This document outlines the agenda and materials for a community meeting to update the Woodland Park comprehensive plan. The meeting will include an introduction, overview of the planning process, discussion of emerging issues, a keypad polling activity, and a vision and values mapping exercise. Attendees will discuss transportation challenges, land use, housing, and other topics to create a plan that addresses community needs in a sustainable manner. The project team will gather public input to draft the plan, which will then be adopted for use by officials and residents to implement the community's vision.
2. Tonights Agenda
Comprehensive Planning Process
Emerging Issues
Keypad Polling: Whos in the Room and Early Opinions
Transportation Challenges: Removing the Roadblocks
Vision and Values Mapping Exercise
Create a land use plan that is consistent with citizens vision and
that addresses key community issues in a sustainable manner
Report Out
Next Steps -- Additional Opportunities for Public Input
3. Project Team
Danna Ortiz, Civil Resources,
Ryan McCaw, Civil Resources, Planner
Carlos Hernandez, Fehr & Peers,
Transportation Planner
Ken Synder, PlaceMatters,
Chief Executive Officer
Carissa Look, PlaceMatters,
Community Engagement Specialist
Jenna Miles, PlaceMatters, Office Manager
4. Elements of the Comprehensive Plan
An analysis of existing conditions
A vision for the Towns future
Specific goals and actions to achieve the vision
Image and Design -- Land Use, Public Facilities
Housing -- Transportation
Economy -- Community History, Culture and Education
Environment -- Parks, Trails, Recreation, Open Space, Tourism
Maps that illustrate the Towns vision and guide land use decisions and
help to coordinate capital investments
5. Why Update the Comprehensive Plan?
To arrive at a future of our own choosing
Available land for new development
becoming scarce
To proactively address challenges that
the City will face, such as providing
affordable housing and public services
Incorporate new residents ideas into the
communitys vision
6. The Comprehensive Planning Process
The Comprehensive Plan is used by City Officials, Staff and
The Comprehensive Plan is used by City Officials, Staff and
residents to implement the vision created during this process.
residents to implement the vision created during this process.
7. Vision
What do we want to
be known for?
Elements that
contribute to the
Citys character?
16. Pick your favorite You know youre in
Woodland Park when Statement
1. Youve thought about trying to get stimulus money to 1
install a wind farm in your back yard
2 5%
2. Youve heard stories about horses riding down main street
and the story is set during the Clinton years 3 17%
3. You design your kid' Halloween costume to fit over a
snowsuit 4 42%
4. Youre enjoying a pleasant sunny day while everyone
down the pass is socked in 5 15%
5. Your snow shovel sees more use than your lawnmower
6 13%
6. You have tried gardening here. Once. A long time ago
7. Pikes Peak Granite means something other than a great 7 6%
17. How long have you lived in
Woodland Park?
1. Less than one year 1 4%
2. Between 1 and 5 years 2 30%
3. Between 6 and 10 years 3 18%
4. Between 11 and 20 years 4 25%
5. More than 20 years 5 23%
18. How old are you?
1. 19 and under 1 2%
2. 20-24 years 2 1%
3. 25-34 years 3 9%
4. 35-44 years 4 13%
5. 45-54 years 5 25%
6. 55-64 years 6 37%
7. 65-74 years 7 13%
8. 75+ 8 0%
19. Where do you live?
1. Area 1, within town limits 1 46%
2. Area 2, within town limits 2 7%
3. Area 3, within town limits 3 23%
4. Area 1, outside town limits 4 7%
5. Area 2, outside town limits 5 7%
6. Area 3, outside town limits 6 9%
20. Where do you work?
1. Woodland Park 1 52%
2. Home Based Business in Woodland Park 2 26%
3. Cripple Creek/Victor 3 2%
4. Colorado Springs 4 15%
5. Other locations in Teller/ Park County 5 2%
6. El Paso County 6 1%
7. Denver area 7 1%
8. Other 8 2%
21. Of the following list of town qualities and community character,
which 3 do you feel are the most important in establishing and
enhancing a recognizable Woodland Park identity?
1. Small town atmosphere 1 75
2. Mountain western architecture 2 16
3. The best view of Pikes Peak 3 22
4. A great place to raise a family 4 39
5. Great climate City Above the Clouds 5 37
6. Many outdoor recreation opportunities 6 31
7. Safe community with very little crime 7 44
8. Community that has celebrations, 4th of July, festivals etc. 8 14
9. Location close to other beautiful areas, fishing and camping 9 40
10. Happy friendly faces 10 9
22. Do you believe it is beneficial to grow
beyond a population of 12,900 people?
1. Strongly agree 1 8%
2. Agree 2 7%
3. Somewhat agree 3 12%
4. Neutral or not sure 4 8%
5. Somewhat disagree 5 20%
6. Strongly disagree 6 44%
23. In your opinion, is a specific downtown plan needed
to more thoroughly address walkablity, signage,
traffic impacts generated by US24, parking, and
design guidelines?
1. Strongly agree 1 59%
2. Agree 2 23%
3. Somewhat agree 3 9%
4. Neutral or not sure 4 1%
5. Somewhat disagree 5 1%
6. Strongly disagree 6 7%
24. Should there be a plan to manage the infill of
the older neighborhoods that were planned in
the 1890s with 7500 square foot lots?
1. Strongly agree 1 30%
2. Agree 2 25%
3. Somewhat agree 3 14%
4. Neutral or not sure 4 11%
5. Somewhat disagree 5 7%
6. Strongly disagree 6 13%
26. How many cars per day do you think pass down
Midland Avenue?
1. 2,000 1 6%
2. 10,000 2 16%
3. 20,000 3 15%
4. 25,000 4 23%
5. 30,000 5 21%
6. 35,000 6 18%
27. What is an effective way to increase visitors
stopping to spend money at local businesses?
1. Provide new parking areas 1 20%
2. Slow car traffic down 2 15%
3. Improve the pedestrian 59%
4. Big signs 4 6%
28. Overall, traffic volumes in town are:
1. Unacceptably high 1 26%
2. Just right 2 67%
3. Too low 3 7%
29. Traffic volumes on Midland Avenue are:
1. Unacceptably high 1 37%
2. Just right 2 57%
3. Too low 3 7%
30. How much traffic do we have in town?
Midland Avenue Traffic Volumes
Average Annual Daily Traffic
Woodland Park Lyons Nederland Pagosa Springs Evergreen Estes Park Eagle
31. Does it feel like there is too much traffic?
Midland Avenue Vehicle Trips per Capita
Vehicle trips per capita
Woodland Park Lyons Nederland Pagosa Springs Evergreen Estes Park Eagle
32. Is the road design compatible with volumes?
Peak Hour Roadway Capacity Analysis
Percent of Roadway Capacity Used
Woodland Park Lyons Nederland Pagosa Springs Evergreen Estes Park Eagle
33. Do you want a walkable community?
1. Absolutely, at all costs 1 76%
2. Maybe 2 22%
3. No 3 2%
34. Do you want a bicycle friendly community?
1. Absolutely, at all costs 1 54%
2. Maybe 2 42%
3. No 3 4%
35. Do you want specific transit service?
1. Absolutely, at all costs 1 31%
2. Maybe 2 51%
3. No 3 18%
36. What about parking in town?
1. Inadequate, we need a lot more! 1 21%
2. Acceptable, but we need more 2 50%
3. Just right, we dont need more 3 25%
4. Too much parking!! 4 4%
53. Vision and Values
Goal: Create a land use plan that is consistent with citizens vision
and that addresses key community issues in a sustainable
54. Role of Group Captain
Keep your table focused, on task and on time
Ensure everyone gets to participate (e.g., politely
prevent one person from dominating the
Ensure everyone treats each other with respect
Help ensure accurate and clear capture of ideas
Role of Scribe
Take neutral notes
Capture ideas accurately
Ask questions to clarify and make changes as
55. Ground Rules for Activity for All
Group Members
Listen thoughtfully and respectfully. Keep
comments brief, one person speaks at a
Participate openly, honestly, respectfully,
and civilly
Ask questions to clarify, rather than
Keep a problem-solving mindset!
61. Next Steps
Apply for Community Advisory Committee
Take on-line survey beginning May 14th
Submit stories, photos, poems, videos
Workshop #2