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TEACHING by Darya Arcimeyeyeva
Novopilskyy Educational Complex
Teacher of the Year - 2016
Give me the place to stand,
and I shall move the Earth.
Work is done, time to fun
Plato is my friend, but dearer
still is truth.
By the end of the workshop you will:
be aware of some useful itools for
English teaching;
be able to exploit a tool set for
different tasks;
have evaluated these itools.
Tasks for groups:
 Group 1  What are the
 Group 2  What devices
or resources do we
need to use the itools?
 Group 3  For what we
should use the itools?
 Steps for Kahoot
 1. Go to kahoot.it (your pupils can download the special
 2. Enter Game pin (on the main screen)
 3. Enter your nickname
 On your device will
be shown 4 colour
squares. On main
screen is the task
and multiply choices.
You should press on
the colour, which
shows the right
Watch the advertisement.
When I will pause the video, you
should guess that happens next.
Workshop "Using the itools in English teaching"
 Find and scan the QR-codes which are the colour of your
 Write down the question in the first column.
 Then write the answer in second column.
Question Answer
Workshop "Using the itools in English teaching"
Was this workshop useful for you?
A Yes B No C Hard to answer
What itools do you like the most?
A Kahoot B Qr-codes
C Wordcloud D Plickers
Will you use these itools on your lessons?
A True B False
Will you share the ideas of these workshop
with you colleagues?
A True B False
Workshop "Using the itools in English teaching"

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Workshop "Using the itools in English teaching"

  • 1. WORKSHOP USING THE ITOOLS FOR ENGLISH TEACHING by Darya Arcimeyeyeva Novopilskyy Educational Complex Teacher of the Year - 2016
  • 2. GROUPS Give me the place to stand, and I shall move the Earth. Work is done, time to fun Plato is my friend, but dearer still is truth.
  • 3. OUTCOMES By the end of the workshop you will: be aware of some useful itools for English teaching; be able to exploit a tool set for different tasks; have evaluated these itools.
  • 4. ACTIVITY 1 WORDCLOUD TAGUL.COM Tasks for groups: Group 1 What are the itools? Group 2 What devices or resources do we need to use the itools? Group 3 For what we should use the itools?
  • 5. KAHOOT Steps for Kahoot 1. Go to kahoot.it (your pupils can download the special app) 2. Enter Game pin (on the main screen) 3. Enter your nickname On your device will be shown 4 colour squares. On main screen is the task and multiply choices. You should press on the colour, which shows the right answer.
  • 6. USING OFFICE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLE- CLASS TEACHING Watch the advertisement. When I will pause the video, you should guess that happens next.
  • 8. QR-QUEST Find and scan the QR-codes which are the colour of your group. Write down the question in the first column. Then write the answer in second column. Question Answer
  • 10. SHOW YOUR ANSWERS! Was this workshop useful for you? A Yes B No C Hard to answer What itools do you like the most? A Kahoot B Qr-codes C Wordcloud D Plickers Will you use these itools on your lessons? A True B False Will you share the ideas of these workshop with you colleagues? A True B False