1. The majority of people who work in the media industry have a university degree, though some enter through apprenticeships. Most have at least a bachelor's degree and many have post-graduate degrees.
2. The media industry consists of sectors like animation, digital media, film, games, radio, television, and visual effects.
3. Freelancing in the media industry has advantages like flexible hours, control over jobs and clients, and ability to work remotely. However, it also has disadvantages like unreliable income, long work hours that reduce personal time, challenges finding clients and projects, and risk of debt and non-payment.
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Working in the media industry
1. Working in the Media Industry
Many people strugglestogetworkinthe mediaindustry.The majorityof peoplethatgetintothese
industriesall wenttouniversity.1%of people gotinthe industrythroughanapprenticeshipandthis
showsthe minorityof people thatmake itintothe industrywithoutgoingtocollege.Otherfigures
are 78% of the workforce have a degree,and27% have a post graduate.
The differentworksectorsare
? Animation
? Digital
? Facilities
? Film( CinemaExhibitionandFilmProduction)
? Games
? Radio
? Television( Cable andSatellite, IndependentTV Production,TerrestrialTV
Pros and Cons of Freelance
Advantagesof freelance-
Flexible Hours,thismeansyoucanchoose the hoursyou wantto workgivingyoumuch more time
and freedom.
Control overjobsand clients- Thismeansyoucanchoose whoyouwant to workwithso forexample
if you have problemswithotherclients,youwill notbe forcedtoworkwiththemwhereasinother
Work whereveryouwant- Soyoucan choose where toworkand can move aroundif certainjobs
You¡¯re the boss- Nobodyhasauthorityoveryouand youand onlyyouhave the responsibilityfor
yourself. Youcan dowhat youwant,and make decisionsforyourself.
Profits- Youcan keepall the profitsandnotto work andrelyon a flatrate.
Disadvantagesof freelance-
Unreliable workloads-yourincome orpaywill notbe consistentincontrastif youwere working
Work and personal time- Youcouldbe forcedtoworklonghours leadingtolesspersonal time.
Legwork- A lotof workfor example,findingclientsandprojects,leadstostrugglesinmarketing,
Pay- You run the riskof notbeingpayed,andalsorun the riskoff debt.
Employer- The daysyoudon¡¯twork meansyouwill notbe payed.