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VAMSEE KRISHNA AKKIRAJU avkpr@yahoo.co.in (425 533 5773) Santa Clara, CA
Pragmatic hands-on Tech Co-founder/Architect with proven leadership skills. Experienced in innovative product ideas, customer
insights, software development, architecture and design with platform-based approaches.
Specialties: Product strategy, Java/ JEE programming, software architecture, web applications, AWS, metadata driven platforms,
Micro Services, Node Loopback, Algorithms and Filmmaking.
WORK EXPERIENCE Period: 10 years
InstaBob Tech Co-Founder/Architect, Sunnyvale, June 2015  Feb 2016
 Led a team of four engineers to create our product from scratch for our MVP. Involved working odd hours for many
months and motivating team to get tasks completed on time.
 Implementation involved Angular, PhoneGap, express JS for front-end and loopback JS and postgres for REST backend. I
developed majority of the backend  REST apis, push notifications, social authentication.
 Drove product strategy, risk mitigation and legal aspects of our business. We went through a pivot that made us take a
360-degree turn making us quickly change lot of aspects within 3 weeks product design, strategy, schedules, company
Chegg, Lead Software Engineer, Santa Clara, August 2015  Current
 Manage a team of size 1 from Ukraine reporting to me. Guide him in his career development. Overlook design and
development of backend features that enable lead orchestration and displaying school subpages within chegg.com website
for 48K schools. Involves Spring, OSGi, MySQL.
 Developed features for products involving lead orchestration, which involved buying and selling of leads through multiple
mechanisms  FTP, REST, Email.
 Developed REST APIs to handle partner product placements in boxes containing books that Chegg students rent or buy
from chegg.com. Involved integration of SalesForce systems with Chegg Backend systems.
 Worked closely with sales, marketing and operations to understand their requirements and converting them into features
that I delivered.
 Made school page access a lot faster: To the order of 10ms per request from the earlier 150 ms per request. Used AWS,
Docker, Memory mapped DB and Vert.x
 Convinced Execs and Product teams to go for a novel product concept I proposed that can help increase Chegg Student
Engagement by 300%. It got accepted into Cheggs product pipeline
 Formed and led a one month Hackathon team of 7 comprising Backend, UX, UI, Data Science and User Researcher to
develop a chrome extension that helps Chegg Students get more value from Learning Services products. Involved
word2vec, Solr and Conceptual Search. Deep Learning.
 Other Skills: Docker, MySQL, Lucene, Cassandra, MapDB, AWS S3, ECS, Lambda, RedShift, SalesForce Integration
Bollywood, Movie Director, Hyderabad, India, Nov 2013  June 2015
 Wanted to try out something fun with my dad before he retires in India. So took time off to make movies with him.
 As an Asst Director and Asst Camera for a full-length feature film shot in Bay area, I learnt about the nuances in what goes
into filmmaking: Working odd hours, odd places, unprofessional teammates, odd weather but still keeping calm and being
 Master of all trades in film craft: Script Writer, Director, Producer, Editor, Colorist and Sound Mixer for 4 short films
shot both in India and USA in both Telugu and English.
 Captain of teams varying from size 15 to 40. Let me know if you need links to the movies.
Amazon Lab126 Virtual Lead, Senior Software Dev Engineer in Test, Sunnyvale, Feb 2010  Nov 2013
 Was awarded Role Model in Leadership for 2013 for driving new quality initiatives and driving broader stability
improvements among around 300 developers in lab126 spawn across Sunnyvale, San Diego, Seattle and Chennai
 Spread-headed a massive scalable automation effort: Led a team of five, spread globally based in Seattle, Sunnyvale and
Chennai to develop a custom python test framework. This test framework was used by around 20 QA automation engineers
led to develop around 12000 tests automated over the span of 1 year
 Reliability lead for Kindle E-ink touch device: Interfaced with multiple teams to run reliability tests and inform the execs
about the overall reliability quality of our product
Microsoft Software Dev Engineer in Test 2, Redmond, WA, August 2008  Feb 2010
 Mentored two vendors and helped them test and automate FOTA tests.
 Ensured quality of phone updates by working with remote vendors: Verizon and Qualcomm to configure real FOTA servers
to push updates on 6.5 phones.
 Found hard-to-reproduce intermittent bugs by developing a Build2Build update stress framework
Microsoft Software Test Automation Engineer 2, Hyderabad, India, June 2006- August 2008
 Driven the security effort for features of desktop and web version of two education-based products
 Improved XSSAuto - a tool to automatically catch XSS security bugs that are manually hard to find
Intel Internship, Bangalore, India, May 2004- July 2004
 Enriched an existing test tool by adding new features related to chip testing. Came up with a patent algorithm that deals with big
data transformations in the field of chip design.
2006 Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur B.Tech(CSE) + M.Tech (IT) 8.33/10
 All India Rank: 419 / 120000 aspirants. IIT- JEE 1999.
 GMAT: 760/ 800 (Quantitative 400/400, Verbal 360/400).

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Mohan P
Deodutta_Kulkarni_ Resume_QA
Deodutta_Kulkarni_ Resume_QA Deodutta_Kulkarni_ Resume_QA
Deodutta_Kulkarni_ Resume_QA
Deodutta Kulkarni
Sher Singh Olahan


  • 1. VAMSEE KRISHNA AKKIRAJU avkpr@yahoo.co.in (425 533 5773) Santa Clara, CA SUMMARY Pragmatic hands-on Tech Co-founder/Architect with proven leadership skills. Experienced in innovative product ideas, customer insights, software development, architecture and design with platform-based approaches. Specialties: Product strategy, Java/ JEE programming, software architecture, web applications, AWS, metadata driven platforms, Micro Services, Node Loopback, Algorithms and Filmmaking. WORK EXPERIENCE Period: 10 years InstaBob Tech Co-Founder/Architect, Sunnyvale, June 2015 Feb 2016 Led a team of four engineers to create our product from scratch for our MVP. Involved working odd hours for many months and motivating team to get tasks completed on time. Implementation involved Angular, PhoneGap, express JS for front-end and loopback JS and postgres for REST backend. I developed majority of the backend REST apis, push notifications, social authentication. Drove product strategy, risk mitigation and legal aspects of our business. We went through a pivot that made us take a 360-degree turn making us quickly change lot of aspects within 3 weeks product design, strategy, schedules, company name. Chegg, Lead Software Engineer, Santa Clara, August 2015 Current Manage a team of size 1 from Ukraine reporting to me. Guide him in his career development. Overlook design and development of backend features that enable lead orchestration and displaying school subpages within chegg.com website for 48K schools. Involves Spring, OSGi, MySQL. Developed features for products involving lead orchestration, which involved buying and selling of leads through multiple mechanisms FTP, REST, Email. Developed REST APIs to handle partner product placements in boxes containing books that Chegg students rent or buy from chegg.com. Involved integration of SalesForce systems with Chegg Backend systems. Worked closely with sales, marketing and operations to understand their requirements and converting them into features that I delivered. Made school page access a lot faster: To the order of 10ms per request from the earlier 150 ms per request. Used AWS, Docker, Memory mapped DB and Vert.x Convinced Execs and Product teams to go for a novel product concept I proposed that can help increase Chegg Student Engagement by 300%. It got accepted into Cheggs product pipeline Formed and led a one month Hackathon team of 7 comprising Backend, UX, UI, Data Science and User Researcher to develop a chrome extension that helps Chegg Students get more value from Learning Services products. Involved word2vec, Solr and Conceptual Search. Deep Learning. Other Skills: Docker, MySQL, Lucene, Cassandra, MapDB, AWS S3, ECS, Lambda, RedShift, SalesForce Integration Bollywood, Movie Director, Hyderabad, India, Nov 2013 June 2015 Wanted to try out something fun with my dad before he retires in India. So took time off to make movies with him. As an Asst Director and Asst Camera for a full-length feature film shot in Bay area, I learnt about the nuances in what goes into filmmaking: Working odd hours, odd places, unprofessional teammates, odd weather but still keeping calm and being focused. Master of all trades in film craft: Script Writer, Director, Producer, Editor, Colorist and Sound Mixer for 4 short films shot both in India and USA in both Telugu and English. Captain of teams varying from size 15 to 40. Let me know if you need links to the movies. Amazon Lab126 Virtual Lead, Senior Software Dev Engineer in Test, Sunnyvale, Feb 2010 Nov 2013 Was awarded Role Model in Leadership for 2013 for driving new quality initiatives and driving broader stability improvements among around 300 developers in lab126 spawn across Sunnyvale, San Diego, Seattle and Chennai Spread-headed a massive scalable automation effort: Led a team of five, spread globally based in Seattle, Sunnyvale and Chennai to develop a custom python test framework. This test framework was used by around 20 QA automation engineers led to develop around 12000 tests automated over the span of 1 year Reliability lead for Kindle E-ink touch device: Interfaced with multiple teams to run reliability tests and inform the execs about the overall reliability quality of our product Microsoft Software Dev Engineer in Test 2, Redmond, WA, August 2008 Feb 2010 Mentored two vendors and helped them test and automate FOTA tests. Ensured quality of phone updates by working with remote vendors: Verizon and Qualcomm to configure real FOTA servers to push updates on 6.5 phones. Found hard-to-reproduce intermittent bugs by developing a Build2Build update stress framework
  • 2. Microsoft Software Test Automation Engineer 2, Hyderabad, India, June 2006- August 2008 Driven the security effort for features of desktop and web version of two education-based products Improved XSSAuto - a tool to automatically catch XSS security bugs that are manually hard to find Intel Internship, Bangalore, India, May 2004- July 2004 Enriched an existing test tool by adding new features related to chip testing. Came up with a patent algorithm that deals with big data transformations in the field of chip design. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 2006 Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur B.Tech(CSE) + M.Tech (IT) 8.33/10 ACADEMIC DISTINCTIONS All India Rank: 419 / 120000 aspirants. IIT- JEE 1999. GMAT: 760/ 800 (Quantitative 400/400, Verbal 360/400).