This document discusses the importance of maintaining confidentiality in the workplace. It states that any private or identifying information about individuals that is obtained through work, such as names, addresses, or background details, should not be disclosed without permission. Confidentiality is crucial for businesses to protect sensitive information, meet legal standards, and retain public trust. The document provides examples of confidential information and best practices for securely storing, transporting, and disposing of such private work-related materials.
2. If you come across private information in
the course of your work, including any
information that identifies an individual
(name, address, maiden name and so
on), then you should not disclose it to
others. This also applies to information
collected at interviews about ethnic
background, disabilities and so on.
4. The importance of
confidentiality is extremely
high in most businesses,
workplaces and careers.
Being able to handle
personal details, data and
other private information
ethically is vital for
companies to operate,
retain the public's trust
and meet specific
compliance laws and
5. Confidentiality refers
Not discussing internal goings-
on with co-workers. In other
instances, it refers to not
sharing trade secrets and other
company information with
competitors, the press or
anyone outside of your
6. Information that is considered
confidential can include:
- service records and file
progress notes
- individual personal plans
- assessments or reports
- incoming or outgoing
personal correspondence.
7. Other information
relating to ethic or racial
origin, political opinions,
religious or philosophical
beliefs, health or sexual
lifestyle should also be
considered confidential.
8. Maintaining confidentiality
1. Separate folders should
be kept for both all
employees form and
employee medical
2. All confidential
documents should be
stored in locked file
cabinets or rooms
accessible only to those
who have a business need-
9. Maintaining confidentiality include:
1. Employees should clear their desks of any confidential information
before going home at the end of the day.
2. Employees should refrain from leaving confidential information visible on
their computer monitors when they leave their work stations.
3. All confidential information, whether contained on written documents or
electronically, should be marked as confidential.
10. Maintaining confidentiality include:
1. All confidential information should
be disposed of properly.
2. Employees should refrain from
discussing confidential information in
public places.
3. Employees should avoid using
e-mail to transmit certain sensitive or
controversial information.
11. Professionalism To maintain
General degree of
professionalism, it is important
that your personal details remain
personal. Disclose your personal
details to only a few people and
that too with discretion. Getting
over-friendly with colleagues is a
major cause of office issues.