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             4 DAY WORKSHOP

              In association with
4th - 7th October, 2010 : Mumbai | 6th - 9th December, 2010 : Delhi, Ahmedabad
13th -16th December, 2010 : Bangalore, Mumbai
Program Fee: INR 24,000 /- + 10.3% ST

Mastering Financial Modeling (MFM息) is a comprehensive financial modeling workshop which covers the
practical requirement that a finance professional is expected to do in areas related to Financial Modeling. Excel
sheet is a predominant tool used in Modeling and the program shall cover its relevant usage in detail. The
workshop has 32 classroom contact hours spanning four days from 8 am to 6 pm. Objective of this program is
to build fundamental concepts on financial modeling and provide them techniques to build financial model
needed by their organisation.

MFM息 starts with a 2 day basic program on financial modeling which explains about all the excel based
financial modeling required by finance professional working in any sector. The latter 2 days goes in depth into
the derivative solutions and its analysis and financial engineering models including the concepts of financial

It is a generic program catering to the needs of all corporate professionals working in any sector. This program
will take an individual from basic to an intermediate level.
Pre Requisite: None

This is a niche financial modeling program which caters to only those working in derivatives and financial
Pre-Requisite: It is expected participants should have an understanding of excel based financial modeling and
working knowledge of derivatives.

Based on the need, you can enroll for entire 4 day program (MFM息) or for any of the two day program 

Some of the research and data points we have used in shaping the agenda include:

1. Talking to Senior business and Finance management group, Financial consultants and analysts in the private
   and public sectors and seeking their views and advice on what are the critical issues in Financial Modeling
   and where they are investing budget.
2. Seeking the views of thought leaders, industry analysts and leading consultants to mould the agenda.
3. OptiRisk is in a unique position as a major part of our business is also training - which includes large
   portfolio of public and closed in-house courses  from this we track which courses are generating most
   participation and importantly again, where organisations are investing budget. Training is an excellent
   barometer to market trends.

   We believe that this is the most focused of any Financial Modeling workshop in India.

             2 DAY WORKSHOP
4th & 5th October, 2010 : Mumbai
6th & 7th December, 2010 : Delhi, Ahmedabad
13th & 14th December, 2010 : Bangalore, Mumbai
Program Fee: INR 13,000 /- + 10.3% ST

MS Excel 速 is today unarguably the most commonly used spreadsheet utility globally to do finance. In spite of
this, according to various surveys on Excel usage, a rather miniscule percentage of Excel Users use it to its full
potential. The focus of the course is to help the participants learn the tools and capabilities of this spreadsheet
application to perform from the simplest to the most complicated and elaborate financial analysis.

Modelling for Corporate Finance Transaction
   Case Outline and the process participants will go through in solving the case and structuring an LBO/MBO

                      Acquirer input          Acquirer                   Acquirer
                      historical              output:                    DCF valuation
                      numbers and             Income                     output
                      projected               statement,
                      numbers/                balance sheet
                      assumptions.            and cash flow

                                                                         How the
                      Sources of
                                                                         would be
                      Financial                                          funded. How
                      Sponsors                                           much debt
                                                                         needs to be
                      Management                                         raised

                      Different Tiers
                      of debt

                                              Structuring the           Motivations &
                                              Deal                      Economics of
                                                                        deal for
                                              Evaluating                Debt/Hybrid/E
                                              Different                 quity Investors
The good thing about an over-engineered software like Excel is that it very well equiped to perform the most
sophisticated and detailed financial analysis. The downside to this is that financial analysis workbooks are
becoming increasingly bulky and unstructured. Many a times, they develop into unweildy, clumsy and difficult
to manage models, with the user having no clue as to whats going in the spreadsheet and if the results are
accurate in the first place. Therefore, structuring good financial models is as much an art as a science.

The important aspects this workshop focuses on is to apply the tools effectively while constructing financial
models, caring for scalability, making them flexibile, structuring in such a way that auditing the model results is
not cumbersome. These essential attributes make financial models accurate, flexible and user-friendly. The
workshop would use a learning by doing approach, because thats how the science and art of financial
modeling is learnt.

We expect that the participants attending the course will be able to learn significant financial modeling
capabilities using Excel that would be pertinent for corporate finance, financial analysis, risk management,
transaction structuring like modeling for M&A, etc. The level of the course is Intermediate to advanced.

 -   Master the use of Excels financial modelling tools     -   Incorporate elements such as risk, sensitivity,
     and capabilities                                            optimisation and forecasting into financial models
 -   How to design a model to suit your purpose              -   Produce meaningful management reports and charts
 -   Understand the different types of financial models          for communication
     and when each should be applied                         -   How to identify and control key sensitivities through
 -   Construct financial models making use of a broad            advanced spreadsheet simulation
     range of Excel methods and techniques                   -   How to design a model to maximise flexibility and
 -   Accurate forecasting corporate cash flows for project       reliability
     finance deals and structures                            -   Practical tips for checking and debugging the mode

Our faculty is an experienced Investment Banker and a guest faculty in finance in IIMs, who specializes in Fixed
Income, Foreign Exchange and Credit Derivative products. He has conducted training programs for banks and
corporates in India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Middle East, and South Africa on topics such as Credit Derivatives,
Fx Derivatives, FI Derivatives, ALM, M&A, Financial Modeling for LBOs, Debt Capital Markets, Basel II and Risk

   Corporate Finance Professionals
   Quantitative analysts
   Investment Bankers
   Risk professionals
   Treasury managers
   Data analysts and economists


Creating the first financial statement model in Excel to          Data Analysis Toolpak
begin with (with an exercise and hands on practical               Important Excel Functions and commands for
session; focus on how to build a model right from the              modeling
scratch, linkages with excel spread sheets, assumptions,               Conditional Formating
use of past financial statements for the projections and               Online collaboration
building forecasted financial statements)                              Auditing
                                                                       Protecting the workbook
Important issues for preparation and building of a financial           Sharing the workbook
model                                                                  Data Validation
                                                                       Handling external data
Excel Functions and commands to supercharge worksheets                 Sorting
(most of the participants may be aware about the                       Filters
functions, yet just a quick revision and how these functions           Subtotals
are used in financial modelling)                                       Pivot Tables
 Different ways of summing and counting: SUMIF;
    SUMIFS; SUMPRODUCT; DSUM; DCOUNT;                             Statistical Data Analysis: trend analysis, regression,
    DCOUNTA; COUNTBLANK; COUNTIF; DMAX;                            moving average
    DAVERAGE                                                      Optimisation using
 IF (This Is True, Do This, Else Do This)                              Goal Seek
 Lookup & reference: CHOOSE; OFFSET; INDEX;                            Scenario Manager
    MATCH; HLOOKUP; VLOOKUP                                             Data Table: Row and Column input cell

DAY ONE (Cont.)
    Scenario Building
         Scenario building optimistic, base case and pessimistic assumptions


 Topics in Finance                                                Modelling term structure of WaCC
                                                                  DCF valuation
    Principles of financial modellingAccuracy, Flexibility
                                                                  Relative valuation (PE, EBITDA multiple)
     & User-friendliness
                                                                  Combining DCF and relative valuation models
    Defining Model objective
                                                                  Modelling for Leveraged Buy Out & Management Buy
    Outlining model plan
    Spread sheet maps
                                                                  Sources of funds for acquisition
    Flowchart and information flow
                                                                  Modelling uses of funds
    Layout and architecture of financial model
                                                                  Modelling ESOPs and Earn-Outs
    Setting up modules
                                                                  Partial and full dilution due to ESOPs
    Identifying inputs and variables
                                                                  IRR calculation for financial sponsor on fully diluted
    Defining deliverables and functionality
    Cataloguing outputs
                                                                  Purchase Accounting Model
    Stress testing Models
                                                                  Model for Stock-for-Stock Deal
    Model Documentation                                          Model for Cash-for-Stock Deal
    Financial Statement modelling
                                                                  Modelling when M&A financed by issue of debt
    Projection of Revenues, COGS, SG&A and other Income
                                                                  Model illustrating Accounting for a partial Acquisition
     Statement and Balance Sheet items
                                                                  Accretion Dilution Model
    Select model drivers and assumptions
                                                                  Deal Structure: Cash, Fixed-Value Stock Offer, Fixed-
    How to create an interlinked model for Income                 Shares Stock Offer
     Statement and Balance Sheet
    How circularity improves accuracy but also destabilizes
     the model
    Building a fully integrated Cash Flow Statement
    Modelling need for financing in future time
    Analysing the output and cross-checking with surplus
     funds and necessary to finance
    Models for Debt repayment with prepayment option
    Modelling Amortizing & Accreting Loans
    Modelling Pay In Kind (PIK) securities
    Model for computing Beta
    Modelling un-levering and re-levering of betas
    Modelling term structure of Beta
    Model for WaCC with various debt-equity choices

          2 DAY WORKSHOP
6th & 7th October, 2010 : Mumbai
8th & 9th December, 2010 : Delhi, Ahmedabad
15th & 16th December, 2010 : Bangalore, Mumbai

Program Fee: INR 13,000 /- + 10.3% ST


       A common misconception is that understanding derivatives requires knowing a lot of advanced math
which is the privilege of only the geeks. That said, sometimes you probably wonder how do these large bunch of
I-Bankers manage to provide derivative solutions to their clients because they dont seem to have been rocket
scientists in their previous avatar. There would have also been questions like how do you actually engineer
those financial products? May be, you read something called Black Scholes, Itos Lemma, and so on but they
didnt quite answer those questions convincingly, much less, make sense in the context of the real world of

       In the last two decades, derivatives have become all-pervading in financial markets with outstanding
notionals in excess of US$ 600 trillion. If your profession has anything to do with finance, then there is a pretty
high chance that you will have something to do with derivatives at some point or the other. This course tries to
demystify and simplify derivatives using a tool like Excel. For a practioner, it may be difficult to relate the Black-
Scholes equation but it would probably start to make sense once you start thinking like an accountant about all
these greeks and put the differential equations in excel. In the workshop, we will start to think of each of these
greeks in terms of money, which is what traders do. The program covers a comprehensive list of topics that
derivative practioners need to understand for their day-to-day work.

             (rnumeraire  rasset ) * dt   * dWt

       C 1 2 2  2C                      C
          S         (rnum  rasset ) S     rnumC
       t 2     S 2

       V ( S , K , T , t ,  , rnum, rasset ,  )  e  rnum [ FN (d1 )  KN (d 2 )]

Our faculty is an experienced Investment Banker and a guest faculty in finance in IIMs, who specializes in Fixed
Income, Foreign Exchange and Credit Derivative products. He has conducted training programs for banks and
corporates in India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Middle East, and South Africa on topics such as Credit Derivatives,
Fx Derivatives, FI Derivatives, ALM, M&A, Financial Modeling for LBOs, Debt Capital Markets, Basel II and Risk

   Capital Market Professionals
   Quantitative analysts
   Investment Bankers
   Risk professionals
   Treasury managers


   Understand financial engineering specifically, how         Appreciate how derivatives are structured to suit
    derivative structures are engineered                        client requirements
   Pricing and risk management of Equity, FX, Interest        Learn simulation techniques for pricing derivatives
    Rate and Credit Derivatives                                Learn how to solve any stochastic partial deferential
   Demystify and simplify the quantitative techniques in       equation (including Black Scholes equation) using
    analysing derivatives using Excel                           spreadsheets
   Be aware of derivatives as risk management tools           Understand Greeks (Delta, Gamma, Vega & Theta)
   Learn how to manage a derivative portfolio                  and the monetary implications of each of them

 Geometric Brownian Motion                                    multiple ways of deriving the BlackScholes partial
 Financial variables with deterministic Jump and                differential equation
  stochastic jumps                                             the assumptions that go into the BlackScholes
 Taylor series                                                 equation
 Our first differential equation                              how to modify the equation for commodity and
 Binomial Model                                                currency options
   Binomial model for an asset price random walk
   delta hedging                                            Replication of price of a derivative product in general
   no arbitrage                                              is the cost of risk managing it
   the basics of the binomial method for valuing options    Excel Exercise using a Partial Differential Equation
                                                             Discrete Hedging
   risk neutrality
                                                               the effect of hedging at discrete times
   Pricing exercises using Binomial model
                                                               hedging error
                                                               the real distribution of profit and loss
 Simulating and Manipulating Stochastic Differential
                                                             Pricing exercises
   Using Itos lemma to manipulate stochastic
    differential equations
                                                            Equity Derivative Products
   Continuous-time stochastic differential equations as
    discrete time processes
                                                             Vanilla Options
   Simple ways of generating random numbers in Excel
                                                               Call/Put Options
   Correlated random walks                                    Contract specifications of Call/Put Options
                                                               Exercise: Pricing with Black Scholes Model and
 Monte Carlo Simulation and Related Methods                    Monte Carlo Simulation in Excel
   the relationship between option values and               Basic strategies containing vanilla options
    expectations                                               Call and put spread
   how to do Monte Carlo simulations to calculate             Risk reversal
    derivative prices                                          Risk reversal flip
   simulations in many dimensions using Cholesky              Straddle
    factorization                                              Strangle
 The BlackScholes Model                                      Seagull
   the foundations of derivatives theory: delta hedging
    and no arbitrage

Fx Derivatives and Interest Rate Derivatives           Credit Derivatives
                                                        Credit Default Swap Pricing
 Fx Forwards, Fx Swaps                                 Pricing First-to-default Basket
   When to use an FX forward, Fx Swap
                                                        Copula Models for pricing credit derivatives: Gaussian
   Pricing & Hedging Examples
 Fx Structuring Exercise in Excel: Corporate Client    Pricing CDO
 Fx Structuring Exercise: Cross border acquisition
                                                       Risk management of Derivatives
 Interest Rate Swaps                                   Value at Risk
   LIBOR Swaps
                                                          VAR as Downside Risk
   MIBOR Swaps
                                                          VAR Parameters: Confidence Level, Horizon,
   OIS Swaps
                                                            Application: The Basel Rules
   Basis Swaps
                                                          VAR Methods
 Cross Currency Swaps
   Standard CCS with principal exchange
                                                       Counterparty Credit Risk for Derivative Transactions
   PO Swaps
                                                        Counterparty-level exposure
   CO Swaps
                                                        Credit Value Adjustment (CVA)
 Interest Rate Options
                                                        CVA as the price of counterparty credit risk
   Receiver and Payer Swaptions
                                                        Expected Exposure - Conditional on Default
   Caps and Floors
                                                        Peak Exposure - Conditional on Default
   Callable & Puttable Bonds
                                                        Wrong/Right-Way Risk
   CO Swaps
 Interest Rate Options
   Receiver and Payer Swaptions
   Caps and Floors
   Callable & Puttable Bonds
                                                    developing           professionals,              enriching organizations, Creating global executives

  Registration form
    Yes, please register me for :                                                                                                                                              Fees
 Financial Modeling With Excel                               4th & 5th Oct, 2010                     6th & 7th Dec, 2010            13th & 14th Dec,10                      Rs 13,000/-
 (2 Days)                                                    Mumbai                                  Delhi   Ahmedabad              Bangalore   Mumbai                *(Service Tax Applicable)

 Modeling & Analysing Derivatives Using                      6th & 7th Oct, 2010                     8th & 9th Dec, 2010            15th & 16th Dec,10                      Rs 13,000/-
 Excel (2 Days)                                              Mumbai                                                                                                   *(Service Tax Applicable)
                                                                                                     Delhi   Ahmedabad              Bangalore   Mumbai

  Both (4 Days)                                              4th - 7th Oct, 2010                     6th - 9th Dec, 2010            13th - 16th Dec,10                      Rs 24,000/-
 (Certificate of Participation from Carisma                  Mumbai                                  Delhi    Ahmedabad             Bangalore    Mumbai               *(Service Tax Applicable)
  Brunel University London)

                                               1.Web                                     3.Telephone                                        5.Fill this and post
                                                 www.optiriskindia.com                     +91 9717039970                                     OptiRisk Learning Systems (P) Ltd.
    5 easy ways to register                                                                                                                   # 501, Block No - 10
                                               2.Email                                   4.Register Online                                    Zenith, Suncity,
    or to make an enquiry                        learn@optiriskindia.com                   www.optiriskindia.com/                             Sarjapur Outer Ring Road,
                                                                                           learningsolutions/register.php                     Iblur - 560102 Bangalore, Karnataka

Personal Details                                                                                     Payment Details
Surname_______________________________________________Mr/Mrs/Ms                                      Fees (Rs)_______________________________________________________
First Name______________________________________________________                                     Instrument Type
Position___________________________Department___________________                                         cheque               demand draft            money order             online transfer
Company_______________________________________________________                                       (For online transfer please contact - Nitesh : +91 9717039970)
Address________________________________________________________                                      Instrument No___________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________                                       Instrument Date_____________________________________(DD/MM/YYYY)
Phone (O)_________________________(M)___________________________                                     Payable at______________________________________________________
                                                                                                     Sponsor Details I wish to sponsor this event
Delegate Category
    Industry        Academics (Professor & researchers, etc)             Research Student
I have read and understood the booking terms and conditions
                                                                                                     Phone (O)________________________(M)____________________________
  Booking terms and conditions                                                                                                                           For registration and more informa-
                                                                                                                                                         tion on the workshop or to find

    Customer Information                                                                                exclusive jurisdiction of whose court the        out about exhibition, sponsorship.
                                                                                                        parties hereby agree to submit.                  Please contact :
    The registration fee for the event covers the   The organizers reserve the right to amend the
    following : Attendance, copy of documenta-      programme if necessary.                                                                              Nitesh Naveen
    tion, lunches and light refreshments. Accom-    INDEMNITY : Should for any reason outside           Cancellation Policy                               + 91 9717039970
    modation is not included. Detailed delegate     the control of OptiRisk Learning Systems (P)
    information will be sent to you approximately   ltd (hereafter called OptiRisk), the venue or       Confirm your CANCELLATION in writing up
    two weeks before the event. Payment is          the speakers change, or the event be can-           to 15 working days before the event and
    required in advance of the event, or at the     celled due to industrial action, adverse            receive a refund less a 10% service charge.
    latest, paid at the event. Payment may be       weather conditions, or an act of terrorism,         Regrettably, no refunds can be made for         #501, Block :10,
    made by par cheque or demand draft if           OptiRisk will endeavour to reschedule, but          cancellations received less than 15 working     Zenith, Suncity,
    favour of OPTIRISK LEARNING SYSTEM             the client hereby indemnifies and holds             days prior to the event. However, SUBSTITU-
    (P) Ltd. payable at Bangalore.                 OptiRisk harmless from and against any and          TIONS are welcome at any time.                  Sarjapur Outer Ring Road,
                                                    all costs, damages and expenses, including                                                          Iblur : 560102 , Bangalore
                                                    attorneys fees, which are incurred by the                                                           Karnataka
                                                    client. The construction validity and perform-
                                                    ance of this Agreement shall be governed by
                                                    all aspect by the laws of India to the                                                                  www.optiriskindia.com

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Workshop on Mastering financial modeling

  • 2. MASTERING FINANCIAL MODELING ADVANCED LEVEL 4th - 7th October, 2010 : Mumbai | 6th - 9th December, 2010 : Delhi, Ahmedabad 13th -16th December, 2010 : Bangalore, Mumbai Program Fee: INR 24,000 /- + 10.3% ST Mastering Financial Modeling (MFM息) is a comprehensive financial modeling workshop which covers the practical requirement that a finance professional is expected to do in areas related to Financial Modeling. Excel sheet is a predominant tool used in Modeling and the program shall cover its relevant usage in detail. The workshop has 32 classroom contact hours spanning four days from 8 am to 6 pm. Objective of this program is to build fundamental concepts on financial modeling and provide them techniques to build financial model needed by their organisation. ABOUT THE PROGRAM MFM息 starts with a 2 day basic program on financial modeling which explains about all the excel based financial modeling required by finance professional working in any sector. The latter 2 days goes in depth into the derivative solutions and its analysis and financial engineering models including the concepts of financial mathematics. Day 1-2: FINANCIAL MODELING WITH EXCEL (2 Days) It is a generic program catering to the needs of all corporate professionals working in any sector. This program will take an individual from basic to an intermediate level. Pre Requisite: None Day 3-4: MODELING AND ANALYSING DERIVATIVES USING EXCEL (2 Days) This is a niche financial modeling program which caters to only those working in derivatives and financial engineering. Pre-Requisite: It is expected participants should have an understanding of excel based financial modeling and working knowledge of derivatives. Based on the need, you can enroll for entire 4 day program (MFM息) or for any of the two day program Day 1-2: FINANCIAL MODELING WITH EXCEL (2 Days) or Day 3-4: MODELING AND ANALYSING DERIVATIVES USING EXCEL (2 Days) HOW THE WORKSHOP WAS SHAPED Some of the research and data points we have used in shaping the agenda include: 1. Talking to Senior business and Finance management group, Financial consultants and analysts in the private and public sectors and seeking their views and advice on what are the critical issues in Financial Modeling and where they are investing budget. 2. Seeking the views of thought leaders, industry analysts and leading consultants to mould the agenda. 3. OptiRisk is in a unique position as a major part of our business is also training - which includes large portfolio of public and closed in-house courses from this we track which courses are generating most participation and importantly again, where organisations are investing budget. Training is an excellent barometer to market trends. We believe that this is the most focused of any Financial Modeling workshop in India.
  • 4. FINANCIAL MODELING WITH EXCEL 4th & 5th October, 2010 : Mumbai 6th & 7th December, 2010 : Delhi, Ahmedabad 13th & 14th December, 2010 : Bangalore, Mumbai Program Fee: INR 13,000 /- + 10.3% ST PROGRAM OBJECTIVE MS Excel 速 is today unarguably the most commonly used spreadsheet utility globally to do finance. In spite of this, according to various surveys on Excel usage, a rather miniscule percentage of Excel Users use it to its full potential. The focus of the course is to help the participants learn the tools and capabilities of this spreadsheet application to perform from the simplest to the most complicated and elaborate financial analysis. Modelling for Corporate Finance Transaction Case Outline and the process participants will go through in solving the case and structuring an LBO/MBO transaction Acquirer input Acquirer Acquirer historical output: DCF valuation numbers and Income output projected statement, numbers/ balance sheet assumptions. and cash flow How the Sources of LBO/MBO Funds: would be Financial funded. How Sponsors much debt needs to be Management raised Different Tiers of debt Structuring the Motivations & Deal Economics of deal for Evaluating Debt/Hybrid/E Different quity Investors Options
  • 5. FINANCIAL MODELING WITH EXCEL The good thing about an over-engineered software like Excel is that it very well equiped to perform the most sophisticated and detailed financial analysis. The downside to this is that financial analysis workbooks are becoming increasingly bulky and unstructured. Many a times, they develop into unweildy, clumsy and difficult to manage models, with the user having no clue as to whats going in the spreadsheet and if the results are accurate in the first place. Therefore, structuring good financial models is as much an art as a science. The important aspects this workshop focuses on is to apply the tools effectively while constructing financial models, caring for scalability, making them flexibile, structuring in such a way that auditing the model results is not cumbersome. These essential attributes make financial models accurate, flexible and user-friendly. The workshop would use a learning by doing approach, because thats how the science and art of financial modeling is learnt. Results: We expect that the participants attending the course will be able to learn significant financial modeling capabilities using Excel that would be pertinent for corporate finance, financial analysis, risk management, transaction structuring like modeling for M&A, etc. The level of the course is Intermediate to advanced. KEY BENEFITS - Master the use of Excels financial modelling tools - Incorporate elements such as risk, sensitivity, and capabilities optimisation and forecasting into financial models - How to design a model to suit your purpose - Produce meaningful management reports and charts - Understand the different types of financial models for communication and when each should be applied - How to identify and control key sensitivities through - Construct financial models making use of a broad advanced spreadsheet simulation range of Excel methods and techniques - How to design a model to maximise flexibility and - Accurate forecasting corporate cash flows for project reliability finance deals and structures - Practical tips for checking and debugging the mode
  • 6. FINANCIAL MODELING WITH EXCEL PROGRAM FACULTY Our faculty is an experienced Investment Banker and a guest faculty in finance in IIMs, who specializes in Fixed Income, Foreign Exchange and Credit Derivative products. He has conducted training programs for banks and corporates in India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Middle East, and South Africa on topics such as Credit Derivatives, Fx Derivatives, FI Derivatives, ALM, M&A, Financial Modeling for LBOs, Debt Capital Markets, Basel II and Risk Management. WHO SHOULD ATTENTD Corporate Finance Professionals Quantitative analysts Investment Bankers Risk professionals Treasury managers Controllers Data analysts and economists DAY ONE Creating the first financial statement model in Excel to Data Analysis Toolpak begin with (with an exercise and hands on practical Important Excel Functions and commands for session; focus on how to build a model right from the modeling scratch, linkages with excel spread sheets, assumptions, Conditional Formating use of past financial statements for the projections and Online collaboration building forecasted financial statements) Auditing Protecting the workbook Important issues for preparation and building of a financial Sharing the workbook model Data Validation Handling external data Excel Functions and commands to supercharge worksheets Sorting (most of the participants may be aware about the Filters functions, yet just a quick revision and how these functions Subtotals are used in financial modelling) Pivot Tables Different ways of summing and counting: SUMIF; SUMIFS; SUMPRODUCT; DSUM; DCOUNT; Statistical Data Analysis: trend analysis, regression, DCOUNTA; COUNTBLANK; COUNTIF; DMAX; moving average DAVERAGE Optimisation using IF (This Is True, Do This, Else Do This) Goal Seek Lookup & reference: CHOOSE; OFFSET; INDEX; Scenario Manager MATCH; HLOOKUP; VLOOKUP Data Table: Row and Column input cell Solver
  • 7. FINANCIAL MODELING WITH EXCEL DAY ONE (Cont.) Scenario Building Switches Forms Scenario building optimistic, base case and pessimistic assumptions DAY TWO Topics in Finance Modelling term structure of WaCC DCF valuation Principles of financial modellingAccuracy, Flexibility Relative valuation (PE, EBITDA multiple) & User-friendliness Combining DCF and relative valuation models Defining Model objective Modelling for Leveraged Buy Out & Management Buy Outlining model plan Out Spread sheet maps Sources of funds for acquisition Flowchart and information flow Modelling uses of funds Layout and architecture of financial model Modelling ESOPs and Earn-Outs Setting up modules Partial and full dilution due to ESOPs Identifying inputs and variables IRR calculation for financial sponsor on fully diluted Defining deliverables and functionality basis Cataloguing outputs Purchase Accounting Model Stress testing Models Model for Stock-for-Stock Deal Model Documentation Model for Cash-for-Stock Deal Financial Statement modelling Modelling when M&A financed by issue of debt Projection of Revenues, COGS, SG&A and other Income Model illustrating Accounting for a partial Acquisition Statement and Balance Sheet items Accretion Dilution Model Select model drivers and assumptions Deal Structure: Cash, Fixed-Value Stock Offer, Fixed- How to create an interlinked model for Income Shares Stock Offer Statement and Balance Sheet How circularity improves accuracy but also destabilizes the model Building a fully integrated Cash Flow Statement Modelling need for financing in future time Analysing the output and cross-checking with surplus funds and necessary to finance Models for Debt repayment with prepayment option Modelling Amortizing & Accreting Loans Modelling Pay In Kind (PIK) securities Model for computing Beta Modelling un-levering and re-levering of betas Modelling term structure of Beta Model for WaCC with various debt-equity choices
  • 9. MODELING AND ANALYSING DERIVATIVES USING EXCEL 6th & 7th October, 2010 : Mumbai 8th & 9th December, 2010 : Delhi, Ahmedabad 15th & 16th December, 2010 : Bangalore, Mumbai Program Fee: INR 13,000 /- + 10.3% ST PROGRAM OBJECTIVE A common misconception is that understanding derivatives requires knowing a lot of advanced math which is the privilege of only the geeks. That said, sometimes you probably wonder how do these large bunch of I-Bankers manage to provide derivative solutions to their clients because they dont seem to have been rocket scientists in their previous avatar. There would have also been questions like how do you actually engineer those financial products? May be, you read something called Black Scholes, Itos Lemma, and so on but they didnt quite answer those questions convincingly, much less, make sense in the context of the real world of finance. In the last two decades, derivatives have become all-pervading in financial markets with outstanding notionals in excess of US$ 600 trillion. If your profession has anything to do with finance, then there is a pretty high chance that you will have something to do with derivatives at some point or the other. This course tries to demystify and simplify derivatives using a tool like Excel. For a practioner, it may be difficult to relate the Black- Scholes equation but it would probably start to make sense once you start thinking like an accountant about all these greeks and put the differential equations in excel. In the workshop, we will start to think of each of these greeks in terms of money, which is what traders do. The program covers a comprehensive list of topics that derivative practioners need to understand for their day-to-day work. dSt (rnumeraire rasset ) * dt * dWt St C 1 2 2 2C C S (rnum rasset ) S rnumC t 2 S 2 S V ( S , K , T , t , , rnum, rasset , ) e rnum [ FN (d1 ) KN (d 2 )]
  • 10. MODELING AND ANALYSING DERIVATIVES USING EXCEL PROGRAM FACULTY Our faculty is an experienced Investment Banker and a guest faculty in finance in IIMs, who specializes in Fixed Income, Foreign Exchange and Credit Derivative products. He has conducted training programs for banks and corporates in India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Middle East, and South Africa on topics such as Credit Derivatives, Fx Derivatives, FI Derivatives, ALM, M&A, Financial Modeling for LBOs, Debt Capital Markets, Basel II and Risk Management. WHO SHOULD ATTENTD Capital Market Professionals Quantitative analysts Investment Bankers Risk professionals Treasury managers Controllers Economists KEY BENEFITS Understand financial engineering specifically, how Appreciate how derivatives are structured to suit derivative structures are engineered client requirements Pricing and risk management of Equity, FX, Interest Learn simulation techniques for pricing derivatives Rate and Credit Derivatives Learn how to solve any stochastic partial deferential Demystify and simplify the quantitative techniques in equation (including Black Scholes equation) using analysing derivatives using Excel spreadsheets Be aware of derivatives as risk management tools Understand Greeks (Delta, Gamma, Vega & Theta) Learn how to manage a derivative portfolio and the monetary implications of each of them
  • 11. MODELING AND ANALYSING DERIVATIVES USING EXCEL DAY ONE Geometric Brownian Motion multiple ways of deriving the BlackScholes partial Financial variables with deterministic Jump and differential equation stochastic jumps the assumptions that go into the BlackScholes Taylor series equation Our first differential equation how to modify the equation for commodity and Binomial Model currency options Binomial model for an asset price random walk delta hedging Replication of price of a derivative product in general no arbitrage is the cost of risk managing it the basics of the binomial method for valuing options Excel Exercise using a Partial Differential Equation Discrete Hedging risk neutrality the effect of hedging at discrete times Pricing exercises using Binomial model hedging error the real distribution of profit and loss Simulating and Manipulating Stochastic Differential Equations Pricing exercises Using Itos lemma to manipulate stochastic differential equations Equity Derivative Products Continuous-time stochastic differential equations as discrete time processes Vanilla Options Simple ways of generating random numbers in Excel Call/Put Options Correlated random walks Contract specifications of Call/Put Options Exercise: Pricing with Black Scholes Model and Monte Carlo Simulation and Related Methods Monte Carlo Simulation in Excel the relationship between option values and Basic strategies containing vanilla options expectations Call and put spread how to do Monte Carlo simulations to calculate Risk reversal derivative prices Risk reversal flip simulations in many dimensions using Cholesky Straddle factorization Strangle Butterfly The BlackScholes Model Seagull the foundations of derivatives theory: delta hedging and no arbitrage
  • 12. MODELING AND ANALYSING DERIVATIVES USING EXCEL DAY TWO Fx Derivatives and Interest Rate Derivatives Credit Derivatives Credit Default Swap Pricing Fx Forwards, Fx Swaps Pricing First-to-default Basket When to use an FX forward, Fx Swap Copula Models for pricing credit derivatives: Gaussian Pricing & Hedging Examples Copula Fx Structuring Exercise in Excel: Corporate Client Pricing CDO Fx Structuring Exercise: Cross border acquisition Risk management of Derivatives Interest Rate Swaps Value at Risk LIBOR Swaps VAR as Downside Risk MIBOR Swaps VAR Parameters: Confidence Level, Horizon, OIS Swaps Application: The Basel Rules Basis Swaps VAR Methods Cross Currency Swaps Standard CCS with principal exchange Counterparty Credit Risk for Derivative Transactions PO Swaps Counterparty-level exposure CO Swaps Credit Value Adjustment (CVA) Interest Rate Options CVA as the price of counterparty credit risk Receiver and Payer Swaptions Expected Exposure - Conditional on Default Caps and Floors Peak Exposure - Conditional on Default Callable & Puttable Bonds Wrong/Right-Way Risk CO Swaps Interest Rate Options Receiver and Payer Swaptions Caps and Floors Callable & Puttable Bonds
  • 13. OPTIRISK INDIA LEARNING SYSTEMS developing professionals, enriching organizations, Creating global executives Registration form Yes, please register me for : Fees Financial Modeling With Excel 4th & 5th Oct, 2010 6th & 7th Dec, 2010 13th & 14th Dec,10 Rs 13,000/- (2 Days) Mumbai Delhi Ahmedabad Bangalore Mumbai *(Service Tax Applicable) Modeling & Analysing Derivatives Using 6th & 7th Oct, 2010 8th & 9th Dec, 2010 15th & 16th Dec,10 Rs 13,000/- Excel (2 Days) Mumbai *(Service Tax Applicable) Delhi Ahmedabad Bangalore Mumbai Both (4 Days) 4th - 7th Oct, 2010 6th - 9th Dec, 2010 13th - 16th Dec,10 Rs 24,000/- (Certificate of Participation from Carisma Mumbai Delhi Ahmedabad Bangalore Mumbai *(Service Tax Applicable) Brunel University London) 1.Web 3.Telephone 5.Fill this and post www.optiriskindia.com +91 9717039970 OptiRisk Learning Systems (P) Ltd. 5 easy ways to register # 501, Block No - 10 2.Email 4.Register Online Zenith, Suncity, or to make an enquiry learn@optiriskindia.com www.optiriskindia.com/ Sarjapur Outer Ring Road, learningsolutions/register.php Iblur - 560102 Bangalore, Karnataka Personal Details Payment Details Surname_______________________________________________Mr/Mrs/Ms Fees (Rs)_______________________________________________________ First Name______________________________________________________ Instrument Type Position___________________________Department___________________ cheque demand draft money order online transfer Company_______________________________________________________ (For online transfer please contact - Nitesh : +91 9717039970) Address________________________________________________________ Instrument No___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Instrument Date_____________________________________(DD/MM/YYYY) Phone (O)_________________________(M)___________________________ Payable at______________________________________________________ Email__________________________________________________________ Sponsor Details I wish to sponsor this event Delegate Category Name__________________________________________________________ Industry Academics (Professor & researchers, etc) Research Student Position________________________________________________________ I have read and understood the booking terms and conditions Company_______________________________________________________ Phone (O)________________________(M)____________________________ Signature_____________________________Date______________________ Booking terms and conditions For registration and more informa- tion on the workshop or to find Customer Information exclusive jurisdiction of whose court the out about exhibition, sponsorship. Disclaimer parties hereby agree to submit. Please contact : The registration fee for the event covers the The organizers reserve the right to amend the following : Attendance, copy of documenta- programme if necessary. Nitesh Naveen tion, lunches and light refreshments. Accom- INDEMNITY : Should for any reason outside Cancellation Policy + 91 9717039970 modation is not included. Detailed delegate the control of OptiRisk Learning Systems (P) information will be sent to you approximately ltd (hereafter called OptiRisk), the venue or Confirm your CANCELLATION in writing up two weeks before the event. Payment is the speakers change, or the event be can- to 15 working days before the event and required in advance of the event, or at the celled due to industrial action, adverse receive a refund less a 10% service charge. nitesh@optiriskindia.com latest, paid at the event. Payment may be weather conditions, or an act of terrorism, Regrettably, no refunds can be made for #501, Block :10, made by par cheque or demand draft if OptiRisk will endeavour to reschedule, but cancellations received less than 15 working Zenith, Suncity, favour of OPTIRISK LEARNING SYSTEM the client hereby indemnifies and holds days prior to the event. However, SUBSTITU- (P) Ltd. payable at Bangalore. OptiRisk harmless from and against any and TIONS are welcome at any time. Sarjapur Outer Ring Road, all costs, damages and expenses, including Iblur : 560102 , Bangalore attorneys fees, which are incurred by the Karnataka client. The construction validity and perform- ance of this Agreement shall be governed by all aspect by the laws of India to the www.optiriskindia.com
  • 14. ABOUT US SIMILAR PROGRAMS THAT MIGHT INTEREST YOU Asset and Liability Management Tools & About Unicom OptiRisk India Learning Solutions: Latest Strategy The mission of OptiRisk India Learning Solutions is to be a niche Business Valuation In Emerging Economy knowledge provider in Finance, Energy, IT, Infrastructure and Risk The Why, How And How Not To Management domain. Merger and Acquisition The Why, How Areas of Expertise And How Not To Credit Risk In Emerging Economy Risk Management in Financial Trading in Energy Sector Stress & Scenario Testing in Financial Industries Serviced Services Working Capital Management in India OUR UPCOMING WORKSHOPS: PMP (Project Management Professionals) Project & Infrastructure Finance Essentials of Finance for Managers Managing Successful Programme (MSP) Essentials of Financial Market Prince2 Project Management Certification Centre for the Analysis of Risk and Optimisation Modelling Applications CARISMA: The Centre for the Analysis of Risk and Optimisation Modelling Applications is an interdisciplinary research centre which is supported by the strategic research initiative of Brunel University.