Working Capital Manager: Discover your hidden cash.
The "Working Capital Manager" enables you to find your hidden cash and reduce your working capital in a visual and intuitive way.
How will this tool help you?
- Get a clear overview of the components of your working capital
- Save time on reporting & perform root cause analyses in a few clicks
- Follow up payment behaviour and inventory rotation
- Simulate your actions and meet your working capital target
How does it work?
The Working Capital Manager simply connects to your ERP system (SAP, NAV...): the implementation is done in 3-6 days.
Look for more information on our website or the special product website
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Working Capital Manager
Confidential (c) DiscoverEdge
2. Cash is King
Investment opportunities
Stay ahead of competitors
Overall fiscal health
Falling financial markets
Confidential (c) DiscoverEdge
3. Working Capital is hot!
of company boards globally have an increased
focus on cash and working capital
Excess in working capital represents
turnover in European companies
Source: Global Working Capital Annual Review 2013, PriceWaterhouseCoopers
Confidential (c) DiscoverEdge
8. AR, AP & Inventory
SAP, Navision, AX
Confidential (c) DiscoverEdge
Quick & intuitive
9. Customer payment
Insights in slow moving
Amounts in overdue
supplier credit
Working Capital Manager: Main Dashboard
Confidential (c) DiscoverEdge
10. Drill to details
Split by company,
region, business unit, sales
manager, segment,
Root-causes in a few
Working Capital Manager: OTC Dashboard
Confidential (c) DiscoverEdge
12. Click here for a short video demo
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13. One truth
Visual & intuitive
Connects to ERP
Working Capital Manager: Main Dashboard
Confidential (c) DiscoverEdge
14. Connects in 6 days
Connections possible to any other (custom) ERP system
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15. One of our main objectives is to free up cash for
new investments. Companywide awareness
of working capital quickly leads to results.
Stijn Eyckmans, CFO Pingu誰n NV
"When the Working Capital Manager was first plugged
onto SAP, it instantly led us to valuable insights
& a list of potential actions.
Filip Debruyne, Group Controller Pingu誰n NV
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16. Our team
Partner & founder
Partner & founder
MSc in Engineering
MSc in Physics
RealAcad, Stanford University
Strong Business Analytics skills
Finance & project mgmt skills
Expert in data visualizations
Arthur Scholten
Partner Netherlands
Reinhard Bechler
Partner Netherlands
Kris Uyttersprot
Implementation Expert
Viktor Petrov
Solution Designer
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17. More information
Confidential (c) DiscoverEdge
Editor's Notes
#3: Imagine the CFO of a company todayWe all know that a CFO today has an ever-increasing list of tasks & function within his department he needs to accomplish: for instances cost accounting, financial reporting, working capital management, cash forecasting bank negotiations, As we worked alongside them in the past few years, we experienced that an important isuse that a lot of CFOs are struggling with is working capital management.
#5: When improving working capital, we split up this process in three main steps: Analysis: - Which customers are paying late? Who changed his paying behaviour?Which sales manager produced the largest accounts overdueHow much cash is locked up in my inventory? Which part of the inventory is moving slow and which is moving fast? Which actions do we need to take to improve the situationNext, we need to follow-up the results of these actionsAs we all know, the actions are key, because they will improve essentially the working capital!
#6: However,The reality is most of the time differently: 1.TOO much time is spent in analysis1b. It is often very difficult to define the right quality actions. 2. Less time is left to take the necessary actions & secondly do we take the actions the come with the biggest gains?Another problem is that follow-up of these actions is often inexisting. Just as analysis, it takes too much time to do and when external consultants have done the analysis, they often are not available anymore. -----------------Difficulties in improving the working capital: Follow-up is mostly done on the balance sheet, meaning yearly or quarterly reporting which is much too long to pinpoint your pains accurately.Thorough analysis, deep diving into a specific issue, is seen as extremely time consuming. Data spans several areas and departments and in many cases to big to handle in typicla business tools like Excel and Access.The prioritarization of the actions to take is very often not clear. Off course many actions lead to result, however focussing on those with the highest impact will get you where you want to be even faster.So, why does it takes so long to perform the analysis? ComplexityBoth involve Processing a huge amount of dataA consolidated, aggregated, but needs to allow to deep-dive in the details (analysis) even the best ERP systems in the world cannot give you a good overview or the ability to simulateWhat about follow-up? Its not so simple to measure your performance continuously
#7: So how you can stop wasting time in gathering data and building complex reports? How can you maximize the impact of your efforts in optimizing the working capital?(How can you prevent external consultants optimizing parts of your process but leaving with all knowledge related to it?)So in general how can the CFO get a firm grip on his working capital in a efficient and sustainable way?
#8: Our Working Capital Monitor exactly answers that question. It is a powerful analysis tool that visualizes all information related to the components contributing to the Working Capital.On a daily basis the monitor gives quick answers through simple and intuitive dashboards, trends & simulations. In that way, it becomes very easy to pinpoint the right actions to find your hidden cash. Quick answers vs. Time consuming analysis Pinpointed actions vs. unfocused, ad-hoc actions, low impact Daily basis vs. one time improvement project
#9: Our Working Capital Monitor exactly answers that question. It is a powerful analysis tool that visualizes all information related to the components contributing to the Working Capital.On a daily basis the monitor gives quick answers through simple and intuitive dashboards, trends & simulations. In that way, it becomes very easy to pinpoint the right actions to find your hidden cash. Quick answers vs. Time consuming analysis Pinpointed actions vs. unfocused, ad-hoc actions, low impact Daily basis vs. one time improvement project
#10: Just to have a quick glimpse of the topic and what we offer: Show DemoAt the general overview we see the different components that contribute to the working capitalIn the OTC process we show all analysis on debtor and overdue invoicesIn FTfDuidelijkmakendatanalyse drill through is!
#15: How does it work?The WCM doesnt need any input of you nor its users, it directly connects to the ERP (SAP, NAV) and is implemented in a few days by plugging into the basic transactional tables of your system. The application is capable of handling huge amounts of data and consolidates your companies without losing the root causes. The WCM is easily accessed through browser.
#16: Companies that we are currently working for or talking to. They all expressed a thorough interest in the Working Capital Manager.
#17: Pingu誰n, division of Greenyard foods is an international processor of field-fresh fruit & vegetables.Specs: 15 factories in 6 European countriesGlobal distribution in more than 60 counties 411 M sales in 20122100 employeesWCM was preferred over other approaches to support the awareness process inside the company on the topic of Working Capital. During the few days of installation, a lot of insights were created. Also on the data quality of the ERP system (SAP) , the WCM made a big contribution on the discussions the needed to take place with the different stakeholders.After 2 months a validated system was supporting already above 25 people in different businesses to lower their working capital and many results where already recorded.