The document discusses strategies for quitting smoking. It advises using language like "I am stopping smoking" rather than "giving up" smoking, as the latter implies wanting cigarettes back. Quitting is described as getting rid of an abusive, smelly habit rather than giving anything up. Attending a free smoking cessation class is recommended, where participants can continue smoking for the first six weeks while learning techniques to comfortably quit. Choosing positive language and thoughts can help make quitting a habit and improve health, money, and quality of life.
28. Watch your thoughts; they become words Watch your words; they become actions Watch Your actions; they become habits
29. Watch your thoughts; they become words Watch your words; they become actions Watch Your actions; they become habits Watch Your habits; they become character
30. Watch your thoughts; they become words Watch your words; they become actions Watch Your actions; they become habits Watch Your habits; they become character Watch Your character; it becomes your destiny
31. You will learn that you are not giving up anything.... You will gain ythin You will gain ......