proposes 3 ideas that can nourish a world citizenship mindset: 1) understanding humanity's social evolution, 2) using the concept of unity in diversity, and 3) abandoning all forms of prejudice.
Presented for an internal (short) workshop at Wikimedia Foundation.
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World citizenship mindset 2018
1. World Citizenship
a state of awareness
Vahid Masrour
Community Capacity Managzer, Wikipzedia Educaton Program
Szeptzembzer 2017
2. (Plannzed) Topics
I. Introductons (Who am i, and why am i hzerze?)
II. Propositons: 3 idzeas
Gzetng thze historical contzext right
Unity in divzersity
Abandoning all forms of przejudicze
9. Artclze 13(2) of thze Universal Declaraton of Human
Everyone has the right to leave any
country, including his own, and to
return to his country.
13. Discussion: Humanitys social evolution
What happens to smaller identities as we
acnkowledge a larger identity that we can
participate in?
Is there an obligatory contradiction between one
form of identity and the other?
How does an understanding of the social evolution
of humanity help us cultivate our world citizenship?
15. Unity in uniformity: not good.
Michael Padada, Banana Plantation, Padada, crop, CC BY-SA 3.0
16. Discussion: Unity in diversity
What can unity in uniformity mean?
What can division in diversity mean?
Do competition and domination make sense in a
culture that is based on unity in diversity ?
What other principles of interactions emerge?
In the human body analogy, a minimum shared
purpose appears: keeping the whole healthy. Can
you propose other purposes?
18. Discussion: abandoning prejudices
Can you identify prejudices that you were exposed to in
your childhood and youth?
Abandoning prejudices might sound too oversimple:
which steps can you identify in the process of abandoning
Assuming abandoning prejudices weve grown with is
achievable, how would our interactions change when we
have dumped the prejudice filter?