This document discusses word of mouth marketing. It defines word of mouth marketing as building active, mutually beneficial consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-marketer communications. It also discusses Ernest Dichter's past applications of word of mouth marketing and how social media has changed word of mouth marketing today. Finally, it presents a case study on The Wiserhood company that utilizes television, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter for word of mouth marketing.
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WOMM Presentation
1. Alessandro BozzelliMKTG 6226Jan 17th, 2011Word of Mouth MarketingLeave your comments on the Word of Mouth Marketing Facebook Page or Twitter (#WOMMrules)
2. AgendaWhat is WOMM?Dichter¡¯s Application & ExamplesWhat has Changed?Social MediaCase Study: The WiserhoodLeave your comments on the Word of Mouth Marketing Facebook Page or Twitter (#WOMMrules)
3. What is it?The art and science of building active, mutually beneficial consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-marketer communicationsGiving people a reason to talk about your products and services, and making it easier for that conversation to take place.Leave your comments on the Word of Mouth Marketing Facebook Page or Twitter (#WOMMrules)
4. Dichter¡¯s Application & ExamplesSimulate WOM by¡Proving Friendship & Intention by¡Proving an Authentic Relationship to the Product by¡Stimulate WOM by¡Turning Messages into ¡®Topics of Talk¡¯ by¡Leave your comments on the Word of Mouth Marketing Facebook Page or Twitter (#WOMMrules)
5. Then and Now: What has Changed?Marketing SaturationConsumer ScepticismConsumer ConnectivityLeave your comments on the Word of Mouth Marketing Facebook Page or Twitter (#WOMMrules)
6. Social MediaLeave your comments on the Word of Mouth Marketing Facebook Page or Twitter (#WOMMrules)
7. Case Study: The WiserhoodTelevisionYouTubeFacebookTwitterLeave your comments on the Word of Mouth Marketing Facebook Page or Twitter (#WOMMrules)
Editor's Notes
#5: Example 1 (Exclusive Group): 2 (Tracing Company Myth): 3 (Trend of the times):