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I hereby Certify that ~~~p.~~f...~~~.~~ ~.<?~.~.~.~~ .
Hiermee Sertifiseer ek dat
City of
C tificate of ervr
er aat van
This Certificate is given without alteration or erasure of any kind.
Hierdie Sertifikaat is uitgereik sonder verandering of deurhaling van enige esra..
No Certificate is given in the case of a servant discharged for an offence of a serious nature.
Geen Sertifikaat word verleen in die geval van 'n amptenaar wat weens misdry! van 'n
ernstige aard ontstaan is nie.
was employed in the service of the City Council of Gerrniston for the period of time
specified below.
in diens van die Stadsraad van Germiston werksaam was gedurende die tydperk hieronder
Date of entry into service
Datum van indienstreding
){. .
){ 4 SEPTEHBER 1993
(I. g~~~;f~~~'~~~d~;::~;di~~""""" """""" ""'"............... l2

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?; '"7 Town Clerk- adskferk r.::
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Sent: 10 October2008 05:10 PM
To: vox9971@gmail.com
Subject: Mr. Rudi Cbetzer
Mr. Rudie Coetzerworked for Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation's Fireand Emergency Services as a Team

Member for several years.

He responded and assisted at various emergency incidents including structural fires, electrical fires, othertypes of

fires, hazardous chemical spillages, injured patients, medicalpatients and he assisted in rescue operations as well.

He also assisted the Team Leader at the clinic inside the Fire and Emergency Services station bytreating persons

with foreign bodies intheireyes, minor lacerations etc.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any additional information regarding the above person.


Hannes Brown
Head: Emergency Services
Highveld Steel Emergency Services
Office telephone no. 013 6909285
Cellphone no. 0823095440 (*9325)
E-mail address: hannesbr@.hiveld.co.za
 **** **** **** *** **** **** **** **** **** **** ***
HI GHVELD STEEL AND VANADI UM CORPORATION LI MI TED Re gist r ation No. 196 0/0 0190 0 / 06
DIRECTORS : W G Ballandino (Ch ief Exe c utive Officer) (Italian),

G C Ba izini (Italian) , C B Brayshaw, J W Campbell , A V Frolov (Rus sian ),

G A Ma nnina (Swiss),B J T Sh ongwe, P S Ta t ya nin (Russia n)

NOTE: This e -mail and the contents thereof are subject to t he terms and conditions
of the Highveld Steel a n d Vanadium Corporation Ltd e - mail disclaimer , copy of whi c h
can be found at:
http :/ /www.highveldsteel .co . za/edisclaimer .htm
I f you are unab l e t o a cces s t he above URL, but you r equi re a copy o f t he dis claime r,
kindly send a n e - ma il to utility@hiveld .co .za with the word ' e di s cla ime r' in the
sub j e c t l i ne.
H ~Amember of the Anglo American pic group
Reg. No. 1960/001900/06


mc/GEN/2001/108.0 1 Date: 28-09-2001
To Whom It May Concern
From Mr HE van Loggenberg - Training Superintendent, Vanchem
Mr Rudie Coetzer, a fireman employed by Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation
Limited, in the Fire and Emergency Services Department, has presented several fire
extinguisher and breathing apparatus courses at Highve1d Vanadium and Chemicals
The courses presented were of an exceptionally high standard and kept the audience
enthralled and enthusiastic for the duration.
I can strongly recommend Mr Coetzer to present other courses in the future.
/M;A member of the Anglo Ameri can pic group
Reg. No. 1960/001900/06


mc/GEN/200l/108.01 Date: 28-09-2001
To Whom It May Concern
From Mr HE van Loggenberg - Training Superintendent, Vanchem
Mr Rudie Coetzer, a fireman employed by Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation
Limited, in the Fire and Emergency Services Department, has presented several fire
extinguisher and breathing apparatus courses at Highveld Vanadium and Chemicals
The courses presented were of an exceptionally high standard and kept the audience
enthralled and enthusiastic for the duration.
I can strongly recommend Mr Coetzer to present other courses in the future.
;/ '.~ /~/~ {y-
Stadsraad Town Council
~ (013638) 2241/2254 KRIEL 2271
Your Ref.
Ons Verw.
14 Oktober 1996
Mnr R Coetzer
Plaaslike Oorgangsraad
P/Sak X5014
Die onlangse skou was 'n reuse sukses omdat personeel soos jy
opregte en onbaatsugtige diens aan die gemeenskap lewer.
Hierdie dienslewering gaan nie ongesiens yerby nie en dit word
opreg waardeer. /
Ek vertrou dat jy daarop sal voortbou en steed~ gro~er hoogtes
sal bereik.
Op versoek gerig binne sewe dae na die datum van die brief, sal 'n N B _ On written request made within seven days after the date of this letter
L W. - soongelyke brief in Afrikaans verskaf word. .. a similar letter will be supplied in English.
14 Oktober 1996
• Mnr R Coetzer

Plaaslike Oorgangsraad

P/S.a~ XS014

Die onlangse skou was 'n reuse sukses omdat, personeel soos jy
opregte en onbaatsugtige diens aan die gemeenskap le.wer.
Hierdie dienslewering gaan Die ongesiens ver.by Die en dit word
opreg waardeer.
Ek vertrou dat jy daarop sal voortbou en steeds groter hoogtes
sal bereik.
Town Co neilStadsraad
~ (Qj2638) 2241/2254 KRIEL 2271
U Verw.
Your Ref.
Ons Verw.
Brandweerman R M Coetzer
Brandweer Afdeling
Plaaslike Oorgangsraad Kriel
P/Sak X5014
21 Augustus 1996
Mnr Coetzer
In die meegaaande brief word dank teenoor die Departement
Baie dankie vir u bydra tot hierdie dankbetuiging.
L W _ Op versoek gerig binne sewe dae na die datum van die brief, sal 'n N B _ On written request made within seven days aher lhe date of this letter
. soot1gelyke brief in Afrikaans verskaf word. . . a similar letter will be supplied in Enghsh.
Stadsraad Town Council
~(013638)2241/2254 KRIEL 2271
Your Ref.
Ons Verw.
28 MEI 1996
Ek wil aansluit by die meegaande skrywe van dank en waardering
ontvang vanaf mnr Trollip en daarby voeg dat ek trots is om deel
te wees van so 'n puik Brandweerspan.
Bou voort op die goeie werk.
Die uwe
- - - ••,

LW _ Op versoek gerig binne sewe dae na die datum van die brief, sal 'n N B _ On written request made wtlhin seven days after the date of this letter
. soortgelyke brief in Afrikaans verskaf word. .. a similar letter will be supplied in English.
(Che o~/(eth(Jdi5t f?hurch 0/C1fJ(JlIthem .6jiicd
Superintendent Minister: Rev Nicholas M Jonsson - Secunda & Bethel PO Box 2436
Circuit Mini!il;{'r's : Rev LG. Ntelekoa - Embalenhle, E..~zmooi& Botleng SECUNDA 2302
Rev A.G. Candill - Evander & Kriel Tel: 0136-343344
The Town Clerk,


Attention - Fire Protection Services.

Dear Sir,

Re: Veld Fire - Kriel Methodist Church.

I refer to the resent burning of the veld adjoining our church

building in the corner of Flamingo and Springbok Circle.

On behalf of our Kriel Society I wish to place on record our
thanks to your department for containing the fire thus preventing
it for rAaching our premises and causing any further damage.
Yours ~:~.relY'
Rev t.<G·~~undill.
I i
i i .
I ;
'-­ ,
---Original Message--­
From: Barnard Stephan, ZA-P-27

sent: 29 November 2006 10:00 AM

To: Isaacs Gershwin, (Gershwin.Isaacs@partrler.bmw.co.za)

Cc: Coetzer Rudie, (Roedolf.Coertzer@partner.bmw.co.za); Henry Ronald,

(Ronald.Henry@partl1er.bmw.co.za); 'Johnny White'

SUbject: FW: Moving of units at Overhead A/End of Trim C

Thanks guys.

I appreciate your effort.

Best Regards

Stephan Barnard

Manager: Emergency Services

Associate Care

Dept Code: ZA-P-27

BMW (South Africa) (Ply) Ltd

P.O.Box 2955, Pretoria, 0001

6 Frans du Toit street, Rosslyn, 0001

Email: stephan.bamard@bmw.co.za

Tel: +27 (012) 522 3543

Fax: +27 (012) 522 3091

Cell: 082 857 5433

-----Original Message-­
From: AhWhy Roy, ZA-T-420

sent: 29 November 2006 06:52 AM

To: Barnard Stephan, ZA-P-27; Saayman Matthew, ZA-T-424

Cc: Hollhumer Martin, ZA-T-420; 'sakkie@mit6.CD.za'

Subject: RE: Moving of units at Overhead NEnd of Trim C

Hi Stephan,

I wish to convey my sincere thanks and appreciation that your staff undertook to make sure that

we will able to carried out the marriage task in the early hours of this morning. Mpi also send

their thanks.

We have completed 75% of the task already. We will have to work in the early hours of the

morning again i.e. Thursday after late shift. This time their will be no grinding involved. We will

however need to do some limited welding.

We would appreciate your support once again.

Please ensure that your task team is informed.

Kind regards
Hi Matthew.
Please pass our thanks onto to the night shift and the day for making our task possible. We will
not have to move the units to finish offthe last 25% of the task which is stJll open.
Kind regards
R. Ah Why - T42
Production Logistics & Structure Planning
Tel: (812) 5223556
CeTT.: 882 8553979
Fax.: (812) 5412694/5223428
Email: roy.ahNhyflbllM.co.za
To whom it may concern
Herewith, an overview of Roedolf Mias Coetzer's professional and personal
performance as in my personal opinion.
Mr. Coetzer was employed by a private 'fire services company, Cziwe
Consultants, who in tum was contracted to deliver an emergency service to
BMW SA, covering disciplines in Fire, HAZMAT and Emergency Medical
response. Mr. Coetzer served under Cziwe command for a period of 18
months dedicated to the BMW SA plant.
Mr. Coetzer was utilised in the capacity of shift leader where he was
responsible for operational supervision, loss prevention and first line incident
In my view, Mr. Coetzer is a dedicated fire fighter, with all the attributes to be
seen as one of the best. He is always aspiring to learn new things, to research
in the EMS field and to propose new ideas. His shift was recognised for
outstanding work during an emergency rescue and medical incident in 2006.
He further lead incident command during an alleged Antrax incident and were
involved in a number of small to medium fires in the industrial environment.
Mr. Coetzer will have a positive spin in any capacity as he is committed to
succeed in what he does.
Stephan Barnard
Manager: BMW Emergency Services
To whom it may concern
Herewith, an overview of Roedolf Mias Coetzer's professional and personal
performance as in my personal opinion.
Mr. Coetzer was employed by a private 'fire services company, Cziwe
Consultants, who in turn was contracted to deliver an emergency service to
BMW SA, covering disciplines in Fire, HAZMAT and Emergency Medical
response. Mr. Coetzer served under Cziwe command for a period of 18
months dedicated to the BMW SA plant.
Mr. Coetzer was utilised in the capacity of shift leader where he was
responsible for operational supervision, loss prevention and first line incident
In my view, Mr. Coetzer is a dedicated fire fighter, with all the attributes to be
seen as one of the best. He is always aspiring to learn new things, to research
in the EMS field and to propose new ideas. His shift was recognised for
outstanding work during an emergency rescue and medical incident in 2006.
He further lead incident command during an alleged Antrax incident and were
involved in a number of small to medium fires in the industrial environment.
Mr. Coetzer will have a positive spin in any capacity as he is committed to
succeed in what he does.
Stephan Barnard
Manager: BMW Emer ency Services
-------- ''V..,.,P:U7I t:1 J~U
221 B F........n Stn:<:t

Td:(O12) 81M·9306

Td: (0I2)lIM.B:M1

Fax: (012) 8fM.94J5
 Cl'-w1. 0014
fl)UM_ Cellul..E-mail:
llBl ]7614n:ldm~'9apilJn:5pCNI5ctC3m.co.:z:a
To whom it may concern
Spill Response Team 03September 2007-Maart 2008
Project Manager RUDIE COETZER
He is a responsible honest person. He is well trained in the fire and safety field, keeps
himself updated on the latest developments in his field.
He does exceedingly well in training and also in hazardous material, as well as the fire
and safety field. He strives for peace and quiet around him. He dislikes strife and
arguments, but if he has to scold someone he will. He endeavors to treat other people
such as his peers, and all other personnel as he would like to be treated himself, he
posses leadership qualities he is a positive cheerful type of person.
Project Manager Maputo-Worked in Pretoria for 1 month, start preparation to reallocate
to Maputo. Write SOP's for Maputo; Prepare spill response team to be compliant with
Sasol audit (Pass audit with distinction) Responsible for audit co-ordination; Trained
October 2007- Reallocate to Maputo starting a new company; worked with Petro
Chemical Company; Cleaning of crude oil tanks and to revamp tanks; Assist with "hot
work"; Initiate investigations in fires; Assist with Anthrax threats and evacuation and
decontamination; Standby with upliftment of petro chemicals (received award for saving
workers life) Guide and support the site management team in all aspects to comply with
the companies incident and injuries free safety initiative; Be 100% familiar with
requirement of contract specification and ensure compliance with all safety and
environmental issues; Make daily visits to plant and operations to observe and guide
personnel in safe work practices and methods; Walk around and do inspection with the
supervisor, and assist with any environmental issues; Prepare a weekly safety report
summarizing daily activities, training and near misses and incident summary; This is to
be submitted to the site manager along with a spreadsheet that provides details on the
status of safety deficiencies and employee input from end of shift; Manager to prepare
weekly report (Microsoft Projects) Accompany the customers representative on any
scheduled site safety visits to plant and various site areas; Notification of emergency
phone list; Emergency evacuation emergency procedure; Daily safety activities report;
Copy of daily toolbox talks training attendance register; Copies of confined space entry
and hot work permit; Master safety deficiency list; any other safety healthy or
environmental reports and correspondence liaison with the divisional Safety Health and
Environmental Manager and Corporate Safety Health and Environmental Manager as
necessary to address Safety Health and Environmental Compliance Issues; Additional
responsibilities: Relief duty's Division Safety manager on vacation; He was responsible
for 50 people under his direct control; He was also responsible for Bio Remediation of
the crude oil; He was evolved with site meetings and Petro Mock Corporate meetings;
He was the liaison between Spill Response team and Petro Mock; He was also
responsible for the Cross border equipment move to Maputo; He also chaired the
Health and Safety Meetings every month; Also used the Emergency Response Guide


1068 Pretorius Street



E-mail: cziweconsultants@webrnail.co.za
Cc: buloulQ1webmail.co.za
SIZWE Consultants at BMW Roslyn October 200S-September 2007
He is a respoasiblehonest person.He is well trainedin the fire and safelyfieldand he keeps himselfupdated on the latestdevelopments in his
field.He does exceedinglywell in trainingand also in hazardousmaterial,as wellas the fire and safety field. He is a personstrives for peace and
quiet aroundhis work environment He does not like strife and arguments, but ifhe has to scoldsomeonehe shall.He endeavorsto treat other
peoplesuchas his peers, and all other personnelas bewouldlike to be treatedhimself. He does possesleadershipqualities. He is a positive
cheerfultype ofperson.
Some ofhis tasks were:
Senior TeamLeader (Senior Stationofficer)
InspectionsBasicFireFightingEquipmentEx. fire extinguishers; Hydrants; Hose reels; Sprinklersystems;Valves;Assemblypoint boxes;
Respondingto fires;Respondingto medical calls; Specializedin burnvictims;Admin duties; SOP's; Logs; Trainingpersonnelin FirstAid, fire
fighting; and safetyas well as haze mat training
Appointedas Healthand SafelyRep; ChairHealthand Safetymeetings;Inspectionand measurementsof RadioActive Substances; Testingfor
gas leakswith gas detectors; Waterworks standby Qualifications; Respondto hazardouschemicalspills; Respondto fire alarms ; Assist Fire Tech
with fire detectionand suppression system;Assist with "hot work"; Initiateinvestigationsin fires; Assist withHazmatthreatsand evacuationand
decontamination; Standbywith upliflmentof petro chemicals.Guideand supportthe site managementteam in all aspectsto complywith the
companiesincidentand injuriesfree safety initiative; Be 100%familiarwith requirementofcontractspecificationand ensurecompliancewith all
safetyand environmentalissues; Make daily visits to plantand operations to observeand guidepersonnel in safe workpracticesand methods;Do
walkabouts and do inspectionwith the supervisor,and assistwithany environmentalissues; Preparea weeklysafetyreport summarizingour daily
activities, trainingand near misses and incidentsummary;Thisis to be submittedto the site manageralong with a spreadsheetthat providesdetails
on the statusof safetydeficienciesand employee inputfromend of shift; Managerto prepare weekly report (MicrosoftProjects)Aocompanythe
customersrepresentativeon any scheduledsite safelyvisits to plantand varioussite areas; Notificationof emergencyphonelist;Emergency
evacuationemergencyprocedure; Daily safety activitiesreport;Copy of daily toolboxtalkstrainingattendanceregister;Copiesof confinedspace
entry and hot workpermit; Mastersafety deficiencylist, any other safelyhealthy or environmentalreports and correspondence liaisonwith the
divisionalSafelyHealthand EnvironmentalManagerand CorporateSafelyHealth and EnvironmentalManageras necessaryto address Safety
Health and EnviromnentalCoruplianceIssues.
He workedforus fromOctober 2005 to April 2006.
Also achievedthe followingAwards:
Johnny White Director Operations
From: Ahmed M. Ajabnoor IACWA Power [aajabnoor@acwapower.com]
Sent: 05 January 2011 12:16
To: jgomez
Cc: Roedlf
Subject: RE: RAWEC HSE Assessemnt prposal
Attachments: image001.png; image002.png; image004.jpg; SAF_02_EHS Mgmt.pdf; Project Company
HSE review checklist and feedback 08-12-201Q-RAWEC.pdf
Dear Mr. Julio ,
It was really a great pleasure and honor to be in RAWEC for the HSE review and working for full day last 8-12-2010 with
a great team that was very open, transparent and supportive, also the RAWEC team had a great desire to learn, improve
and accept all observations, and being very positive. Special thanks for Mr. Roedolf, who arranged this visit for me and
spent very high quality time, and he gave me all the answers to my requests, plus he's a very highly knowledgeable and
capable HSE professional.
Please note that this review was for one day and it's approach was more toward snap shot review as taking examples of
some of the covered areas of the review and did not cover all systems implementat ions in details. Find attached for you
is the feedback on the HSE review as it covered the followings:
• Part 1: HSE Observations good HSE practices and from the review and the site tour
• Part 2: Expected HSE Management systems status.
Attached also is the High Commission of Industrial Security (HCIS)directive, Safety and fire protection SAF-02 for your
reference as it contains the regulatory requirement for the HSE management system for facility as RAWEC. Please
review the feedback and let me know if you have any comments or you may require any clarifications within 2 weeks.
Thanks & Regards.
Ahmed M Ajabnoor
Senior Manager, Health ,Safety & Environment
A-~WA 0 r I W9.>JJlW19~1.... J~f~}-J~r
I ~TERNATIONAL I f~:-..:>o<"...-co.!C/w.~.. ........,i>t.,.

Phone: +966 1 4734400 Ex : 4308
Mobile: + 966555218256
e-mail: aajabnoor@acwapower.com
From: Reedit [maitto:rcoetzer@rawec.com]
sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 12:51 PM
To: Ahmed M. Ajabnoor IACWA Power
Subject: RE: RAWEC HSE Assessemnt prposal
Good Afternoon
Yes please let me know

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  • 1. I hereby Certify that ~~~p.~~f...~~~.~~ ~.<?~.~.~.~~ . Hiermee Sertifiseer ek dat e• •ens City of Germiston Department Departernent 3 SEPTEHBER 1990 Stad C tificate of ervr er aat van BRfu"IDWEER This Certificate is given without alteration or erasure of any kind. Hierdie Sertifikaat is uitgereik sonder verandering of deurhaling van enige esra.. No Certificate is given in the case of a servant discharged for an offence of a serious nature. Geen Sertifikaat word verleen in die geval van 'n amptenaar wat weens misdry! van 'n ernstige aard ontstaan is nie. was employed in the service of the City Council of Gerrniston for the period of time specified below. in diens van die Stadsraad van Germiston werksaam was gedurende die tydperk hieronder ornskryf Date of entry into service Datum van indienstreding £." x ~ ){. . ~ ~ ~~ ~ (! I'· ~ ~ e ~ {d ~).;..:J X­ I) ){ 4 SEPTEHBER 1993 (I. g~~~;f~~~'~~~d~;::~;di~~""""" """""" ""'"............... l2 . ...... ...... ........................................ ~; )~L' It C f leavi BEDANKING ~ ~ O~U~~O~'d ~~~:;31;;;i;di;~~·;~;;~~···· ························~·....... ~: (') ~.~ .. . -.Y .. :-:-:... .. .; ?; '"7 Town Clerk- adskferk r.:: ~y ~(, ~~ A'I) >. .?:"...,. .: .:"..-.. t.:-....... ,....... .,. :~_ ' ...... _ : ........ .,. t -. .,. t _ ~ , _ ..... : _ ..... ....... .,. , ........... .,. ~ "'>. · -... ~ ',.-.., ... [..~.,.. ,,,,,,,-i"'j I I e-, I ' '=-;.:~::-;'t.~ ., ;~" .,.?:~'.....: .'):<':.~"/~<,_ r:.. _",:"-,»:<.: -:7.;.·.... _" ~.~.':.:.:.,.'. .~,-;:"~:~_'~" "'C"~"''''l.• .~.~, ~v .:-v.., ~ . ~.... "" lo... »:....., ~,?1:''. ~~/<...:... "'"y~ ~~- ....
  • 2. Sent: 10 October2008 05:10 PM To: vox9971@gmail.com Subject: Mr. Rudi Cbetzer Mr. Rudie Coetzerworked for Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation's Fireand Emergency Services as a Team Member for several years. He responded and assisted at various emergency incidents including structural fires, electrical fires, othertypes of fires, hazardous chemical spillages, injured patients, medicalpatients and he assisted in rescue operations as well. He also assisted the Team Leader at the clinic inside the Fire and Emergency Services station bytreating persons with foreign bodies intheireyes, minor lacerations etc. Please feel free to contact me if you need any additional information regarding the above person. Regards Hannes Brown Head: Emergency Services Highveld Steel Emergency Services Office telephone no. 013 6909285 Cellphone no. 0823095440 (*9325) E-mail address: hannesbr@.hiveld.co.za **** **** **** *** **** **** **** **** **** **** *** HI GHVELD STEEL AND VANADI UM CORPORATION LI MI TED Re gist r ation No. 196 0/0 0190 0 / 06 DIRECTORS : W G Ballandino (Ch ief Exe c utive Officer) (Italian), G C Ba izini (Italian) , C B Brayshaw, J W Campbell , A V Frolov (Rus sian ), G A Ma nnina (Swiss),B J T Sh ongwe, P S Ta t ya nin (Russia n) COMPANY SECRETARY : Ms C I Lewis NOTE: This e -mail and the contents thereof are subject to t he terms and conditions of the Highveld Steel a n d Vanadium Corporation Ltd e - mail disclaimer , copy of whi c h can be found at: http :/ /www.highveldsteel .co . za/edisclaimer .htm I f you are unab l e t o a cces s t he above URL, but you r equi re a copy o f t he dis claime r, kindly send a n e - ma il to utility@hiveld .co .za with the word ' e di s cla ime r' in the sub j e c t l i ne. ** 1
  • 3. (8)HIGHVELD STEEL AND VANADIUM CORPORATION LIMITED H ~Amember of the Anglo American pic group Reg. No. 1960/001900/06 VANCHEM MEMORANDUM mc/GEN/2001/108.0 1 Date: 28-09-2001 To Whom It May Concern From Mr HE van Loggenberg - Training Superintendent, Vanchem Re MrRCOETZER Mr Rudie Coetzer, a fireman employed by Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation Limited, in the Fire and Emergency Services Department, has presented several fire extinguisher and breathing apparatus courses at Highve1d Vanadium and Chemicals (Vanchem). The courses presented were of an exceptionally high standard and kept the audience enthralled and enthusiastic for the duration. I can strongly recommend Mr Coetzer to present other courses in the future. 'l(f.~y HE V~GGENBERG
  • 4. HIGHVELD STE:L AND VANADIUM CORPOP-A TION LIMITED /M;A member of the Anglo Ameri can pic group Reg. No. 1960/001900/06 VANCHEM MEMORANDUM mc/GEN/200l/108.01 Date: 28-09-2001 To Whom It May Concern From Mr HE van Loggenberg - Training Superintendent, Vanchem Re .Mr R COETZER Mr Rudie Coetzer, a fireman employed by Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation Limited, in the Fire and Emergency Services Department, has presented several fire extinguisher and breathing apparatus courses at Highveld Vanadium and Chemicals (Vanchem). The courses presented were of an exceptionally high standard and kept the audience enthralled and enthusiastic for the duration. I can strongly recommend Mr Coetzer to present other courses in the future. ;/ '.~ /~/~ {y- HE VAhOGGENBERG
  • 5. Stadsraad Town Council PRIVAATSAK X5014 PRIVATE BAG ~ (013638) 2241/2254 KRIEL 2271 RIGALLEKORRESPONDENSIE AANDIESTADSKLERK ASSEBLIEF U Verw. PLEASEADDRESS ALLCORRESPONDENCETOTHETOWNCLERK Your Ref. Ons Verw. Our Ref. NAVRAE ENQUIRIES J L INGRAM 14 Oktober 1996 Mnr R Coetzer Plaaslike Oorgangsraad P/Sak X5014 KRIEL 2271 Rudi KRIEL SKOU 1996 Die onlangse skou was 'n reuse sukses omdat personeel soos jy opregte en onbaatsugtige diens aan die gemeenskap lewer. Hierdie dienslewering gaan nie ongesiens yerby nie en dit word opreg waardeer. / r- Ek vertrou dat jy daarop sal voortbou en steed~ gro~er hoogtes sal bereik. Op versoek gerig binne sewe dae na die datum van die brief, sal 'n N B _ On written request made within seven days after the date of this letter L W. - soongelyke brief in Afrikaans verskaf word. .. a similar letter will be supplied in English.
  • 6. SP/COETZER R J L INGRAM 14 Oktober 1996 • Mnr R Coetzer Plaaslike Oorgangsraad P/S.a~ XS014 KRIEL 2271 .Rudi KRIEL SKOU 1996 Die onlangse skou was 'n reuse sukses omdat, personeel soos jy opregte en onbaatsugtige diens aan die gemeenskap le.wer. Hierdie dienslewering gaan Die ongesiens ver.by Die en dit word opreg waardeer. Ek vertrou dat jy daarop sal voortbou en steeds groter hoogtes sal bereik.
  • 7. Town Co neilStadsraad (on(;.1,<3 PRIVAATSAK X5014 PRIVATE BAG ~ (Qj2638) 2241/2254 KRIEL 2271 U Verw. Your Ref. RIGAllE KORRESPONDENSlEAMl DlESTADSKlERKASSEBUEF PlEASEADORESSALLCORRESPONOENCETOTHETOWNClERK Ons Verw. Our Ref. SP/COETZER R Ii Brandweerman R M Coetzer Brandweer Afdeling Plaaslike Oorgangsraad Kriel P/Sak X5014 KRIEL 2271 21 Augustus 1996 Mnr Coetzer In die meegaaande brief word dank teenoor die Departement uitgespreek. Baie dankie vir u bydra tot hierdie dankbetuiging. (A.I.Fire E. ,A.SAFSI,A.RMSA) ERHOOF. L W _ Op versoek gerig binne sewe dae na die datum van die brief, sal 'n N B _ On written request made within seven days aher lhe date of this letter . soot1gelyke brief in Afrikaans verskaf word. . . a similar letter will be supplied in Enghsh.
  • 8. Stadsraad Town Council PRIVAATSAK X5014 PRIVATE BAG- ~(013638)2241/2254 KRIEL 2271 RIGALLEKORRESPONDENSIE AANDIESTADSKLERK ASSEBUEF U Verw. Pl.EASEADDRESS ALLCORRESPONDENCETOTHETOWNCLERK Your Ref. Ons Verw. Our Ref. NAVRAE ENQUIRIES J L INGRAH 28 MEI 1996 MNR R M COETZER piA KRIEL PLAASLIKE OORGANGSRAAD PRIVAATSAK X5014 KRIEL 2271 Rudolph GEBOU BRAND : KEURBOOMSTRAAT 7 Ek wil aansluit by die meegaande skrywe van dank en waardering ontvang vanaf mnr Trollip en daarby voeg dat ek trots is om deel te wees van so 'n puik Brandweerspan. Bou voort op die goeie werk. Die uwe p.p , UITVOERENDE HOOFI STADSKLERK l"~~;.............J ~ - - - ••, IKEURBOOM LW _ Op versoek gerig binne sewe dae na die datum van die brief, sal 'n N B _ On written request made wtlhin seven days after the date of this letter . soortgelyke brief in Afrikaans verskaf word. .. a similar letter will be supplied in English.
  • 9. (Che o~/(eth(Jdi5t f?hurch 0/C1fJ(JlIthem .6jiicd mGHVELD RIDGE CIRCUIT 1021 i Superintendent Minister: Rev Nicholas M Jonsson - Secunda & Bethel PO Box 2436 Circuit Mini!il;{'r's : Rev LG. Ntelekoa - Embalenhle, E..~zmooi& Botleng SECUNDA 2302 Rev A.G. Candill - Evander & Kriel Tel: 0136-343344 The Town Clerk, Kriel. Attention - Fire Protection Services. Dear Sir, Re: Veld Fire - Kriel Methodist Church. I refer to the resent burning of the veld adjoining our church building in the corner of Flamingo and Springbok Circle. On behalf of our Kriel Society I wish to place on record our thanks to your department for containing the fire thus preventing it for rAaching our premises and causing any further damage. Yours ~:~.relY' Rev t.<G·~~undill. ..»: ~~. (;(/,;>//41'6
  • 10. I i ; i i . I ; , '-­ , I i I ! ,
  • 11. ---Original Message--­ From: Barnard Stephan, ZA-P-27 sent: 29 November 2006 10:00 AM To: Isaacs Gershwin, (Gershwin.Isaacs@partrler.bmw.co.za) Cc: Coetzer Rudie, (Roedolf.Coertzer@partner.bmw.co.za); Henry Ronald, (Ronald.Henry@partl1er.bmw.co.za); 'Johnny White' SUbject: FW: Moving of units at Overhead A/End of Trim C Thanks guys. I appreciate your effort. Best Regards Stephan Barnard Manager: Emergency Services Associate Care Dept Code: ZA-P-27 BMW (South Africa) (Ply) Ltd P.O.Box 2955, Pretoria, 0001 6 Frans du Toit street, Rosslyn, 0001 Email: stephan.bamard@bmw.co.za Tel: +27 (012) 522 3543 Fax: +27 (012) 522 3091 Cell: 082 857 5433 -----Original Message-­ From: AhWhy Roy, ZA-T-420 sent: 29 November 2006 06:52 AM To: Barnard Stephan, ZA-P-27; Saayman Matthew, ZA-T-424 Cc: Hollhumer Martin, ZA-T-420; 'sakkie@mit6.CD.za' Subject: RE: Moving of units at Overhead NEnd of Trim C Hi Stephan, I wish to convey my sincere thanks and appreciation that your staff undertook to make sure that we will able to carried out the marriage task in the early hours of this morning. Mpi also send their thanks. We have completed 75% of the task already. We will have to work in the early hours of the morning again i.e. Thursday after late shift. This time their will be no grinding involved. We will however need to do some limited welding. We would appreciate your support once again. Please ensure that your task team is informed. Kind regards
  • 12. Hi Matthew. Please pass our thanks onto to the night shift and the day for making our task possible. We will not have to move the units to finish offthe last 25% of the task which is stJll open. Kind regards R. Ah Why - T42 Production Logistics & Structure Planning Tel: (812) 5223556 CeTT.: 882 8553979 Fax.: (812) 5412694/5223428 Email: roy.ahNhyflbllM.co.za ."
  • 13. To whom it may concern Herewith, an overview of Roedolf Mias Coetzer's professional and personal performance as in my personal opinion. Mr. Coetzer was employed by a private 'fire services company, Cziwe Consultants, who in tum was contracted to deliver an emergency service to BMW SA, covering disciplines in Fire, HAZMAT and Emergency Medical response. Mr. Coetzer served under Cziwe command for a period of 18 months dedicated to the BMW SA plant. Mr. Coetzer was utilised in the capacity of shift leader where he was responsible for operational supervision, loss prevention and first line incident command. In my view, Mr. Coetzer is a dedicated fire fighter, with all the attributes to be seen as one of the best. He is always aspiring to learn new things, to research in the EMS field and to propose new ideas. His shift was recognised for outstanding work during an emergency rescue and medical incident in 2006. He further lead incident command during an alleged Antrax incident and were involved in a number of small to medium fires in the industrial environment. Mr. Coetzer will have a positive spin in any capacity as he is committed to succeed in what he does. Stephan Barnard Manager: BMW Emergency Services 2008.09.29 0828575433
  • 14. To whom it may concern Herewith, an overview of Roedolf Mias Coetzer's professional and personal performance as in my personal opinion. Mr. Coetzer was employed by a private 'fire services company, Cziwe Consultants, who in turn was contracted to deliver an emergency service to BMW SA, covering disciplines in Fire, HAZMAT and Emergency Medical response. Mr. Coetzer served under Cziwe command for a period of 18 months dedicated to the BMW SA plant. Mr. Coetzer was utilised in the capacity of shift leader where he was responsible for operational supervision, loss prevention and first line incident command. In my view, Mr. Coetzer is a dedicated fire fighter, with all the attributes to be seen as one of the best. He is always aspiring to learn new things, to research in the EMS field and to propose new ideas. His shift was recognised for outstanding work during an emergency rescue and medical incident in 2006. He further lead incident command during an alleged Antrax incident and were involved in a number of small to medium fires in the industrial environment. Mr. Coetzer will have a positive spin in any capacity as he is committed to succeed in what he does. Stephan Barnard Manager: BMW Emer ency Services 2008.09.29 0828575433
  • 15. -------- ''V..,.,P:U7I t:1 J~U 221 B F........n Stn:<:t ADMIN & OPEllATIONS SlhoertonOUW I'OBcallll19 Td:(O12) 81M·9306 Td: (0I2)lIM.B:M1 Fax: (012) 8fM.94J5 Cl'-w1. 0014 fl)UM_ Cellul..E-mail: llBl ]7614n:ldm~'9apilJn:5pCNI5ctC3m.co.:z:a To whom it may concern Spill Response Team 03September 2007-Maart 2008 Project Manager RUDIE COETZER He is a responsible honest person. He is well trained in the fire and safety field, keeps himself updated on the latest developments in his field. He does exceedingly well in training and also in hazardous material, as well as the fire and safety field. He strives for peace and quiet around him. He dislikes strife and arguments, but if he has to scold someone he will. He endeavors to treat other people such as his peers, and all other personnel as he would like to be treated himself, he posses leadership qualities he is a positive cheerful type of person. Project Manager Maputo-Worked in Pretoria for 1 month, start preparation to reallocate to Maputo. Write SOP's for Maputo; Prepare spill response team to be compliant with Sasol audit (Pass audit with distinction) Responsible for audit co-ordination; Trained personnel October 2007- Reallocate to Maputo starting a new company; worked with Petro Chemical Company; Cleaning of crude oil tanks and to revamp tanks; Assist with "hot work"; Initiate investigations in fires; Assist with Anthrax threats and evacuation and decontamination; Standby with upliftment of petro chemicals (received award for saving workers life) Guide and support the site management team in all aspects to comply with the companies incident and injuries free safety initiative; Be 100% familiar with requirement of contract specification and ensure compliance with all safety and environmental issues; Make daily visits to plant and operations to observe and guide personnel in safe work practices and methods; Walk around and do inspection with the supervisor, and assist with any environmental issues; Prepare a weekly safety report summarizing daily activities, training and near misses and incident summary; This is to be submitted to the site manager along with a spreadsheet that provides details on the status of safety deficiencies and employee input from end of shift; Manager to prepare
  • 16. {· weekly report (Microsoft Projects) Accompany the customers representative on any scheduled site safety visits to plant and various site areas; Notification of emergency phone list; Emergency evacuation emergency procedure; Daily safety activities report; Copy of daily toolbox talks training attendance register; Copies of confined space entry and hot work permit; Master safety deficiency list; any other safety healthy or environmental reports and correspondence liaison with the divisional Safety Health and Environmental Manager and Corporate Safety Health and Environmental Manager as necessary to address Safety Health and Environmental Compliance Issues; Additional responsibilities: Relief duty's Division Safety manager on vacation; He was responsible for 50 people under his direct control; He was also responsible for Bio Remediation of the crude oil; He was evolved with site meetings and Petro Mock Corporate meetings; He was the liaison between Spill Response team and Petro Mock; He was also responsible for the Cross border equipment move to Maputo; He also chaired the Health and Safety Meetings every month; Also used the Emergency Response Guide book.
  • 17. CZIWE CONSULTANTS SuiteS Komarin 1068 Pretorius Street Hatfield 0028 E-mail: cziweconsultants@webrnail.co.za Cc: buloulQ1webmail.co.za SIZWE Consultants at BMW Roslyn October 200S-September 2007 He is a respoasiblehonest person.He is well trainedin the fire and safelyfieldand he keeps himselfupdated on the latestdevelopments in his field.He does exceedinglywell in trainingand also in hazardousmaterial,as wellas the fire and safety field. He is a personstrives for peace and quiet aroundhis work environment He does not like strife and arguments, but ifhe has to scoldsomeonehe shall.He endeavorsto treat other peoplesuchas his peers, and all other personnelas bewouldlike to be treatedhimself. He does possesleadershipqualities. He is a positive cheerfultype ofperson. Some ofhis tasks were: Senior TeamLeader (Senior Stationofficer) InspectionsBasicFireFightingEquipmentEx. fire extinguishers; Hydrants; Hose reels; Sprinklersystems;Valves;Assemblypoint boxes; Respondingto fires;Respondingto medical calls; Specializedin burnvictims;Admin duties; SOP's; Logs; Trainingpersonnelin FirstAid, fire fighting; and safetyas well as haze mat training Appointedas Healthand SafelyRep; ChairHealthand Safetymeetings;Inspectionand measurementsof RadioActive Substances; Testingfor gas leakswith gas detectors; Waterworks standby Qualifications; Respondto hazardouschemicalspills; Respondto fire alarms ; Assist Fire Tech with fire detectionand suppression system;Assist with "hot work"; Initiateinvestigationsin fires; Assist withHazmatthreatsand evacuationand decontamination; Standbywith upliflmentof petro chemicals.Guideand supportthe site managementteam in all aspectsto complywith the companiesincidentand injuriesfree safety initiative; Be 100%familiarwith requirementofcontractspecificationand ensurecompliancewith all safetyand environmentalissues; Make daily visits to plantand operations to observeand guidepersonnel in safe workpracticesand methods;Do walkabouts and do inspectionwith the supervisor,and assistwithany environmentalissues; Preparea weeklysafetyreport summarizingour daily activities, trainingand near misses and incidentsummary;Thisis to be submittedto the site manageralong with a spreadsheetthat providesdetails on the statusof safetydeficienciesand employee inputfromend of shift; Managerto prepare weekly report (MicrosoftProjects)Aocompanythe customersrepresentativeon any scheduledsite safelyvisits to plantand varioussite areas; Notificationof emergencyphonelist;Emergency evacuationemergencyprocedure; Daily safety activitiesreport;Copy of daily toolboxtalkstrainingattendanceregister;Copiesof confinedspace entry and hot workpermit; Mastersafety deficiencylist, any other safelyhealthy or environmentalreports and correspondence liaisonwith the divisionalSafelyHealthand EnvironmentalManagerand CorporateSafelyHealth and EnvironmentalManageras necessaryto address Safety Health and EnviromnentalCoruplianceIssues. He workedforus fromOctober 2005 to April 2006. Also achievedthe followingAwards: ~ BMWBRAVELYAWARD FOR SAVINGPERSONUNDERA TRUCK. ~ SAFETYAWARDFOR SAVINGPERSONTHATWASBURNING ~ FIREMANOFF THE YEARFOR SAFETYHEALTH ~ SENIORFIREMANOFF THE YEAR
  • 19. Roedlf From: Ahmed M. Ajabnoor IACWA Power [aajabnoor@acwapower.com] Sent: 05 January 2011 12:16 To: jgomez Cc: Roedlf Subject: RE: RAWEC HSE Assessemnt prposal Attachments: image001.png; image002.png; image004.jpg; SAF_02_EHS Mgmt.pdf; Project Company HSE review checklist and feedback 08-12-201Q-RAWEC.pdf Dear Mr. Julio , It was really a great pleasure and honor to be in RAWEC for the HSE review and working for full day last 8-12-2010 with a great team that was very open, transparent and supportive, also the RAWEC team had a great desire to learn, improve and accept all observations, and being very positive. Special thanks for Mr. Roedolf, who arranged this visit for me and spent very high quality time, and he gave me all the answers to my requests, plus he's a very highly knowledgeable and capable HSE professional. Please note that this review was for one day and it's approach was more toward snap shot review as taking examples of some of the covered areas of the review and did not cover all systems implementat ions in details. Find attached for you is the feedback on the HSE review as it covered the followings: • Part 1: HSE Observations good HSE practices and from the review and the site tour • Part 2: Expected HSE Management systems status. Attached also is the High Commission of Industrial Security (HCIS)directive, Safety and fire protection SAF-02 for your reference as it contains the regulatory requirement for the HSE management system for facility as RAWEC. Please review the feedback and let me know if you have any comments or you may require any clarifications within 2 weeks. Thanks & Regards. Ahmed M Ajabnoor Senior Manager, Health ,Safety & Environment A-~WA 0 r I W9.>JJlW19~1.... J~f~}-J~r I ~TERNATIONAL I f~:-..:>o<"...-co.!C/w.~.. ........,i>t.,. Phone: +966 1 4734400 Ex : 4308 Mobile: + 966555218256 e-mail: aajabnoor@acwapower.com From: Reedit [maitto:rcoetzer@rawec.com] sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 12:51 PM To: Ahmed M. Ajabnoor IACWA Power Subject: RE: RAWEC HSE Assessemnt prposal Good Afternoon Yes please let me know 1