The GreenHouse Games Challenge is an 8-week online program run by Sustainability Victoria and LESS Environmental to encourage households to take sustainable actions to help the environment and save on bills. Participants register as part of a workplace team and earn points for their team by completing easy environmental actions from a list of 66 options. The team and workplace that earn the most points over the 8 weeks win prizes. Actions include adjusting thermostats, reducing dryer and car use, installing rainwater tanks, and recycling electronics. Register by September 3rd to join the Challenge starting September 6th.
2. Who is delivering GreenHouse Games?Sustainability Victoria is an agency of the Victorian Government which facilitates and promotes the sustainable use of resources LESS (Low Energy Supplies and Services ) is an environmental company that has been delivering energy and water saving programs and products since 2001 LESS is delivering the GreenHouse Games on behalf of Sustainability Victoria
3. What is the Challenge?A fun, fully supported online program for all of us to take sustainable actions at home to become GreenHouse Heroes!
4. What is the Challenge? For every Superhero action taken at home, each participating household earns points for their workplace and workplace team. The workplace and team with the most points wins!
5. Why participate? It’s all about helping the environment, saving money on utility bills and having fun while doing it!
6. The Challenge processSign up your household and either join an existing team or start your own.Households then take actions by changing habits and creating a greener home.You have 8 weeks to earn points and contribute to your team and workplace total. Chances to win daily prizes, weekly theme prizes and a grand prize.Continue to live a greener life and become a GreenHouse superhero.
13. Become a GreenHouse Superhero Household saving the planetThe role of the teamEach workplace can have several teams, with up to 5 membersA team captain should be appointed to motivate the team and liaise with your workplace coordinator/sEach team needs a name and you can choose to upload a team photo or image onto the websiteThere are team prizes to be won (across all workplaces)
14. Types of actions households can takeLots of actions to choose from to reduce electricity, water, waste and transport fuel. Many are free to do, others have a cost. Some are easy and others harder. Eg: Adjust the thermostat on heaters
21. Put a ‘no junk mail’ sticker on your letterbox
22. Recycle electronic goods you no longer needAlready a green household?There’s a choice of 66 actions you can take – we’re sure you’ll be able to find a few actions you can still takeIf you’re already taking some of the actions, points for these will be allocated to you at the end of the Games!Spread the GreenHouse Superhero word by becoming a Team Leader and recruit 4 of your colleagues into your team and show others what they can do to become a GreenHouse Superhero too
23. Prizes and awardsWinning workplaces – branded bike & GreenPower for your next event Household and team prizes - Bunnings vouchers, Bokashi bin, solar backpack, keep cups and more
24. Personalise the Games for our workplaceHave a competition between departments and/or states?
25. Share our GreenHouse Superhero journey over morning tea and learn from each other?
26. Have fun and award some of our own categories?eg Extreme Green Award, The Accidental GreenHouse Hero Award...TimingRegister your household and team by 3rd September 2010Challenge start date is 6th September 2010The Challenge lasts 8 weeksChallenge finish date is 5th November 2010Main prizes presented in December 2010
27. Register now!Find a team and register your household using our workplace code [insert code] more information contact [insert coordinator details]
Editor's Notes
#2: Our workplace has joined the GreenHouse Games and we need your help to win!
#3: The GreenHouse Games is an initiative of Sustainability Victoria and is being delivered by environmental company LESS (Low Energy Supplies and Services).
#4: Join the sustainability journey with Energy Man, Water Woman, Recycle Girl, Bike Boy and Thermo the Wonder Dog!
#5: The points households earn are based on the environmental outcome, how easy it is to take the action and how commonly the action is taken. Therefore the biggest points are earned for actions which result in greater environmental benefits, are harder to take and/or are less commonly taken.
#6: The mission is for every Superhero household to achieve an annual saving of one tonne of greenhouse gases.
#7: I’ll talk more about the prizes in a minute.
#8: The website is designed to be very straightforward to use and reporting should only take 10-15 minutes a week.
#9: You don’t have to have 5 members, you can even have just 1! However, with 5 you have a greater chance to win the prize of the greatest points per team.Have fun and choose a team name!
#10: Many of the actions are free, so you don’t need to spend any money to participate in the Games. For actions that involve a purchase you generally need to add in your receipt details into the website when reporting.
#11: The GreenHouse Games doesn’t penalise you if you’re already actively taking sustainable actions at home. There’s a survey at the start of the Games where you can report of what actions you’re already taking.
#12: Some prizes are based on the number of points you earn, others are based on reporting your actions and going into a draw to win the prizes.
#13: The GreenHouse Games can be a one size fits all program, or can be tailored to fit in with the way we work, and how we like to do things at our workplace. (You can take the opportunity here to discuss how to run the Games with your colleagues).
#14: Start getting your team together and start thinking of a team name!
#15: Register now so you can see what your sustainable action options are and start preparing for the ones you can take to become a GreenHouse Superhero!