2. 木兰汇的起源
The Origin of WiLAT
? 过往女性在物流运输界代表不足
Historically women have been under-represented in sectors such as
transport and logistics
? 媲美古代花木兰代父从军,刻苦耐劳的精神
Represents the spirit of the famous female army chief by living up
with the challenges
? 致力推动能干的女性会员在该界别的发展
Promote our industry to competent female members and to sustain
their development in the sector
? 2010年 - 首个分会在尼日利亚创立
First chapter in Nigeria was founded in 2010
? 2013年 - 全球起动礼在斯里兰卡举行
Global Launch in Sri Lanka in 2013
3. 今日的木兰汇
WiLAT Today
中国China 冈比亚Gambia 加纳Ghana
香港Hong Kong 印度India 爱尔兰Ireland
马来西亚Malaysia 毛里裘斯Mauritius 中东Middle East
尼日利亚Nigeria 巴基斯坦Pakistan 星加坡Singapore
南非South Africa 斯里兰卡Sri Lanka 坦桑尼亚Tanzania
乌干达Uganda 赞比亚Zambia 津巴布韦Zimbabwe
18 国家/地区
将会成立: 澳门
To be formed: Macao
4. 愿景及使命
Vision and Mission
愿景 Vision
To be the most sought after for advocacy,
professionalism and empowerment of women in
Supply Chain, Logistics and Transport.
使命 Mission
To promote the status of women in Logistics and
Transport, to bring together those who support talent
and career development of women and to provide a
support network and mentoring opportunities for women
in the sector.
8. 我们的景况
Our Circumstances
? 女性仍缺乏经济机会
Women lack economic opportunities
? 女性成为物流运输从业员仍不多
Women’s participation in transport and
logistics industry is still limited
? 女性在公司高级管理层仍然面对
Women in business continue to face a
formidable gender gap for senior
leadership positions
11. 不同行业由女性担任高级职位比例
Senior roles held by women varies
according to industries
医疗保健 Healthcare 41%
教育及社会服务 Education & Social Services 41%
款待 Hospitality 33%
餐饮 Food & Beverage 27%
采矿及采石 Mining & Quarrying 12%
建筑及房地产Construction & Real Estate 18%
制造及运输 Manufacturing & Transport 19%
科技 Technology 19%
数据來源: 均富国际商业问卷调查报告(Grant Thornton International Business Report) 2015
12. 24% 33%
Companies as a percentage
of without women in
senior management
Women as a percentage of
senior management
global average
Women Today
数据來源: 均富国际商业问卷调查报告 (Grant Thornton International Business Report) 2016
13. ? 可互相补足男性及女性的领导优势
Complementary leadership strengths applied by men and women
? 使观点及意见更多元
Diversity of perspectives and ideas
? 有助领导团队更互动
Beneficial effects on leadership team
Gender Diversity
16. 事业发展者
? 4 – 8年工作经验
? 习惯工作环境
? 集中发展专业技能
? 发掘她们的影响领域
? 事业正取得进展
? 9年或以工作经验
? 发展成为专题专家
? 作为著名专家建立个人
? 发展领导作风
千禧女性 The Female Millennial
? 0 – 3年工作经验
? 集中精力掌握工作与生活
The Career Starter
? 0 – 3 years of experience
? focus on getting to grips in work-life and
workplace culture and practices
The Career Developer
? 4 – 8 years’ work experience
? accustomed to workplace
? Focused on developing expertise
? Discovering their areas of impact
? Progressing their career
The Career Establisher
? 9 or more years’ work experience
? Developed as subject expert
? Establishing their profile as a leading expert
? Developing their leadership style
20. 我們相信透過分享激勵人心的故事可接觸女性和青
WE believe in touching the lives of women and youth by sharing
inspiring stories
凡事可能 Come to see that everything is possible
见贤思齐 Inspire by examples and true stories
互相学习 Learning from fellow professionals
薪火相传 Transmit experience
21. WiLAT 年报
WiLAT Annual Report
WiLAT 斯里兰卡三周年纪念活动 Sri Lanka 3rd Anniversary
WiLAT 非洲单车资助计划 Africa Bicycle Programme
WiLAT香港才艺比赛2016 WiLAT HK Got Talent
22. 我们已找到定位
We have found our positioning
? 一个活跃的组织
An activist group
? 鼓励女性专业从业员参予
Engage female professionals
? 推广获得CILT资格
Promote CILT qualification
? 提供社区服务
Provide community service
? 男性支持者的参予
Involve male supporters
23. ? 提倡平等及多元化
Champions of equality and diversity
? 支援总会发展的角色
Support CILT in a developing role
? WiLAT 周年会议及区域论坛
WiLAT annual meeting and regional forums
? 得到當地分会支持
Support from local territories
? 与年青专业人员紧密合作
Work closely with Young Professionals
As part of CILT family
24. 类似的团体
Similar Groups
? Female Entrepreneurs Worldwide (FEW) 公司
? Transport Women Australia Limited (TWAL) 运输交通
? Women in Supply Chain (WISC) 供应链
? Women in Rail (WR) 铁路