The document discusses creating a blog to help fifth grade students improve their English skills through independent and fun methodology. The goal is to practice and strengthen skills like using verbs and giving personal information. The blog will provide didactic and fun tools like videos, characters, images, stories, games and songs to help students learn and correct mistakes in a foreign language.
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2. This blog is designed and
addressed to children fifth
grader of primary school.
Learners who always are
thinking to improve their
learning process and
academic Performance of
English classes.
Students are beginners, with a
independent methodology
The principal goal is to practice and
strengthen their skills in the learning
of a foreign language, and that are
able to correct their mistakes at the
same time enable to learn.
all this trough games, practices
exercises, chanting, movies etc.
Provide a didactic and fun tool
for those seeking to learn or
improve their skills in learning
for a foreign language
trough methodology
WI L L B E A B L E :
To us e of t he
v e r b 't o b e '
f or gi v i ng
pe r s ona l
i n f o r ma t i o n 揃
: n a me s ,
ma r i t a l
s t a t us ,
na t i ona l i t y ,
p h o n e n u mb e r ,
a ddr e s s , a ge ,
6. T H I S B L O G WE C A N F I N D
V I D E O S ,C H A R A C T E R S ,I M A G E S ,S T O R Y
T E L L I N G ,G R A M M A R S T R U C T U R E S
G A M E S ,S O N G S ,E T C