2. Generational Learning
Aaron Smith
Head of Asia Business Development and Marketing
MRWED International
20th February 2009
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3. What is a Generation?
Birth year within a 15-20 year range
Similar experiences
Share common beliefs and behavior
Self-perceived to be a generation
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4. Generations Labels
Silent Generation (Mature) Prior to 1945
Baby Boomers 1945 to 1964
Generation X 1965 to 1979
Gen Y 1980 to 1995
Next Generation (Z) 1996 to NOW
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5. Generational Mix
We are all in this together
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6. Silent/ Mature Generation
Wise/ Builders
Coming to their end?
Fighters/ Survivors
Cant use technology?
Cannot add value?
20 30 Seconds for
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7. Baby Boomer
Largest Population Cannot work with
younger people?
First to Want for Nothing
Only see from their
Power of the Media perspective?
10 15 sec for Marketing Want to Retire?
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8. Generation X
New Technologies Dont play well with
Skeptical of Media
Easy Life?
First Kids as a Market
Self important?
5 10 seconds Marketing
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9. Gen Y
Technology is life
Dont want to be
Associate Brands with told?
Personal Identity
Cannot Focus?
3 5 Seconds
Marketing Want it all now?
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10. Next Gen (Z)
Dot Com Kids Short attention?
Multi-Task Cant relate in
Inventing a Worldwide New Language
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11. Values
What are the generational
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12. Who is this?
The value of hard work and paying their dues.
Anti Rules and Regulations
Investing in themselves
Making money is to spend money
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13. What Generation Are You Really?
Ask yourself these 15 questions: Yes or No
1. Do you have your own web page?
2. Have you made a web page for someone?
3. Do you IM your friends?
4. Do you text your friends?
5. Do you regularly watch YouTube (or similar)?
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14. 6. Do you remix video files from the Internet and
then upload?
7. Have you downloaded music/tv/movies from the
8. Do you know where to download free (illegal or
legal) music from the Internet?
9. Do you blog for professional reasons?
10.Do you share torrents?
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15. 11.Have you visited MySpace at least five times?
12.Do you communicate with friends on Facebook?
13.Do you save money using VOIP?
14.Do you text to communicate with your
15.Do you Bluetooth your photos to friends?
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16. What Gen Are You?
Count the YES vote
0- 6 points Baby Boomer
6- 12 points Gen Xer
12 or over Gen Y
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17. Working Together
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18. We Need To:
Understand what motivates our learners?
We need to be flexible to cater to all learners
Provide training to staff/ students in order to comprehend
change and difference
Create open channels for communication
Matching people to their duties
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