovative approaches to
combatting desertification
1.1 The process of identifying and
trialling solutions for SLM
1.2 Analysis of degradation and
SLM maps
Results of research
project, 2012
22. Spatial overview of land management
Degradation SLM
Degree / effectiveness
Impacts on ecosystem
functions and services
(MEA 2003)
23. Use and impacts
Prototype that catalysed a number of national overview books;
Standardized and user-friendly presentation (UNCCD);
Increased awareness on SLM;
Increased visibility of WOCAT;
Used at field level and decision making level;
Data analysis revealed knowledge gaps and allowed policy
Used in training and education (BSc, MSc);
Standard in a number of libraries all over the world;
Encourages networking, partnerships and knowledge exchange;
brings together those that usually do not work together
25. SLM in Practice: Part 1
1 Introduction
2 Principles for Best SLM Practices
> increased productivity
> improved livelihoods
> improved ecosystems
> triple-win solutions
3 Adoption and Decision Support
for Up-Scaling Best Practices
4 the Way Forward
29. SLM in Practice: Part 2
SLM Technology Groups and
Case Studies
for different land use systems:
cropland, grazing land, forests,
SLM Approaches and
Case Studies
Best SLM Practices In
33. Reference book for SSA (principles, comparison
of SLM groups: what works where, examples)
Found in different offices: ministries, universities,
Serves as a basis for the recently launched
TerrAfrica Knowledge Platform
( )
Initiated demand by WB/ NEPAD, TerrAfrica for a
similar product on rangeland and livestock
Initiated other publications such as SLM in Kagera
transboundary basin (FAO Kagera Project)
Use and impacts
34. Published 2013
Picks one of the 13
Technology groups
Introduces the concepts
behind water harvesting and
proposes a harmonised
classification system.
Gives an overview of 4 WH
groups with a selection of
good practices presented in
the systematic, consistent
and standardised WOCAT
40. Illustrating the great potential for improved
rainwater use (rainfed agriculture, water supply, )
Harmonization of categories and terms appreciated
Comprehensive collection of technologies in
standardized and reader friendly way
Feed back from several projects guidelines very
useful as reference and food for thought
TerrAfrica / WB want to reprint it
Use and impacts
41. video sharing
platform (P1)
P2: SLM video clips
P3: instructional videos
P4: nat. SLM docs
P5: SLM eco docs
link to the water channel
link to access agriculture
42. Instructional Video
Guiding themes & interview questions
1. Implementation of SLM practice
Demonstration of steps for implementation
Description of costs for implementation and maintenance and local
2. Functionality of SLM practice
Demonstration of functioning of SLM technology
Description of development of SLM approach
3. Degradation addressed
Demonstration of land and water degradation
4. Local and regional impacts of SLM practice
Demonstration of local (on-site) and regional (off-site) impacts
5. Transformation achieved
Demonstration of difference with/without technology or approach
6. Adaptation to climate variability and change benefits for
climate resilience or disaster risk reduction
Benefits of the SLM practices to create climate resilience and prevent
All video products are based on land user sharing and demonstrating their
experiences on:
1_intro: contextualization and problem statement
Introduction protagonist
and degradation
- What is your name?
- What are the specific challenges and difficulties you personally face in terms of land and water
Context - Where are we?
- What is the natural environment here?
- What are the main problems in terms of land and water degradation you face in the village and in
the region?
- What are the causes?
2_ demonstration and main explanations: implementation and functionality of SLM practice
SLM practice adoption - How do you call the SLM practice you adopted here?
- Why did you adopt it?
- From where did you get the idea?
- Did you get any training on how to implement it? Did anybody help you?
- What is the objective of the SLM practice?
Steps for
- What are the single steps that you undertake to implement the SLM practice?
- Once the technology is fully established, how does it function?
Costs - What are the total costs of implementation?
- What are the costs for the material and those for labour?
- Where are savings possible (e.g. by using cheaper material)?
- Who paid for it?
Pitfalls, challenges and
- What are some of the potential pitfalls and challenges?
- What are your suggestions to avoid or address them?
- What are possible adaptations in other areas/contexts?
Climate resilience - Does the SLM practice help you to deal with variable rainfall, water stress, hotter or colder years
and pest infestations?
- If yes, what are the benefits of the SLM practice for your land and livelihood during these events?
Disasters - How does the SLM practice function during unexpected weather events (prolonged dry
periods/droughts /heavy storms)?
- What are the benefits of the SLM practice for your land and livelihood during these events?
3_conclusion and closure: benefits and future
- What is the difference between a plot, where the practice was applied and one, where it wasnt?
- Has the production on your land where you applied the practice increased or decreased? By how
- What are the costs caused by land degradation? And what are the benefits of the SLM practice?
Local impacts - Which is the impact on the land where the SLM practice is located?
- What are the main benefits on your land? How has the vegetation, the soil or the water quality
and availability changed?
- What are the benefits for your family and your familys life?
Regional impacts - Which is the impact of the SLM practice on your neighbours, neighbouring fields and villages?
- Which are the benefits for them if you apply the practice?
Future - What are the benefits of the introduction of the practice for the future?
43. Technologies / 丐亠仆仂仍仂亞亳
1. Conversion of grazing land to fruit and fodder plots
丐舒弍亟亳仍 亟亳亳 亰舒仄亳仆亳 舒仂亞仂 弍舒 弍仂亞 于舒 亳亠仂仍亳 仂从亳 仂于仂
2. Orchard-based Agroforestry
丱舒仄弍舒舒亞亳亳 亟舒舒 于舒 亰亳仂舒亳
3. Reduced pressure on forest resources by improved thermal insulation
舒仄 从舒亟舒仆亳 亳仂 舒亰 亰舒亳舒仂亳 舒仆亞舒仍 弍舒 于仂亳舒亳 亞舒仄 仆亳亞仂 亟仂舒仆亳 仂仆舒仂
4. Energy efficiency measures to increase the application of organic fertilizer
丼仂舒仂亳 舒舒从仂亳亳 仆亠 弍舒仂亳 亰亳亟 从舒亟舒仆亳 仆亳仂亳 仄亠仆亠舒仍亳
5. Roof top rainwater harvesting
丼舒仄仂于舒亳亳 仂弍亳 弍仂仂仆 舒亰 弍仂仄亳 仂仆舒仂
6. Infilling of gullies with vegetative structures
从舒亟舒仆亳 仂弍弍亳亟舒仂 弍舒 于仂亳舒亳 亳仆仂仆亳亟舒仆亳 亟舒舒仂仆
7. Rotational grazing supported by additional water points
丼舒仂仆亳亟舒仆亳 亟舒于舒于亳 弍舒 于仂亳舒亳 亳仆仂仆亳亟舒仆亳 仆从舒仂亳 仂弍仆亳
Approaches / 舒于亳,仍
8. Village school participation and involvement
丼舒仍弍 于舒 亳亳仂从亳 仄舒从舒弍亳 亟亠舒
9. Livestock Committee at village level
仄亳舒亳 丼仂于仂亟仂亳 亟舒 舒亳 亟亠舒
Instructional videos for spreading documented SLM practices
舒于仂仂 弍仂 仗舒仆 从舒亟舒仆亳 舒亳弍舒亳 丐
44. Example Tajikistan:
the instructional videos used in local DRR
workshop in Tajikistan few months later
Videos well received locally and regionally
Next step: national SLM documentary for Tajik TV
Use and impacts
Production of video trailer(s):
widely shared, many requests for
uploading and distribution
e.g. school project in Portugal on
environmental education
Editor's Notes
#6: Like this 4 standardized 4 pages for each case study
-> easy and quick to understand and compare!
#11: Some examples to show the variety of T and A in the next slides