This document discusses World AIDS Day 2011 which is observed on December 1st each year to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS. The theme for World AIDS Day 2011 is "Getting to Zero", with a focus on achieving zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths. The document provides information about HIV/AIDS including causes, symptoms, prevention methods, and attitudes towards patients. It emphasizes the importance of individual and community efforts to curb the spread of HIV/AIDS and bring new infections to zero by 2015.
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World aids day 2011
1. World AIDS Day 2011
Dr. Vinod Jain
Consultant Urologist & Minimal Access Surgeon
Associate Professor
Department of Surgery
King Georgs Medical University, UP, Lucknow, India
2. ,M l fnol D;ksa~ ,M l fnol D;ksa~
,M l ds y k.k ds izfr tkx:drk~ {
,M l ds dkj.kksa ds izfr tkx:drk~
,M l ls cpko ds izfr tkx:drk~
,M l ds jksfx;ksa ds izfr tkx:drk~
,M l ds jksfx;ksa ds izfr leqfpr~
O;ogkj ds fy;s tkx:drk
(First world AIDS day was held in 1988)
3. World AIDS Day 2011 theme
'Getting to Zero'
After 30 years of the global fight against HIV/AIDS,
this year the global community has committed to
focusing on achieving 3 targets.
5. Achieving 3 targets
Zero new HIV infections.
Zero discrimination.
Zero AIDS-related deaths
6. World AIDS Day 2011 provides an
opportunity for
Political leaders
to take on the challenge of getting to
7. What can I do? -
Wear a red ribbon and raise
8. What is Red Ribbon
Created in 1991 by Artists of New York
It stands for
- Care and concern about HIV & AIDS
- Hope for search of effective treatment
- Solidarity and support for people
living with HIV
9. The red ribbon started as a grass root effort
There is no official AIDS ribbon manufacturer
People make their own
It's easily done
just use
some ordinary red ribbon and a safety pin!
10. AIDS
Full form AIDS:-
A - Acquired tkss tUe dstkss tUe ds
ckn izkIrckn izkIr
I - immune 'kjhj dh'kjhj dh
izfrjks kd/izfrjks kd/
D - deficiency dehdeh
S - syndrome lay k.kksa dk{lay k.kksa dk{
12. AIDS is a disease of the human
immune system caused by the
Human immuno deficiency virus
13. HIV
Full form HIV:-
H - Human ekuoekuo
I - immuno deficiency tkstks
izfrjks kd/izfrjks kd/
kerk dks de djsa{kerk dks de djsa{
V - Virus fo"kk.kqfo"kk.kq
14. Certain fact about HIV/AIDS
34 millions (rhu djksM+ pkyhl
yk[k) were living with HIV at the end of
About 3 millions new cases each year
More than 2 millions (chl yk[k) die per
Window period is 3-6 months
HIV to AIDS development takes
5-15 years
15. Disposal of Dead bodies
Cremation is best
Mutilation to be avoided
If burial body wrapped by cloth soaked
in bleaching powder and then polythene
Dispose at earliest
Unwrapping not allowed
21. ,M l buls ugha~,M l buls ugha~
gkFk feykus lsgkFk feykus ls
'kkSpky; ds iz;ksx ls'kkSpky; ds iz;ksx ls
,M l jksfx;ksa ds lkFk mlh crZu~,M l jksfx;ksa ds lkFk mlh crZu~
esa kkus vFkok ihus ls[esa kkus vFkok ihus ls[
vkfyaxu ;k lkekU; pqEcu lsvkfyaxu ;k lkekU; pqEcu ls
jDrnku lsjDrnku ls
,M l jksfx;ksa ds lkFk dke djus~,M l jksfx;ksa ds lkFk dke djus~
ePNj ds dkVus lsePNj ds dkVus ls
,d gh rj.k&rky esa ugkus ls,d gh rj.k&rky esa ugkus ls
,M l jksfx;ksa ds lkFk jgus ls~,M l jksfx;ksa ds lkFk jgus ls~
23. AIDS ds y k.k{
Major criteria
Unexplained weight loss in recent by more
than 10%
Chronic Diarrhoea for more than one
Prolonged fever for more than one month
despite regular treatment
24. AIDS ds y k.k{
Minor criteria
Persistent cough more than one month
Dermatitis pruritus in genitalia
Recurrent herpes zoster
Oral candidiasis (fungal infection)
Chronic progressive dementia
Generalized lymphadenopathy
28. Supportive Measures
Prevent opportunistic infection
Immuno stimulants
Phospholipids- egg proteins
Nutritional care
Symptomatic relief
Social protection and legal advice
Sense of security to P.L.H.A.
29. Our attitude towards AIDS
G Greet the patient
A Ask the problem
T Teach for specific problem
H Help in making decision
E Explain misconception and myths
R Return for fellowship