Leveraging LinkedIn The Most Underestimated Sales Tool
Ready to optimize your LinkedIn profile, build your network, & post for engagement? This session has it all. Its time to warm up your sales leads, & increase your effectiveness with LinkedIn!
3. #WomenInAuto
Why Linked-In?
40% of users use daily
44% of users earn more than $75 k / yr
41% of millionaires use
2 x the buying power of an average
website audience
8. #WomenInAuto
Photo & Headline & Summary
DO have a profile picture of your
smiling (headshots =14X more views)
DO personalize your headline (this is
not your job title)
DO write a unique summary
DO keep your location update
13. #WomenInAuto
Work Experience: Dos and Donts
DO include media
DO show progression
DO highlight specific specializations
DONT be stagnant: be creative!
28. #WomenInAuto
The DOs of Aligning
with Influencers
DO write to strangers
DO tag people in conversations
DO write recommendations
DO introduce people