The document discusses world population trends, including that the world population has exceeded 6.5 billion people and continues to increase by about 76 million per year. It notes that scientists are worried the population will double to over 12 billion people within 50 years. It also discusses population control methods used in China, including the one-child policy introduced in 1979.
Importance Of Population Growth
The Problem Of Population And Growth Essay
Population Growth And Economic Development
Population Growth Essay
The Impacts Of Population Growth
Causes Of Population Growth
Human Population Growth
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Population Growth
Reflection Paper On Population Growth
Population Growth in Perspective Essays
Effects Of Exponential Population Growth
Cause Of Population Growth In The United States
Factors Affecting Human Population Growth
The Impacts Of Population Growth
Urbanization Of Urban Population Growth Essay
Us Population Essay example
Population Growth And The Population Essay
Population Growth Essay
The document discusses several issues related to world population growth. It notes that the world population has exceeded 6.5 billion and is growing by about 76 million people per year. Some experts are worried that the population will double to over 12 billion within 50 years, straining food and resource availability. The document then discusses population control policies in India and China, noting that China introduced its one-child policy in 1979 to limit population growth. It also discusses the potential for aquaculture and marine resources to help address food demands of the rising global population.
The document discusses how increasing human population is putting pressure on the environment and economy. It notes that the world population is growing by 90 million people per year and will soon reach 6 billion people, posing challenges around food production and housing. Rapid population growth coincides with improved health and productivity, but questions whether agriculture can sustainably feed more people, especially with exponential growth. Technology has increased yields but may not keep pace with rising demand from population and diet changes. Overall human overpopulation is negatively impacting the environment, resources and economy.
This document discusses the issue of population growth and its impact on the environment and resources. It notes that as the human population increases, demands on resources like clean water, food, and oil also increase. If population grows too much, it could use up most available resources, leaving little for future generations. The author argues that people need to consider how many people the Earth can support sustainably. Uncontrolled population growth could ultimately lead to environmental destruction and jeopardize humanity's long-term survival.
The document discusses the human population and its impact. It begins by defining population growth and noting that the current world population is over 7.4 billion. If trends continue, the population is projected to reach 8.5-10.9 billion by 2050. Several factors influence population size, including birth rates, death rates, and migration. Rapid population growth can put pressure on resources and the environment, while population age structure also affects growth rates. The document examines population issues for different countries and regions.
In the late 1980s, Cuba had a fairly successful economy dependent on Soviet subsidies. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Cuba lost these subsidies and was pushed into an economic crisis. Food shortages became prevalent as imports slowed down and stopped, triggering human migration out of Cuba and an imbalance in their development.
The essay discusses the writer's father as the most influential person in their life. The father has always pushed the writer to do their best, is always supportive, and possesses good qualities like being hardworking that the writer admires. The writer's father worked hard in track in high school and still holds records that have not been broken. His dedication has rubbed off on the writer in their softball pursuits. The father will continue to have a positive impact through his guidance, support, and qualities that have shaped who the writer is.
Descriptive Essay On Music
Music and Personality
Chicano Music : Memorable Music
Music Is A Universal Language
Essay about Music and Society
Essay on music and emotions
Essay on Musical Instruments
Music in the Classroom Essay
Classification Of Hip-Hop Music
Rap Music Essay
The Portrayal Of Women In The Music Industry
Reflection About Music
Attention Getter For Music Essay
Classification Essay-Its Wrong With Fuse Music
Classification of Music
Reflective Essay About Music
Classification of Music Essay
Classification Essay On Rap Music
Essay on The Philosophy of Education
My Philosophy of Education Essay examples
Essay on Educational Philosophy
Philosophy of Education Essays
Essay on Philosophy on Education
Philosophy of Education Essay examples
My Philosophy on Education Essay
Educational Philosophies Essay
My Teaching Philosophy Essay
Philosophy of Education Essay
My Philosophy of Education Essay
all about citation Essay
Plagiarism and Citation Essay
Plagiarism Essay Examples
What is Stress? Essay
Multiple Intelligences Essays
The True Meaning of Intelligence Essays
Essay about The Education System
My Personal Identity Essay
HIV and AIDS Essay
Essay on Writing Experience
Cookies Essay
Personal Hygiene Essay
College Readiness Essay
Intellectual Diversity In Liberal Arts
Personal Growth in College Essay
College: Is It Worth It? Essay
Perseverance Essay
Essay Growing Up
Blind love can cause people to act against their normal beliefs and standards by doing anything to please or keep their partner. When in blind love, people are unable to distinguish right from wrong and their partner may take advantage of them, such as doing all household chores. Friends and family who see the unhealthy relationship will try to intervene but the person in blind love will not listen to their advice. Blind love can also involve an abusive relationship where one person brainwashes and controls the other by forbidding contact with others. A couple blinded by love may irrationally prioritize each other over jobs and responsibilities. Blind love also refers to love that sees no attributes and is unconditional.
The Tiniest Epiphany
Examples Of Epiphany
Epiphany: A Short Story
Epiphany In Hamlet
Epiphany In Cathedral
Araby Epiphany Essay
Who Is An Epiphany? Essay
My Family Research Paper
My Family Dream
Family Narrative Essay
My Family Short Story
My Family Story
My Family Story
My Family : A Short Story
My Familys Immigration
Essay about My Family Heritage
A Story Of My Family
Autobiography Of My Family
My Family Essay
Essay on My Family History
The Story Of My Family
Essay on My Familys Ancestry
The document discusses several key issues around immigration reform in the United States. It notes that there are currently around 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country. Immigrants often leave their home countries due to lack of food, unemployment, poverty, or low wages. The document also discusses the DREAM Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who came to the US as minors, go to college or serve in the military. However, some argue it amounts to amnesty. The document calls for reforms such as a temporary worker program and penalties for illegal border crossings and hiring undocumented workers. It also discusses concerns that immigrants are overusing welfare systems and family reunification laws.
My mother has always been a strong, generous, and optimistic individual. She raised her children financially and emotionally by herself, working two jobs to provide for them. She also supported them with love and care, and taught them the importance of spirituality through daily prayer. While her generosity has sometimes been taken advantage of, she continues to give to others and encourage volunteering in the community.
The Mobile Phone Essay
Cell Phone Technology Essay
Cell Phones Essay
The Invention Of Cell Phones
Cell Phone Addiction Essay
Cell Phones In School Essay
Dangers of Cell Phones Essay
Cell Phone Use Essay
Cell Phones Thesis
Are Cell Phone Good Or Bad?
Rabindranath Tagore was a renowned Bengali poet, novelist, playwright, composer, and educator from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He contributed greatly to Bengali literature with works like Gitanjali and Ghare Baire. Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913, making him the first Asian laureate. He wrote across multiple genres including songs, short stories, novels, plays, and essays on personal and political topics. Tagore supported Indian nationalism and criticized orthodox education, stressing the importance of multicultural learning.
Capital punishment is passionately debated in the US. Opponents argue that life imprisonment achieves the same goal as the death penalty, but supporters counter that convicted criminals escape prison every year, so only the death penalty prevents escape. Supporters also argue that the death penalty deters crime by preventing murderers from killing again, and that studies claiming innocent people have been executed are unfounded.
Customer loyalty is an important asset for businesses operating in competitive markets. It becomes particularly important when switching costs are low for customers. Various authors have studied the impact of customer relationship management (CRM) on customer loyalty, but have not distinguished between different types of loyalty. Looking back over the past decade, many firms have adopted CRM to improve their customer focus, using tactics like customer loyalty programs to build financial and relationship rewards for customers in order to increase sales revenues.
The Skeletal System
Skeletal System
Skeletal System Essay
Skeletal System
The Skeletal System Essay
The Skeletal System
Skeletal System Support Body
Skeletal System
The Skeletal System Essay
Chapter 5: the Skeletal System Essay
Healthy Skeletal System
The passage provides an analysis of the novel "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. It discusses how the main character Amir seeks redemption for a wrongdoing in his past. Throughout the novel, Amir is tormented by the line "There is a way to be good again", showing his desire to make up for his actions. The passage explains that Hosseini illustrates that while the past cannot be changed, redemption is still possible. It also analyzes how Hosseini depicts guilt as the primary motivator for Amir's redemption through his thoughts and interactions with other characters.
John Bowlby developed the attachment theory after observing children separated from their parents during World War 2 developing emotional problems stemming from the separation. Bowlby himself experienced separation from his mother at a young age when sent to boarding school. His main theory was that strong attachments are formed through proximity maintenance, a secure base, and separation distress. He believed children need continuous care from their primary attachment figure, usually the mother, for the first two years to develop properly.
Macro environment Essays
The document discusses how macro environmental factors are external forces outside of a business's control that can influence its operations. It provides examples of how political, economic, socio-cultural factors affect the travel industry and Wotif, an Australian travel company. Australians have a strong travel culture, but Wotif saw lower profits due to its underperforming Asian business. Understanding macro factors is important for businesses to achieve goals and improve strategies.
The essay discusses the writer's father as the most influential person in their life. The father has always pushed the writer to do their best, is always supportive, and possesses good qualities like being hardworking that the writer admires. The writer's father worked hard in track in high school and still holds records that have not been broken. His dedication has rubbed off on the writer in their softball pursuits. The father will continue to have a positive impact through his guidance, support, and qualities that have shaped who the writer is.
Descriptive Essay On Music
Music and Personality
Chicano Music : Memorable Music
Music Is A Universal Language
Essay about Music and Society
Essay on music and emotions
Essay on Musical Instruments
Music in the Classroom Essay
Classification Of Hip-Hop Music
Rap Music Essay
The Portrayal Of Women In The Music Industry
Reflection About Music
Attention Getter For Music Essay
Classification Essay-Its Wrong With Fuse Music
Classification of Music
Reflective Essay About Music
Classification of Music Essay
Classification Essay On Rap Music
Essay on The Philosophy of Education
My Philosophy of Education Essay examples
Essay on Educational Philosophy
Philosophy of Education Essays
Essay on Philosophy on Education
Philosophy of Education Essay examples
My Philosophy on Education Essay
Educational Philosophies Essay
My Teaching Philosophy Essay
Philosophy of Education Essay
My Philosophy of Education Essay
all about citation Essay
Plagiarism and Citation Essay
Plagiarism Essay Examples
What is Stress? Essay
Multiple Intelligences Essays
The True Meaning of Intelligence Essays
Essay about The Education System
My Personal Identity Essay
HIV and AIDS Essay
Essay on Writing Experience
Cookies Essay
Personal Hygiene Essay
College Readiness Essay
Intellectual Diversity In Liberal Arts
Personal Growth in College Essay
College: Is It Worth It? Essay
Perseverance Essay
Essay Growing Up
Blind love can cause people to act against their normal beliefs and standards by doing anything to please or keep their partner. When in blind love, people are unable to distinguish right from wrong and their partner may take advantage of them, such as doing all household chores. Friends and family who see the unhealthy relationship will try to intervene but the person in blind love will not listen to their advice. Blind love can also involve an abusive relationship where one person brainwashes and controls the other by forbidding contact with others. A couple blinded by love may irrationally prioritize each other over jobs and responsibilities. Blind love also refers to love that sees no attributes and is unconditional.
The Tiniest Epiphany
Examples Of Epiphany
Epiphany: A Short Story
Epiphany In Hamlet
Epiphany In Cathedral
Araby Epiphany Essay
Who Is An Epiphany? Essay
My Family Research Paper
My Family Dream
Family Narrative Essay
My Family Short Story
My Family Story
My Family Story
My Family : A Short Story
My Familys Immigration
Essay about My Family Heritage
A Story Of My Family
Autobiography Of My Family
My Family Essay
Essay on My Family History
The Story Of My Family
Essay on My Familys Ancestry
The document discusses several key issues around immigration reform in the United States. It notes that there are currently around 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country. Immigrants often leave their home countries due to lack of food, unemployment, poverty, or low wages. The document also discusses the DREAM Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who came to the US as minors, go to college or serve in the military. However, some argue it amounts to amnesty. The document calls for reforms such as a temporary worker program and penalties for illegal border crossings and hiring undocumented workers. It also discusses concerns that immigrants are overusing welfare systems and family reunification laws.
My mother has always been a strong, generous, and optimistic individual. She raised her children financially and emotionally by herself, working two jobs to provide for them. She also supported them with love and care, and taught them the importance of spirituality through daily prayer. While her generosity has sometimes been taken advantage of, she continues to give to others and encourage volunteering in the community.
The Mobile Phone Essay
Cell Phone Technology Essay
Cell Phones Essay
The Invention Of Cell Phones
Cell Phone Addiction Essay
Cell Phones In School Essay
Dangers of Cell Phones Essay
Cell Phone Use Essay
Cell Phones Thesis
Are Cell Phone Good Or Bad?
Rabindranath Tagore was a renowned Bengali poet, novelist, playwright, composer, and educator from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He contributed greatly to Bengali literature with works like Gitanjali and Ghare Baire. Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913, making him the first Asian laureate. He wrote across multiple genres including songs, short stories, novels, plays, and essays on personal and political topics. Tagore supported Indian nationalism and criticized orthodox education, stressing the importance of multicultural learning.
Capital punishment is passionately debated in the US. Opponents argue that life imprisonment achieves the same goal as the death penalty, but supporters counter that convicted criminals escape prison every year, so only the death penalty prevents escape. Supporters also argue that the death penalty deters crime by preventing murderers from killing again, and that studies claiming innocent people have been executed are unfounded.
Customer loyalty is an important asset for businesses operating in competitive markets. It becomes particularly important when switching costs are low for customers. Various authors have studied the impact of customer relationship management (CRM) on customer loyalty, but have not distinguished between different types of loyalty. Looking back over the past decade, many firms have adopted CRM to improve their customer focus, using tactics like customer loyalty programs to build financial and relationship rewards for customers in order to increase sales revenues.
The Skeletal System
Skeletal System
Skeletal System Essay
Skeletal System
The Skeletal System Essay
The Skeletal System
Skeletal System Support Body
Skeletal System
The Skeletal System Essay
Chapter 5: the Skeletal System Essay
Healthy Skeletal System
The passage provides an analysis of the novel "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. It discusses how the main character Amir seeks redemption for a wrongdoing in his past. Throughout the novel, Amir is tormented by the line "There is a way to be good again", showing his desire to make up for his actions. The passage explains that Hosseini illustrates that while the past cannot be changed, redemption is still possible. It also analyzes how Hosseini depicts guilt as the primary motivator for Amir's redemption through his thoughts and interactions with other characters.
John Bowlby developed the attachment theory after observing children separated from their parents during World War 2 developing emotional problems stemming from the separation. Bowlby himself experienced separation from his mother at a young age when sent to boarding school. His main theory was that strong attachments are formed through proximity maintenance, a secure base, and separation distress. He believed children need continuous care from their primary attachment figure, usually the mother, for the first two years to develop properly.
Macro environment Essays
The document discusses how macro environmental factors are external forces outside of a business's control that can influence its operations. It provides examples of how political, economic, socio-cultural factors affect the travel industry and Wotif, an Australian travel company. Australians have a strong travel culture, but Wotif saw lower profits due to its underperforming Asian business. Understanding macro factors is important for businesses to achieve goals and improve strategies.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1
Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spots—systemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AI—that could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics.pptxSamruddhi Khonde
📢 Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics
🔬 Antibiotics have revolutionized medicine, playing a crucial role in combating bacterial infections. Among them, Beta-Lactam antibiotics remain the most widely used class due to their effectiveness against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This guide provides a detailed overview of their history, classification, chemical structures, mode of action, resistance mechanisms, SAR, and clinical applications.
📌 What You’ll Learn in This Presentation
✅ History & Evolution of Antibiotics
✅ Cell Wall Structure of Gram-Positive & Gram-Negative Bacteria
✅ Beta-Lactam Antibiotics: Classification & Subtypes
✅ Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Carbapenems & Monobactams
✅ Mode of Action (MOA) & Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR)
✅ Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors & Resistance Mechanisms
✅ Clinical Applications & Challenges.
🚀 Why You Should Check This Out?
Essential for pharmacy, medical & life sciences students.
Provides insights into antibiotic resistance & pharmaceutical trends.
Useful for healthcare professionals & researchers in drug discovery.
👉 Swipe through & explore the world of antibiotics today!
🔔 Like, Share & Follow for more in-depth pharma insights!
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
Azure Administrator Interview Questions By ScholarHatScholarhat
World Population Essay
1. Essay on World Population
World Population
Works Cited Not Included
Population causes a heated debate among many people. The world's population has exceeded 6.5
billion and continues to increase about another 76 million each year. The three most populated
countries are China, India, and the United States. Scientists have become worried that the population
will double within the next 50 years, exceeding 12 billion people. With scarce natural resources and
the strain that a doubling in population will cause on food availability, people become more wary
about population control. What is population control? Population Control is the practice of limiting
population increase, usually by reducing the birth rate (
The first country to adopt more content...
Samuel states in his article, "The Development of India's Policy of Population Control": "This policy
has not yet received the attention merited by its importance for India's development."
China leads India in population by about 2 million people, putting China at the top of the list with
1.3 billion people, roughly 20 per cent of the world's population ( What has
China done in the effort to slow the ever growing population? In 1979, China introduced a policy
limiting one child per family. This was unprecedented. In 1986, the limit increased to two children
per family, as long as the family was non–Han. (Han is the ethnic majority in China). Some rural
Han families were also allowed to have two children, as long as the firstborn child was a female.
The goal in doing this was to limit the population to below 1.37 billion by the year 2010. Some
families refused to adhere to the family limitation policies. For example, they sabotaged government
mandated contraceptives and paid doctors to claim to have performed abortions.
It has been 28 years since the policy was set, and there have been some gender fluctuation within
the Chinese population. At first, the Chinese families only wanted male children in order to carry
on the family name and honor. Many families with daughters born wanted abortions or simply
killed the females after birth. In 1995, 1,166 male children were born for every
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2. World Hunger Essay
World hunger has been a constant problem throughout the ages. It is a problem that should be able
to be solved easily, yet there are still 1.02 billion undernourished people worldwide. With the world
population being 6.7 billion people, and the Earth producing more than enough food for this amount
of people, why is it that there are hungry, malnourished people all around the globe?
Hunger is caused by many events, including the poverty trap, natural disasters, war, poor agricultural
infrastructure, and over–exploitation of the environment. The poverty trap is the cycle of poverty
that can begin from a limited diet and progress to birthing a baby that is malnourished. This causes
the baby to have slower development and more content...
They do this by destroying local markets and seizing or destroying crops and animals, while
contaminating wells and mining fields. This forces farmers to leave their lands and usually begins
their cycle in the poverty trap. Poor agricultural infrastructure causes hunger because the lack of
roads, warehouses, and irrigation causes higher transportation costs, a deficiency of storage facilities,
and unreliable water supplies. To improve the agricultural infrastructure, however, it would cost a
profuse amount of money, which would put the country in greater debt and result in less funding for
essential systems, such as health care, which already has too little funding. Over–exploitation of the
environment is caused by deforestation, over–cropping, poor farming practices, and overgrazing.
When over–exploitation occurs, salination, erosion, and desertification results, causing less fertility
and more hunger across the globe. Salination is caused by erosion that strips the earth of its
nutrients, leaving behind salty, unfertile land. This causes plants to have less of a chance of
growing properly, or not grow at all. When less plants grow, less people are fed, and more go hungry.
From 1970 to 1997, humanity was solving the starvation problem worldwide. The amount of
hungry people had dropped from 959 million to 791 million, which is a total decrease of 168 million
people. This decrease is
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3. World Population Essay
According to the Population Division of the United Nations, world population reached 6,500
million in 2005 and will continue growing by more than 76 million per year, United Nations
estimates indicate that by 2050 there will be between 7,700 million and 10,600 million, being the
most likely projection of 9,100 million inhabitants. The availability of arable land and increased
efficiency in food production from land can reach their limits. The oceanographic conditions,
climate and its effect on soil quality and various human uses to determine crop land will be unable
to provide food for the ever growing human population. On the other hand, it is recognized, therefore,
that marine and freshwater aquatic, covering over 70% of the planet' more content...
In 2000, the salmon produced more than 1.1 million tons or 61% of the total production of
salmon in the world. This trend is particularly evident in Norway, where the combination of
reduced availability of wild resources and sustained increases of crops has resulted in the
production of farmed Atlantic salmon is 100 times higher than the wild catch. In Canada, the
decline of natural stocks of Atlantic salmon and Pacific has led to severe restrictions on the catch
of wild species. In Chile, growing sustainably salmonid species has increased, reaching in 2000
27% of world production exceeding (52%) the value of exports of fishmeal and other marine
In Chile within the various aquatic species on which extractive activities are carried out and
cropping, the mussels are second in the national harvest totals (18%), this group being represented
by the species' giant mussel "(Choromytilus chorus), the "mussel" (Mytilus chilensis) and "mussel"
(Aulacomya atra) (Subpesca, 2006) (Fig.1). The development of the mussel, which represents the
oldest farming activity has been developed in Chile, since there are reports of field trials from
1968 (Yanez, 1974), was initiated breakdown product of the fisheries of these resources, as the near
extinction of "choro shoe" and the depletion of the natural banks of the "mussel" and "mussel." The
greatest success is achieved in the cultivation of "mussel" in PutemГєn and other
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4. Population Growth Essay
Population Growth
Population Growth is becoming a huge issue in our country and world today. The reason that it has
become such a pressing issue is that our growing population needs a growing economy and has
growing needs. As our population grows, the needs of the population become bigger. Very large
population becomes a problem when there isn't enough space to live, and not enough food and
supplies to live off of. We can predict population size in thefuture by examining the recent past.
This can give us good ideas about what we will have to do to accommodate all of the people in the
US and the world, or start to put restrictions on babies being born like our fellow country China. In
this activity we were given more content...
The errors in the linear model were random, but not off by much each different year. The population
wasn't off by more than 2,000 people at most in one year. Using the linear model we made some
predictions like what will the population being the year 2000? By putting the equation into the
calculator and going into the table, we predicted that in the year 2000 the population would be 2.76
billion. Another prediction that was made was what will the population be when I retire. Most people
retire when they are about sixty– five, so that would be in the year 2045. The population in 2045 is
predicted to be 3.8 billion according to the linear model. The population will double from the
current population in the year 2114. The population will then be 5.52 billion. One thing that I am
concerned about is how high the population will be when my children are growing up. I plan to
have children when I am about 27 so when my child is about 20, the year will be 2027 and the
population will be 3.4 billion. Next we did the same procedure for the world population. In this case,
the exponential model fit the data more efficiently. The equation was 2,552,666,405 =
1.018,677,273^x, r = .998328246. The world population for the year 2000 is will be 6.44 billion.
Upon retiring the world population will be 1.5 trillion people. Comparing the two models the
exponential model makes sense because the population is growing at such a rapid rate. The
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