- The document provides analytics on a loyalty program called Wonder World for a retail store. It summarizes key member demographics and behaviors.
- Over 10 lakh members are enrolled with 2.5 lakh active members who shop mostly on weekends. The highest spending members are located in northern India.
- Most members are in the silver tier and points redemption is currently at 20% of points earned. A points reminder campaign is recommended to boost redemptions.
- Cross-promotions with other brands like Domino's and Delhi Daredevils are suggested to acquire new members and drive loyalty program engagement and sales.
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Wonder World ProgramG&J
1. Members on WWP
34% members repeated purchase of total loyalty members
20% is the points earn-burn ratio
Sundays is the highest shopped day & Tuesday being the least
Total Members enrolled are more than 10 Lakhs amongst them we have
active base of 2.5 lakhs
Average member basket size is Rs.1,543
68% of bill cuts are from weekends
41% members purchase in price bracket of Rs.1,000-2,499
20% members purchase in price range of Rs.2,500 to 4,999
2. Members Demographics
100% of members gave Mobile Number & City in the information section
16% of members were comfortable giving home address followed by 12% gave there
9 to 9.5% of members gave their Gender & DOB in the information and 6% gave the
kids in info
Just 3% gave email address & nobody gave anniversary details
3. Earn & Burn of Points Analysis
Total points issued till date are 69,676,425 nearly 70 cr.
Redeemed points by the members till date are 13,739,833 nearly 14 cr.
Earn to Burn ratio of points is 20%
Amongst the total points 85% of them are grown from shopping in last one year
A points reminder campaign could take place from September till December 2015
ends up with expire of those points
With current 20% redemption rate our sales may grow from points reminder with
Contribution to incremental of loyalty sales
4. Member Base Analysis
Period: 2011-2015
North being the maximum base
of member, so Delhi, Chandigarh
and other northern are top
South and central part of India
are the bottom two
5. Members Breakup- Loyalty Tiers
Wise during 2011-2015
The top priority with 92% members chose silver membership
Gold has 5% of members under them
Least is 3% of total members use platinum membership
Nearly 9% of enrolled members are of 0-1 year of age followed by 23% of age
1-2 year
24% members are of 2-3year of age group & 25% are of 3-4 year old
19% of members fall under the age group of 5 years and above
6. Store Cluster Analysis
Category A,B,C Stores
Category A Stores across following Tier I cities:
Delhi Mumbai Bangalore Chennai Hyderabad Kolkata
Category B Stores across following Tier II cities are 40
Category C Stores across following Tier III cities are 66
Contributions by Bill cuts
2% of contribution is from Tier I cities & 56% are from Tier II cites
The Least is from Tier 3 cities i.e. is 2%
By Purchase Value Contribution (Rs.)
47% of contribution is from category B i.e. Tier II cities & 39% from Tier I cities
14% of purchase value contributed is the least one i.e. from Tier III cities
7. Member Clusters Analysis of
Active Member Base Analysis
Out of the total members 25% are active ones who have more than two bills in
period last one year
These members may be categorized into High Loyal, High Value & High conscious
High loyal Member: More than or equal to 4 Visits and Bill amount exceeds the
AVT (Average Member Basket Size) i.e. Rs 1,543.
High value: AVT is more 7,500 and Visits are less than 4
Value Conscious : AVT is less 4,000 and Visits are also less than 4
8. Active Base Break up
New Members
High Value
High loyal
Value concious
Active Members: Wonder
World members who have
shopped at least once in last
1 year (Sep, 2014 till Aug,
9. Slab Breakup-Sliver Tier
Analysis of 2011-2015
New Members
Regular- less than 2 bills in last 365 days
Lapser- No bill in last 180 days
Dormant- No bill in last 365 days
Need to focus on new customer acquisition
Automated campaigns required for
specifically targeting Dormant conversion
to Regular
10. Slab Breakup-Gold Tier &
11. Recommendations
Increasing Member Base in next 3-6 Months
Increase Program visibility at stores
Placing Wonder World Tent Card at billing counters with membership benefit details
Wonder World Backlit Panel at the back of Billing POS
Staff Re-training so that they can drive loyalty program at store level
Push mobile app & microsite links with bonus points incentive for members
> Best Quality DB
> Highest Enrollments in the month
> Highest Loyalty Sale
Cross Promotion with other non-competing brands
Currently we are adding approx.18,000 new members in the program every month
Increasing mobile number tagging rate to approx. 60-70% will help adding
So,50,000 new members every month in the program will be the target
12. Cross promotion Strategy
Filtered data base of Kids in 2-10 yrs. range has 7 lakhs contacts that we need to
In return Dominos will broadcast 25% off coupon to all transactions happening at
relevant Gini & Jony stores
Distribute Gini & Jony Gift vouchers to kids celebrating bday in Dominos
Delhi Daredevils
@20 p/ sms we can reach out to DDs approx. 12 lakh of kids data base in the range
2-10 yrs.
@12.5 p/sms we can broadcast e-vouchers to their approx. 1.2 Cr data base
Premium Seats for 25 Wonder World members/ match during IPL 2016 & player visit
at Gini & Jony store during IPL 2016
13. Campaign Plan Sep-Dec 2015
Events need to be targeted during the festival period i.e. Dussehra, Diwali,
Childrens Day, Christmas and New year
Active member base we need to send 2 sms per month to our new members,
high value members , high loyal members & Value conscious ones as well from this
expected redemption is 20% to 60%
Points reminder has 1 sms per month with the expected redemption rate of 50%
Lapsers & Dormant members are need to be focused by sending 2 sms per month
14. Concluding Recommendation
We can send sms on kids birthday saying #WeClelebrateWithYou and give them special
burn points offer may be 1.5p = 1 points on the special day this may lead to increase
redemption rate
In cross promotion strategy we can give our 25 lucky Platinum and gold members
G&J & Delhi Dare Devils customize cap/wrist band along with an invitation to watch
the match on premium seats
We can ask players to visit G&J Stores which are at prime location and make them
sign T-shirts, caps etc. and then we can either auction them or run a contest only for
wonder world members to win these items or run a campaign for points redemption
We can run a refer and earn campaign where in we can ask our members to refer
their relatives, friends and get extra bonus points which will help new members in
In cross promotion with Dominos we can give a special voucher designed for kids on
every purchase of Dominos Junior JoyBox
Dominos value customer on purchase of Rs.1000-2000 or more per month for kids will
get a G&J Wonder WP membership and a G&J wrist watch