The document lists various workshops being offered at a school on May 9th from Monday. The workshops include cooking, mechanics, arts, chemistry, Portuguese language learning, storytelling in the library, and different types of dancing. They vary in location, time, and number of participants. The workshops provide opportunities for learning new skills and cross-cultural exchange between students and teachers.
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1. 4434205-1657357244080-584835-90170-584835<br />Workshops<br />WorkshopRespons叩veis / TeachersLocal /PlaceHor叩rio / timetableN尊 de participantes/ NO of participantsCulin叩ria / Cookery - A square meal, the Portuguese way, makes my dayM捉 Paula Jales / M捉Jo達o AnacletoSala zona das artes / room at the Arts zone9de Maio / 9th May2捉feira/ Monday 10:00-13:0014:30-16:3010 por sess達o10 each sessionMec但nica / Mechanics Start your engines!Fernando LealOf. Mec但nica 9de Maio / 9th May2捉feira/ Monday10 por sess達o10 each sessionArtes/ Arts Be a pArt!Ana Velosotrio junto ao bar / school hall by the Bar9 de Maio /9th May2捉feira / Monday 10:00-13:0014:30-16:30Sem limite / no limitQu鱈mica / Chemestry ChemiecoolIt's the International Year of Chemistry. Join us and make a few simple, but very cool, experiments. Come and learn more about Chemistry!Concei巽達o VidigalChemistry Lab9 de Maio / 9th May2捉feira / Monday14:30-16:30 2 sess探es / 2 sessions12 cada sess達o / 12 each sessionWorkshopRespons叩veis / TeachersLocal /PlaceHor叩rio / timetableN尊 de participantes/ NO of participantsAprender Portugu棚s / Portuguese language learningWalking nd talking PortugueseHelena Ferreira / Marisa Mesquita / Osvaldo CamposSala normal / Classroom9 de Maio / 9th May2捉feira / Monday 10:00-13:0010Biblioteca /Library Who tells a tale No辿mia MachadoBiblioteca / Library9 de Maio / 9th May2捉feira / Monday14:30-16:306 teams of 2 elements one from each countrie+2 teams of teachersDan巽a / Dancing Lets dance!Morning Urban dance+FitnessAfternoon Ball room dancing + Portuguese traditional dancingED. F鱈sicaGin叩sio grande / big Gym9 de Maio / 9th May2捉feira / Monday 10:30-12:0014:30-16:30Sem limite / no limit<br />