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What will make the world tick in 2012? What will consumers do in 2012?
What is the forecast of trends in the near future? Planners and intelligence
departments did their share of the job and thousands of reports
everywhere are evaluating, analyzing, studying and demonstrating the
crucial trends of the current year..

At Cheil UAE, our observation skills, trendspotting & pattern recognition
are “made in the region”. From different global and local research to
supermarket visits, café ear-dropping, social behaviourism and practically
anything that showcases or hints to any new pattern being built, we
developed our second MEA 2012 collection of trends, this one focused on
Super Nanny	
Although often grouped with other household workers, the new nannies
often carry responsibilities that are heavier and more significant. While
parents pursue careers and work to make life better for families, this
new age of educated nannies ensure that the children are safe, healthy
and happy. They only take care of the children, playing with them, while
their main focus is teaching them, just like old school governesses. 

Example: According to Philippine
                                    Overseas Employment Agency (POEA)
                                    figures, the Philippines deployed 13,184
                                    household service workers, including
                                    “Certified Nannies” to the UAE in 2011.
                                    The UAE is the third largest employer of
                                    Filipina nannies, next to Hong Kong and
#02 deal	
     The wonder
Is it because it brings us back to our bargaining traditions, an activity
      that especially appealed to Arabs throughout time? Or is it because
      women take pride in finding THE exclusive deal in town? Women in the
      Middle East now can show off when buying Smart! Social commerce
      is now an integral part of consumers’ lives: Groupon, Cobone,
      LivingSocial etc.. aren’t just about saving money: it’s the thrill, the
      hunt, the control, and the perceived smartness these women are after.

                           Example: Banyan Tree and LivingSocial
                                          Escapes ME have set a new standard in
                                          online travel sales in the ME: The
                                          promotion featured a 50% discount on a
                                          romantic one-night stay for 2 at the

                                                                                   Zawya April 2012
                                          Banyan Tree RAK and has seen over
                                          USD 1,100,000 of room nights sold
                                          within a space of 14 days.
Local social
 There are 2.3 million Facebook users in the UAE from which 66% are
male and only 34% are female. Though Emirati women are becoming
increasingly aware and digitally competent with Smartphone devices
that enhance the constant use of social networking sites, as a
majority they prefer to use Twitter over Facebook, finding
Facebook’s privacy settings “untrustworthy”.

                                                                                            Research conducted at Zayed University- The National
Example: Women in the United Arab
                                    Emirates tweet seven times more than
                                    the average user, with 60 percent
                                    admitting that they are constantly
                                    checking their accounts throughout the
                                    day. They trust the micro-blogging site
                                    and don’t feel exposed like with
                                                                *Arab Social Media Report
the new 
#04the new Men

Women in the region are becoming as powerful as men if not more.
Women are the majority of the workforce in Dubai where expat women
are Managers and CEOs of international companies. Local women are
becoming ministers and directors of major governmental companies.
In the Middle East the power of the purse has never been more

Example: Lebanese Actress and
                                   Director Nadine Labaki is the new face
                                   of the Scotch Whiskey brand Johnnie
                                   Walker. This new campaign marks the
                                   first time ever a woman has appeared
                                   in a Johnnie Walker Ad.
 If the devil wears Prada, the world wears H&M. Call it recession, call it
fashion, we call it “back to reality”! Brands’ (and designers’) aim is,
today, having the opportunity of reaching a wider audience. The
difference between the new reces-shion and the all time masstige
(mass luxury) is that the consumer can afford to pay more but is not
necessarily willing to pay more for luxury after the recession. 

Example : When High street giant H&M
                                       announced their latest designer
                                       collaboration with Versace, people in the
                                       UAE actually waited in line from 5:am for
                                       the Dubai Mall and MOE stores to open.

                                                                                     Source: Gulf News
                                       Collection was sold out in 30mn. Last
                                       year’s Lanvin collection for H&M was
                                       sold out in the UAE in a matter of hours!
Fat Phobia	

Being obese or overweight is a worldwide concern.In Dubai and the
 UAE the problem is a main subject of conversations between new
 expats and old residents. We acknowledge that the sedentary life we
 live and the long working hours help us gain weight.. But from diet
 food in a box to boot camps to private trainers to VelaShape™ and
 Power Plate®, the fat war became somehow more of a trend matter
 than a health problem.

Example: The diet food delivery
                                     companies are one of those fast-growing
                                     trends in Dubai: Live’ly, Right Bite,

                                                                                 Gulf News.com June 2012
                                     Health Factory, Kcal... Women (and men)
                                     receive the diet food in a box along with
                                     the promise to help her shift the pounds,
                                     while eating healthily, saving her time..
                                     and looking trendy.
 Grannies aren’t what they used to be! At 60, 70 or even 80 years old,
women still want to look their best and wear the best. I dare you to
label a 50 + women by “3rd age”. They understand beauty and they buy
Fashion. Brands also understand that age today is nothing but a
number and grand-mothers these days will not wear granny clothes. Is
it too cliché to say 70 is the new 30? 

Example: The new Burberry Ad featuring
                                      Isabella Rossellini aged 60, and the new
                                      Dolce & Gabbana campaign featuring a
                                      happy mix of generation in UAE local
                                      magazines : Monica Belluci 47 years with
                                      model Bianca Balti 28 and model Daphne
                                      Selfe 82 years old… are today all equally
                                      considered brand consumers.
#08 Nation	
UAE women spend 38% more than their French counterparts on
         cosmetics and consider these products “daily necessity”. Particularly
         young women who allocate a larger part of their income to Make Up,
         especially “bold color lipstick”. This clearly shows a change in trend
         from a traditional discourse on beauty based on modesty to one
         influenced by Western brands, moving away from a conservative
         approach to a modern affirmation of personal beauty attributes. 

Example : Consumption of facial and eye

                                                                                        Euromonitor International, Gulf News 2011
                                             make-up and lip care products will
                                             continue to grow over the next years in
                                             the UAE to reach 519.5 Million dirham in
                                             2014. Eye make-up but particularly lip
                                             make-up products including lipstick, lip
                                             gloss & liners are projected to be the
                                             largest segments of this market.

One does not have to look very far to see that multiple births are on
 the rise in the region. The statistics do seem to show a trend toward
 higher multiple births. According to scientific research conducted, age
 and fertility treatments are the leading two causes of the increase in
 multiple births. A new demographic target is “Born” (pun intended)
 which represent an amazing opportunity for brands in the region.

                                    Example: Brands should take this new
                                    target into consideration when

                                                                               *Middle East Fertility Society Journal
                                    developing new services or new
                                    promotions: kids products, FMCG’s,
                                    clothing, hotel promotions... You name
                                    it! The ‘buy one get one free’ has never
                                    been so rationalized.
 Many Emirati are “captivated” by Korean Culture. They are obsessed
    with everything from the boy band members, to TV dramas, food,
    fashion, beauty products and language. They study Korean at the
    university. They order creams and make-up from South Korea. Soap
    operas, subtitled in Arabic, are more conservative than their Western
    counterparts. Lyrics also are less explicit than in American hip-hop. 

                                    Example: The popularity of K-pop is
                                    growing in the ME. Last April, 7 members
                                    of boy group ZE:A held a fan meeting in
                                    Dubai sponsored by Samsung. Thousands
                                    of fans arrived for a chance to receive

                                                                               Gulf News. April 2012
                                    autographs. The boys also held a special
                                    showcase in Abu Dhabi where thousands of
                                    female fans where waiting for them.

Cheil worldwide (www.cheil.com) is Korea’s largest and one of the world’s
leading advertising groups. Established in 1973 with headquarters in Seoul,
Cheil operates 53 offices in 28 countries with over than 3,000 employees.

Operating in Dubai since 2006, Cheil UAE is an integrated ad agency 
producing creative and added value solutions for its clients through
“ideas that move” - Ideas that move consumers, brands metrics, products.
To find out more about our “ideas that move” 
 or more info on our local Trendspotting & 
      Marketing to Women knowledge
  and how it can help move your business, 
   please contact: seongjin.ki@cheil.com
        or joumana.hage@cheil.com

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Women trends

  • 1. Jh/sept 2012/ Cheil UAE WOMEN 2012 TRENDS
  • 2. INTRO… What will make the world tick in 2012? What will consumers do in 2012? What is the forecast of trends in the near future? Planners and intelligence departments did their share of the job and thousands of reports everywhere are evaluating, analyzing, studying and demonstrating the crucial trends of the current year.. At Cheil UAE, our observation skills, trendspotting & pattern recognition are “made in the region”. From different global and local research to supermarket visits, café ear-dropping, social behaviourism and practically anything that showcases or hints to any new pattern being built, we developed our second MEA 2012 collection of trends, this one focused on women.
  • 4. #01 Super Nanny Although often grouped with other household workers, the new nannies often carry responsibilities that are heavier and more significant. While parents pursue careers and work to make life better for families, this new age of educated nannies ensure that the children are safe, healthy and happy. They only take care of the children, playing with them, while their main focus is teaching them, just like old school governesses. Example: According to Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA) figures, the Philippines deployed 13,184 household service workers, including “Certified Nannies” to the UAE in 2011. The UAE is the third largest employer of Filipina nannies, next to Hong Kong and Kuwait.
  • 6. #02 deal The wonder Is it because it brings us back to our bargaining traditions, an activity that especially appealed to Arabs throughout time? Or is it because women take pride in finding THE exclusive deal in town? Women in the Middle East now can show off when buying Smart! Social commerce is now an integral part of consumers’ lives: Groupon, Cobone, LivingSocial etc.. aren’t just about saving money: it’s the thrill, the hunt, the control, and the perceived smartness these women are after. •  Example: Banyan Tree and LivingSocial Escapes ME have set a new standard in online travel sales in the ME: The promotion featured a 50% discount on a romantic one-night stay for 2 at the Zawya April 2012 Banyan Tree RAK and has seen over USD 1,100,000 of room nights sold within a space of 14 days.
  • 8. #03 Local social There are 2.3 million Facebook users in the UAE from which 66% are male and only 34% are female. Though Emirati women are becoming increasingly aware and digitally competent with Smartphone devices that enhance the constant use of social networking sites, as a majority they prefer to use Twitter over Facebook, finding Facebook’s privacy settings “untrustworthy”. Research conducted at Zayed University- The National Example: Women in the United Arab Emirates tweet seven times more than the average user, with 60 percent admitting that they are constantly checking their accounts throughout the day. They trust the micro-blogging site and don’t feel exposed like with Facebook *Arab Social Media Report
  • 10. #04the new Men Women Women in the region are becoming as powerful as men if not more. Women are the majority of the workforce in Dubai where expat women are Managers and CEOs of international companies. Local women are becoming ministers and directors of major governmental companies. In the Middle East the power of the purse has never been more powerful. Example: Lebanese Actress and Director Nadine Labaki is the new face of the Scotch Whiskey brand Johnnie Walker. This new campaign marks the first time ever a woman has appeared in a Johnnie Walker Ad.
  • 12. #05 Reces-shion If the devil wears Prada, the world wears H&M. Call it recession, call it fashion, we call it “back to reality”! Brands’ (and designers’) aim is, today, having the opportunity of reaching a wider audience. The difference between the new reces-shion and the all time masstige (mass luxury) is that the consumer can afford to pay more but is not necessarily willing to pay more for luxury after the recession. Example : When High street giant H&M announced their latest designer collaboration with Versace, people in the UAE actually waited in line from 5:am for the Dubai Mall and MOE stores to open. Source: Gulf News Collection was sold out in 30mn. Last year’s Lanvin collection for H&M was sold out in the UAE in a matter of hours!
  • 14. #06 Fat Phobia Being obese or overweight is a worldwide concern.In Dubai and the UAE the problem is a main subject of conversations between new expats and old residents. We acknowledge that the sedentary life we live and the long working hours help us gain weight.. But from diet food in a box to boot camps to private trainers to VelaShape™ and Power Plate®, the fat war became somehow more of a trend matter than a health problem. Example: The diet food delivery companies are one of those fast-growing trends in Dubai: Live’ly, Right Bite, Gulf News.com June 2012 ` Health Factory, Kcal... Women (and men) receive the diet food in a box along with the promise to help her shift the pounds, while eating healthily, saving her time.. and looking trendy.
  • 16. #07chic Granny Grannies aren’t what they used to be! At 60, 70 or even 80 years old, women still want to look their best and wear the best. I dare you to label a 50 + women by “3rd age”. They understand beauty and they buy Fashion. Brands also understand that age today is nothing but a number and grand-mothers these days will not wear granny clothes. Is it too cliché to say 70 is the new 30? Example: The new Burberry Ad featuring Isabella Rossellini aged 60, and the new Dolce & Gabbana campaign featuring a happy mix of generation in UAE local magazines : Monica Belluci 47 years with model Bianca Balti 28 and model Daphne Selfe 82 years old… are today all equally considered brand consumers.
  • 18. #08 Nation Lipstick UAE women spend 38% more than their French counterparts on cosmetics and consider these products “daily necessity”. Particularly young women who allocate a larger part of their income to Make Up, especially “bold color lipstick”. This clearly shows a change in trend from a traditional discourse on beauty based on modesty to one influenced by Western brands, moving away from a conservative approach to a modern affirmation of personal beauty attributes. . Example : Consumption of facial and eye Euromonitor International, Gulf News 2011 make-up and lip care products will continue to grow over the next years in the UAE to reach 519.5 Million dirham in 2014. Eye make-up but particularly lip make-up products including lipstick, lip gloss & liners are projected to be the largest segments of this market.
  • 20. #09 Duos-Mom One does not have to look very far to see that multiple births are on the rise in the region. The statistics do seem to show a trend toward higher multiple births. According to scientific research conducted, age and fertility treatments are the leading two causes of the increase in multiple births. A new demographic target is “Born” (pun intended) which represent an amazing opportunity for brands in the region. Example: Brands should take this new target into consideration when *Middle East Fertility Society Journal developing new services or new promotions: kids products, FMCG’s, clothing, hotel promotions... You name it! The ‘buy one get one free’ has never been so rationalized.
  • 22. #10wave Korean Many Emirati are “captivated” by Korean Culture. They are obsessed with everything from the boy band members, to TV dramas, food, fashion, beauty products and language. They study Korean at the university. They order creams and make-up from South Korea. Soap operas, subtitled in Arabic, are more conservative than their Western counterparts. Lyrics also are less explicit than in American hip-hop. Example: The popularity of K-pop is growing in the ME. Last April, 7 members of boy group ZE:A held a fan meeting in Dubai sponsored by Samsung. Thousands of fans arrived for a chance to receive Gulf News. April 2012 autographs. The boys also held a special showcase in Abu Dhabi where thousands of female fans where waiting for them.
  • 23. ABOUT CHEIL Cheil worldwide (www.cheil.com) is Korea’s largest and one of the world’s leading advertising groups. Established in 1973 with headquarters in Seoul, Cheil operates 53 offices in 28 countries with over than 3,000 employees. Operating in Dubai since 2006, Cheil UAE is an integrated ad agency producing creative and added value solutions for its clients through “ideas that move” - Ideas that move consumers, brands metrics, products.
  • 24. To find out more about our “ideas that move” or more info on our local Trendspotting & Marketing to Women knowledge and how it can help move your business, please contact: seongjin.ki@cheil.com or joumana.hage@cheil.com