
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
   Web site that contains an online personal
    journal with reflections, comments, and often
    hyperlinks provided by the writer

   31 million bloggers in
    the united states
   60% men, 40% woman
   48% Caucasian
   38% African American
   4% Latin American
   Companies with blogs
         have 55% more website
        Currently 152,000,000
         blogs on the Internet
        B2C companies that use
         blogs generate 88%
         more leads
        B2B companies 67%
         more leads
        Morning most busy
         blogging period, 10 am

   Upwards of 81% of
    Bloggers never make
    over $100 dollars from
   Only 8% earn enough
    money to support a
   Only 9% make enough to
    support their lifestyle
    (blogging 4-6 hours a
   Only 2% make above
    150k blogging 1  2
    hours a day
   60% of businesses
    have company
   35% actively blog
    once a month
   65% havent
    updated their blog
    in more than a year.
   At first it was seen this way

   Now social media and blogs perform different
    but vital functions in the digital world
   CMS  Content Management System
     2 Versions: Wordpress and Wordpress.com
   Open source
     Based on PHP, MySQL code
   Most popular blogging system
     72.8 million users worldwide (March 2012)
     Manages 22% all new websites
 SEO Oriented
 48% of Top 100 Blogs
 Over 37 million searches done
       monthly link to Wordpress
       managed blogs
 Avg. 352 million people view more
       than 2.5 million pages/month
Easily integrated with many social
media sites
Avg. 500,000 new posts/day

Wordpress & blogging
   SEO - search engine                             Tag - short phrase or word
    optimization - refers to                         attached to blog post that
    how well. Blog ranks when                        makes blog post more
    someone searches for                             convenient to find, known
    keywords relevant to your                        well within your blogs index
    blog                                             and can be cataloged
   Permalink - specific link for                    easier
    a blog post or article                          Troll - commenter who
   Favicon - 16 x 16 pixel icon                     leaves harmful or rude
    in your URL address bar                          comments in others blog

 Plugins - A plugin is a collection of files that either change
  the way WordPress functions, or adds/removes

 Widgets - Widgets are placeholders or user interface
  elements that present data or an user interface to the user.

 Meta Title - The title of an individual webpage for search
  engines. Usually involves keywords that describe and title
  the content. Used in SEO.

   Open source
     Free, many features
   Main CMS platform
     Popular and growing
   Easily indexed by search
    engine robots
   Extremely customizable
     Plugins and Widgets
   Easily Integrated with
    other applications
    navigation system
    compared to other
    CMS software
   Basic HTML &CSS
   Security system flaws
   Themes have been
    prone to malware
   JetPack                     Unique visitors
                                Page Views
   Google Analytics            Visit Duration
                                Visitor location
   Custom Plugins              Referral Sites
                                Page Link Clicks
                                Top Key Searches

                       http://mashable.com/2008/09/03/wordpress-stats-tracking-tools   /
   Customize your           Optimize for SEO
    blog                      (All in One SEO)
   Keep everything          Add a RSS Feed/
    organized                 Subscribe Button
   Download security        Setup Analytics
    plugins (Askimet)        Stay Busy!
   Become                   Buy a custom
    accustomed to             domain
   Download Share
    Widgets (Digg Digg)
Wordpress & blogging
   Social media sites and blogs reach 80% of all
    U.S. internet users.
   25% of businesses rate their blog as critical
    to business. 56% additionally considered
    them important.
   The 2% of bloggers who make a decent
    income write about how to blog.

   Social Media Shareability
   Navigation and Speed
   Regular New Content
   Provocative Questions and Responses

   The Fold
   Hello Bar
   Yoasts SEO Plugin
   Digg Digg


   Quality Theme
   Pete Cashmore: Mashable
   Julian Hearn: Promotional Codes
   Ramit Sethi: Car Advice
   Timothy Sykes: Timothy Sykes
   Johns Wu: Bankaholic







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Wordpress & blogging

  • 2. Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/blog
  • 3. 31 million bloggers in the united states 60% men, 40% woman 48% Caucasian 38% African American 4% Latin American
  • 4. Companies with blogs have 55% more website visitors. Currently 152,000,000 blogs on the Internet B2C companies that use blogs generate 88% more leads B2B companies 67% more leads Morning most busy blogging period, 10 am http://blog.lewispr.com/2011/09/eloqua-creative-content.html
  • 5. Upwards of 81% of Bloggers never make over $100 dollars from blogging. Only 8% earn enough money to support a family Only 9% make enough to support their lifestyle (blogging 4-6 hours a day) Only 2% make above 150k blogging 1 2 hours a day
  • 6. 60% of businesses have company blogs 35% actively blog once a month 65% havent updated their blog in more than a year.
  • 7. At first it was seen this way Now social media and blogs perform different but vital functions in the digital world
  • 8. CMS Content Management System 2 Versions: Wordpress and Wordpress.com Open source Based on PHP, MySQL code Most popular blogging system 72.8 million users worldwide (March 2012) Manages 22% all new websites
  • 9. SEO Oriented 48% of Top 100 Blogs Over 37 million searches done monthly link to Wordpress managed blogs Avg. 352 million people view more than 2.5 million pages/month Easily integrated with many social media sites Avg. 500,000 new posts/day http://yoast.com/wordpress-stats/
  • 11. SEO - search engine Tag - short phrase or word optimization - refers to attached to blog post that how well. Blog ranks when makes blog post more someone searches for convenient to find, known keywords relevant to your well within your blogs index blog and can be cataloged Permalink - specific link for easier a blog post or article Troll - commenter who Favicon - 16 x 16 pixel icon leaves harmful or rude in your URL address bar comments in others blog http://http://www.bloggingbasics101.com/2010/04/defining-basic-blogging-terms-part-3/
  • 12. Plugins - A plugin is a collection of files that either change the way WordPress functions, or adds/removes functionality. Widgets - Widgets are placeholders or user interface elements that present data or an user interface to the user. Meta Title - The title of an individual webpage for search engines. Usually involves keywords that describe and title the content. Used in SEO. http://www.blogher.com/important-blogging-terms
  • 13. Open source Free, many features Main CMS platform Popular and growing Easily indexed by search engine robots Extremely customizable Plugins and Widgets Easily Integrated with other applications
  • 14. Complicated navigation system compared to other CMS software Basic HTML &CSS Security system flaws Themes have been prone to malware
  • 15. JetPack Unique visitors Page Views Google Analytics Visit Duration Visitor location Custom Plugins Referral Sites Page Link Clicks Top Key Searches http://mashable.com/2008/09/03/wordpress-stats-tracking-tools /
  • 16. Customize your Optimize for SEO blog (All in One SEO) Keep everything Add a RSS Feed/ organized Subscribe Button Download security Setup Analytics plugins (Askimet) Stay Busy! Become Buy a custom accustomed to domain plugins Download Share Widgets (Digg Digg)
  • 18. Social media sites and blogs reach 80% of all U.S. internet users. 25% of businesses rate their blog as critical to business. 56% additionally considered them important. The 2% of bloggers who make a decent income write about how to blog. http://www.mindjumpers.com/blog/2012/01/social-media-stats-infographic/
  • 19. Social Media Shareability Navigation and Speed Regular New Content Visuals Provocative Questions and Responses The Fold
  • 20. Hello Bar Yoasts SEO Plugin Digg Digg Akismet Feedburner Analytics Quality Theme
  • 21. Pete Cashmore: Mashable http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2012/mar/12/mashable -pete-cashmore-cnn Julian Hearn: Promotional Codes http://mixergy.com/julian-hearn-promotional-codes- interview/ Ramit Sethi: Car Advice http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/about/about-ramit/ Timothy Sykes: Timothy Sykes http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eric-kuhn/from-bar- mitzvah-thousand_b_100061.html Johns Wu: Bankaholic http://www.mo.com/johns-wu-founder-developer-sole- employee-and-eventual-seller-of-bankaholic-com/
  • 22. http://www.pcworld.com/article/260497/how_to_get_started_with_word press.html?page=2 http://www.famousbloggers.net/43-blogger-tips-installing- wordpress.html http://www.dailyblogtips.com/blog-setup-40-practical-tips/ http://www.glosonblog.com/17-important-things-to-do-after- starting-your-wordpress-blog/ http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/224613 http://blog.sendible.com/2012/03/19/10-social-media-roi-metrics- your-company-should-monitor/ http://http://www.bloggingbasics101.com/2010/04/defining-basic- blogging-terms-part-3/