7. “世界糖尿病日”已从每年一天逐渐演化为持续多年的活动1991: Diabetes Goes Public1992: Diabetes: A Problem of All Ages in All Countries1993: Growing Up with Diabetes1994: Diabetes and Growing Older1995: The Price of Ignorance1996: Insulin for Life!1997: Global Awareness: Our Key to a Better Life1998: Diabetes and Human Rights1999: The Costs of Diabetes2000: Diabetes and Lifestyle in the New Millennium2001: Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease2002: Your Eyes and Diabetes2003: Diabetes and Kidneys2004: Diabetes and Obesity2005: Diabetes and Foot Care2006: Diabetes and the Disadvantaged and Vulnerable2007-2008: Diabetes in Children2009-2013: Prevention and Education
13. 这个代表糖尿病的全球性标志是从“联合起来,战胜糖尿病” (Unite for 顿颈补产别迟别蝉)活动中诞生的为什么是一个圆环?这个圆环是一个积极的跨文化符号,象征着生命和健康。为何圆环定为蓝色?蓝色代表将所有国家笼罩于一体的天空,圆环的蓝色边缘同时也是天空和联合国旗帜的颜色,蓝色圆环意味着全球糖尿病团体联合起来,共同抵抗糖尿病的发展蔓延。丑迟迟辫://飞飞飞.诲颈补产别迟别蝉产濒耻别肠颈谤肠濒别.辞谤驳