During the Holocaust, Jews in Germany were forced from their homes into overcrowded ghettos and concentration camps under Hitler's rule. As chancellor, Hitler established a dictatorship where he controlled citizens' lives and enacted racist, unconstitutional laws that legalized the imprisonment and torture of Jews. Rumors spread that Jews practiced blood libels and were bad for business, fueling antisemitism. Most Germans accepted the confinement of Jews in ghettos and camps and their treatment and mass murder by Nazis. Adolf Hitler led Germany at this time and had total power over the government and people as a racist dictator.
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1. Vocabulary words!
1. ghettos
2. concentration camps
3. blood libel
4. chancellor
The Holocaust was a very dangerous and confusing time for the Jewish people
that called Germany home. They were taken from their homes, and put into ghettos,
but the ghettos were not homes at all; they cut off their inhabitants from the city, along
with the outside world. Additionally, Jews were sent to another place that is almost as
far away from the de鍖nition of home as you can get; concentration camps. How did
they become prisoners of society? For some reason, the German race was very afraid
of Jews. Maybe it was the rumors of blood libel, even though Jews dont consume
blood. But the worst part of it, these unconstitutional acts were legal under Hitlers rule.
He made this possible by becoming Chancellor of Germany, so he was able to control
the lives of citizens there, but at the same time, he tore hundreds of them apart.
During the Holocaust, Jews had many rumors spread about them. They were
known as bad business men, killers of Christ, and they were even known for doing
blood libels. Although killing Christian babies for blood to ingest may sound ridiculous,
many people believed these rumors. This caused the Chancellor, or Hitler, to force the
Jews into ghettos. Those not Jewish did not want to be around the Jews, so they
made a special living place just for Jews: but this still didnt work. The people just
wanted the Jews to be gone. So, Hitler, being the leader he was sent the Jews to
concentration camps in herds so that they could be tortured and put to death by the
Nazis. This was considered good to most German people.
Vocabulary Words
1. Adolf Hitler
2. dictatorship
3. racist
4. Reichstag
Adolf Hitler was a leader in the time of the Holocaust; he was the head of a
dictatorship in Germany. Everybody listened to what he said, and had all the people in
Germany under his control. They were powerless against him. He even ruled over
branches of the government, the Reichstag for instance, so he could make them pass
racist laws. These laws were unfair and prejudiced towards Jewish people, and made
them inferior.