New words are formed through processes like compounding and clipping. Compounding involves combining two or more root morphemes to form a new word, such as textbook or postman. Clipping is shortening existing words, like ad for advertisement or gym for gymnasium. There are different types of clipping including back clipping (removing the end), fore clipping (removing the beginning), and middle clipping (removing inside parts). Both compounding and clipping follow rules of word formation and allow languages to evolve through creation of new terms.
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Word formation rozi-windie
2. How new words are being formed in
the language
The process consists of a combination
of morphemes that are rule-governed
(a new word is formed)
3. Compounding is forms a word out of
two or more root morphemes. The
words are called compounds or
compound words.
Process that forms new words from
two or more independent words
4. girl + friend = girlfriend
text + book = textbook
post + man = postman
paper + bag = paperbag
note + book = notebook
Example of Compounding :
5. 1) Since compound words behave as units,
between their component elements no
affixes (whether inflections or derivations)
can usually occur; inflectional suffixes can
appear only after compound words.
2) The global meaning of the compound word
can often be guessed from the individual
meaning of each element of the
7. Clipping is the word formation process in
which a word is reduced or shortened
without changing the meaning of the word.
Process of creating new words by
shortening parts of a longer word.
8. advertisement ad
examination exam
gasoline gas
gymnasium gym
influenza flu
laboratory lab
mathematics math
memorandum memo
photograph photo
raccoon coon
reputation rep
situation comedy
telephone phone
Example of Clipping :
9. Clipping is the word formation process which
consists in the reduction of a word to one of its
parts (Marchand: 1969). It also, known as
Clipping mainly consists of the following types:
1. Back clipping
2. Fore-clipping
3. Middle clipping
4. Complex clipping
10. Examples are:
doc (doctor),
dorm (dormitory)
exam (examination)
fax (facsimile)
prof (proffesor)
Back clipping or apocopation is the
most common type, in which the
beginning is retained.
12. Examples are:
flu (influenza),
tec (detective),
polly (apollinaris),
jams (pyjamas).
In middle clipping or syncope, the
middle of the word is retained.
13. Examples are:
flu (influenza),
fridge (refrigerator),
tec (detective),
polly (apollinaris),
jams (pyjamas).
In middle clipping or syncope, the
middle of the word is retained.
14. Examples are:
sitcom (situation comedy),
cablegram (cable telegram)
Complex clipping is removing
multiple parts from multiple words.