Sexual abuse and assault of children and women is increasing in Brunei Darussalam. From 2012 data, 82% of reported abuse cases involved children under 16, with the highest total of 45 cases reported that year. Physical abuse is considered the most common crime and can have long-term physical and psychological impacts, especially on children and without family support. Rape cases are also increasing, defined as non-consensual sexual intercourse, with 34 cases reported in 2011. Unlawful carnal knowledge cases, or sex outside marriage which is illegal in Brunei, increased to 13 cases in 2012, often involving girls under 16. However, many abuse cases go unreported due to feelings of shame.
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Women and children abuse in Brunei Darussalam
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Sexual abuse and assult on chidlren and women in Brunei Darussalam
The limited research that has been done indicates that the sexual abuse of children is
more widespread than most of us would prefer to believe. Up to May 2013, there are
about 15 cases of rape and unlawful carnal knowledge that are being reported to
Women and Childrens Abuse Unit, Royal Brunei Police Force,which include the
total of 12 (80%) children below 16 years of age. Most of the victims met the attacker
through online. The highst total that is being reported so far is 45, which happened
last year, 2012. There are about 82% which give it to the total of 37 chldren below 16
years were being rape or having unlawful carnal knowledge, and about 18% of
women that are 16 above were included in the statisctics.
Abuse can be defined as presistent and serious injury exposed upon a person by
another person, physically or mentally.In Brunei Darussalam, the percentage of sexual
abuse and sexual assult on both women and children, physically are rising. There is
no cause of phycsical harm however; it can be from stresssful family environment,
poor role models and lack of awareness coming from a person. Data reveal that while
reported incidents of violence occur most frequently in low-income families, such
violence is common across all income lines. In this case, this essay will elaborate
physical abuse on women and children in Brunei Darussalam, which are being report
or record by Women and Childrens Abuse Unit, Royal Brunei Police Force and also
some of the effects.
Physical abuse nowadays is considered as the highest rated crime, which could take
time to recover. As for those who are being abused, some of the women, and children
when they are young enough to understand the meaning of abused, they tend to suffer
from physical and sociological consequences due to lack of families and friends
support. The government of Brunei Darusssalam usually does not expose these kinds
of cases. Other than that, there are also many cases, which are popular among the
women and children, such as rape and unlawful carnal knowledge.
The highest number of rape, which is being recorded in the Women and Childrens
Abuse, Royal Brunei Police Force, is in 2011, which give it to the total of 34.Rape
can be defined as sexual assults, which involve the sexual intercourse, started by one
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or more person againts another person without the persons permission. Rape may be
carried out by physical force or against a person who is incapble to agree, such as one
who is druged and uncouncious and less effort people. Two years ago, Brunei
Darussalam, a 13 year old girl, was raped by her uncle. Her sexual assault was known
when she was brought to Raja isteri pengiran anak Salehas hospital, which then
reported her rape to the police.
While in the case of Unlawful carnal knowlege, the case is increasing to the total of
13 by 2012. Unlawful carnal knowledge is sometimes meant sexual intercourse
outside marriage, which is forbidden and illegal in Brunei Darussalam especially
among the Islamists. This usually involve girl below the age of 16. Nonetheless, the
case sometime is invalid as most of the victims did not report to the police or
authority due to the feeling of being ashamed. This kind of cases are not consider as a
rape when the person giving consent to have sexual interocurse with another person.
However according to law, children below 13 years of age who have sexual
intercourse outside marriage are consider as a rape.
However, not only women are involved in abuse, men are also being abused.
Eventhough men are physically stronger than women but that does not necessarily
make it easier to escape. Nevertheless, men seldom report their abuse to police due to
the embarassment it brings and preventing the family form knowing.