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workshop on critical thinking and creativity
21st century world that is globally-
active,digitally transforming,
collaboratively moving forward,
creatively progressing, seeking
competent human-resource that is
quick in adapting to change.
Twenty-first-century skills are
abilities and attributes that can be
taught or learned in order to enhance
ways of thinking, learning, working
and living in the world. (UNESCO)
workshop on critical thinking and creativity
1. What is usually the most important question you can ask in any
given situation?
A. How much money can I make?
B.Who is responsible?
D. Can I accomplish this?
2. Critical thinking is all about _____________ while creative thinking
is more about _____________.
A. Analyzing problems and evaluating outcomes...discovering different perspectives and
brainstorming ideas.
B. Finding objective answers...coming up with subjective answers.
C. Brainstorming...analysis.
D. Shallow thinking...deeper-level thinking.
3. Which of the following questions should you ask when you observe a
A. What do I hear/see/smell?
B. Who is to blame?
C. What is my gut reaction?
D. Both a and c
4. When a problem arises, you should...
A. Solve it as soon as possible.
B. Take time to observe the situation and discover the cause of the issue.
C. Walk away; it is most likely not your responsibility.
D. Ask your friends what they would do.
5. Doing which of the following can expand your thinking as well as help
you gather new information and discover new insights?
A. Silently observing the situation.
B. Writing up an action plan.
C. Taking a moment for silent contemplation.
D. Asking questions
6. A powerful question...
A. Narrows the scope of the conversation.
B. Is less reliable than a yes or no question.
C. Is open-ended and expands your thinking.
D. Calls for a one-word response.
7. What is an assumption?
A. A perspective you may have.
B. An idea you take for granted.
C. A piece of information you have researched.
D. The answer to a question.
8. Which three actions should you take to analyze information?
A. Compare, contrast and connect.
B. Prioritize, pursue and persuade.
C. Question, quiz and quarrel.
D. Navigate, nurture and negotiate.
9 . A group of students is trying to find a creative way to solve a
problem. Which student is asking the most imaginative question?
A. Laurel wants to know which books will give them answers.
B. Henry is curious about which rules can be broken.
C. Dolores is brainstorming a list of whom they can ask for help.
D. Stevie is ready to give up.
10. Intelligent mistakes...
A. Could often be prevented by planning ahead.
B. Don't serve a purpose.
C. Are never beneficial.
D.Usually can't be avoided.
is the ability to analyse and evaluate information, reasoning and
situations, according to appropriate standards such as truth and
logic, for the purpose of constructing sound and insightful new
knowledge, understandings, hypotheses and beliefs.
Critical thinking encompasses the subjects ability to process and
synthesise information in such a way that it enables them to
apply it judiciously to tasks for informed decision-making and
effective problem-solving.
 Creative thinking is defined as the thinking that enables
students to apply their imagination to generating ideas,
questions and hypotheses, experimenting with alternatives,
and to evaluating their own and their peers ideas, final
products and processes.
 Criticality assesses; Creativity originates.
Critical and creative thought are both
achievements of thought.
 In critical thinking we assess thinking to
make improvements. In creative thinking
we generate thinking based on our sense
of how to make things better.
 Thus critical thinking has a
creative component: to
produce a better product of
thought, And creative thinking
has a critical component: to
reshape thinking in keeping
with criteria of excellence.
 Critical thinking without a
creative output is merely
negative thinking.
 Creative thinking without a
critical component is merely
novel thinking.
 Identifies gaps in knowledge
 Discriminates amongst information
 Identifies patterns and makes connections
 Applies logic
 Identifies assumptions and motivations
 Justifies arguments
 Identifies criteria for decision-making
 Evaluates options
 Tests and monitors implementation
Creativity and critical
thinking can be
promoted through all
school subjects,
curriculum areas, and
especially in cross-
curricular activities.
Influence creative thinking
through well-designed
learning spaces
The way space is designed has
a significant impact on creative
thinking and learning. Learning
spaces can bring people
together and encourage their
interaction and creative
Increase the use of open-
ended questions
Open-ended questions help
students develop creative
thinking by applying, analysing,
evaluating and synthesizing
information and knowledge.
Engage learners in
meaningful, challenging and
authentic activities;
these are more likely to
generate interest and
 Make efficient use of
educational technologies
Educational technologies
enable communication and
collaboration, and open up a
range of profoundly new ways
of using and creating
information and knowledge
inside and outside the school.
Allow for mistakes and
sensible risk-taking
Create a caring and
encouraging learning
environment where students
feel free and safe to
experiment with new ideas and
take sensible risks.
Learn how to assess and
reward creativity and critical
these can be evaluated by
student-centred and reflective
means of assessment which
take into account both the
learning processes and
workshop on critical thinking and creativity
workshop on critical thinking and creativity
workshop on critical thinking and creativity
workshop on critical thinking and creativity
workshop on critical thinking and creativity
 provide multiple pieces of
 encourage students to
analyse it critically
 and decide if the info is
relevant, accurate and
workshop on critical thinking and creativity
The two most common mistakes when teaching these
skills are:
 Teaching the skills as separate entities
 Forgetting about other career readiness skills
workshop on critical thinking and creativity
workshop on critical thinking and creativity
Considers other perspectives and positions
Presentation are communication tools that can be used as demontrations, lectures,
reports, and more. it is mostly presented before an audience.
Presentation are
communication tools
Presentation are
communication tools
Presentation are
communication tools
Presentation are
communication tools
Presentation are
communication tools
Presentation are
communication tools
It serves a variety of purposes, making presentations
powerful tools for convincing and teaching.
It serves a variety of purposes, making presentations
powerful tools for convincing and teaching.
Making presentations powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Making presentations powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Making presentations powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Making presentations powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Making presentations powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Making presentations powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Making presentations
powerful tools for
convincing and teaching. Making presentations
powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Making presentations
powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Making presentations
powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Presentation are communication tools that can be used as demontrations, lectures,
reports, and more. it is mostly presented before an audience.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Making presentations powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Making presentations powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Making presentations powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Making presentations powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Making presentations powerful
tools for convincing
Making presentations powerful tools
for convincing and teaching.
Making presentations powerful tools
for convincing and teaching.
Making presentations
powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Presentation are communication tools that can be used as demontrations, lectures,
reports, and more. it is mostly presented before an audience.
Making presentations powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
Making presentations powerful tools for
convincing and teaching.
It serves a variety of purposes, making presentations powerful tools for convincing and
teaching. making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching.
Making presentations powerful
tools for convincing
Making presentations powerful
tools for convincing
Making presentations powerful
tools for convincing
Making presentations powerful
tools for convincing
Presentation are communication tools that can be used as demontrations, lectures,
reports, and more. it is mostly presented before an audience.
It serves a variety of purposes, making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. It
making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching.
It serves a variety of purposes, making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. It
making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching.
It serves a variety of
It serves a variety of
It serves a variety of
Presentation are communication tools that can be used as demontrations, lectures, reports, and more.
it is mostly presented before an audience.

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workshop on critical thinking and creativity

  • 2. 21st century world that is globally- active,digitally transforming, collaboratively moving forward, creatively progressing, seeking competent human-resource that is quick in adapting to change. Twenty-first-century skills are abilities and attributes that can be taught or learned in order to enhance ways of thinking, learning, working and living in the world. (UNESCO)
  • 4. 1. What is usually the most important question you can ask in any given situation? A. How much money can I make? B.Who is responsible? C.Why? D. Can I accomplish this?
  • 5. 2. Critical thinking is all about _____________ while creative thinking is more about _____________. A. Analyzing problems and evaluating outcomes...discovering different perspectives and brainstorming ideas. B. Finding objective answers...coming up with subjective answers. C. Brainstorming...analysis. D. Shallow thinking...deeper-level thinking.
  • 6. 3. Which of the following questions should you ask when you observe a problem? A. What do I hear/see/smell? B. Who is to blame? C. What is my gut reaction? D. Both a and c
  • 7. 4. When a problem arises, you should... A. Solve it as soon as possible. B. Take time to observe the situation and discover the cause of the issue. C. Walk away; it is most likely not your responsibility. D. Ask your friends what they would do.
  • 8. 5. Doing which of the following can expand your thinking as well as help you gather new information and discover new insights? A. Silently observing the situation. B. Writing up an action plan. C. Taking a moment for silent contemplation. D. Asking questions
  • 9. 6. A powerful question... A. Narrows the scope of the conversation. B. Is less reliable than a yes or no question. C. Is open-ended and expands your thinking. D. Calls for a one-word response.
  • 10. 7. What is an assumption? A. A perspective you may have. B. An idea you take for granted. C. A piece of information you have researched. D. The answer to a question.
  • 11. 8. Which three actions should you take to analyze information? A. Compare, contrast and connect. B. Prioritize, pursue and persuade. C. Question, quiz and quarrel. D. Navigate, nurture and negotiate.
  • 12. 9 . A group of students is trying to find a creative way to solve a problem. Which student is asking the most imaginative question? A. Laurel wants to know which books will give them answers. B. Henry is curious about which rules can be broken. C. Dolores is brainstorming a list of whom they can ask for help. D. Stevie is ready to give up.
  • 13. 10. Intelligent mistakes... A. Could often be prevented by planning ahead. B. Don't serve a purpose. C. Are never beneficial. D.Usually can't be avoided.
  • 14. is the ability to analyse and evaluate information, reasoning and situations, according to appropriate standards such as truth and logic, for the purpose of constructing sound and insightful new knowledge, understandings, hypotheses and beliefs. Critical thinking encompasses the subjects ability to process and synthesise information in such a way that it enables them to apply it judiciously to tasks for informed decision-making and effective problem-solving.
  • 15. Creative thinking is defined as the thinking that enables students to apply their imagination to generating ideas, questions and hypotheses, experimenting with alternatives, and to evaluating their own and their peers ideas, final products and processes.
  • 16. Criticality assesses; Creativity originates. Critical and creative thought are both achievements of thought. In critical thinking we assess thinking to make improvements. In creative thinking we generate thinking based on our sense of how to make things better.
  • 17. Thus critical thinking has a creative component: to produce a better product of thought, And creative thinking has a critical component: to reshape thinking in keeping with criteria of excellence. Critical thinking without a creative output is merely negative thinking. Creative thinking without a critical component is merely novel thinking.
  • 18. Identifies gaps in knowledge Discriminates amongst information Identifies patterns and makes connections Applies logic Identifies assumptions and motivations Justifies arguments Identifies criteria for decision-making Evaluates options Tests and monitors implementation
  • 19. Creativity and critical thinking can be promoted through all school subjects, curriculum areas, and especially in cross- curricular activities.
  • 20. Influence creative thinking through well-designed learning spaces The way space is designed has a significant impact on creative thinking and learning. Learning spaces can bring people together and encourage their interaction and creative collaboration.
  • 21. Increase the use of open- ended questions Open-ended questions help students develop creative thinking by applying, analysing, evaluating and synthesizing information and knowledge.
  • 22. Engage learners in meaningful, challenging and authentic activities; these are more likely to generate interest and engagement.
  • 23. Make efficient use of educational technologies Educational technologies enable communication and collaboration, and open up a range of profoundly new ways of using and creating information and knowledge inside and outside the school.
  • 24. Allow for mistakes and sensible risk-taking Create a caring and encouraging learning environment where students feel free and safe to experiment with new ideas and take sensible risks.
  • 25. Learn how to assess and reward creativity and critical thinnking these can be evaluated by student-centred and reflective means of assessment which take into account both the learning processes and outcomes
  • 31. provide multiple pieces of information encourage students to analyse it critically and decide if the info is relevant, accurate and valuable
  • 33. The two most common mistakes when teaching these skills are: Teaching the skills as separate entities Forgetting about other career readiness skills
  • 37. Presentation are communication tools that can be used as demontrations, lectures, reports, and more. it is mostly presented before an audience.
  • 38. Presentation are communication tools Presentation are communication tools Presentation are communication tools Presentation are communication tools Presentation are communication tools Presentation are communication tools
  • 39. It serves a variety of purposes, making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. It serves a variety of purposes, making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching.
  • 40. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching.
  • 41. Presentation are communication tools that can be used as demontrations, lectures, reports, and more. it is mostly presented before an audience.
  • 42. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching.
  • 43. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching.
  • 44. Presentation are communication tools that can be used as demontrations, lectures, reports, and more. it is mostly presented before an audience.
  • 45. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. It serves a variety of purposes, making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching.
  • 46. Making presentations powerful tools for convincing Making presentations powerful tools for convincing Making presentations powerful tools for convincing Making presentations powerful tools for convincing
  • 47. Presentation are communication tools that can be used as demontrations, lectures, reports, and more. it is mostly presented before an audience.
  • 48. It serves a variety of purposes, making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. It making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. It serves a variety of purposes, making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching. It making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching.
  • 49. It serves a variety of purposes It serves a variety of purposes It serves a variety of purposes
  • 50. Presentation are communication tools that can be used as demontrations, lectures, reports, and more. it is mostly presented before an audience.