3. Poverty
?The United Nations Human Development Report
(1997) views poverty in the cross-national context
as a multifaceted concept. Poverty entails not only
the lack of basic necessities but also the denial of
basic opportunities and choices that permit human
4. World Poverty
?World Poverty is a lack of food and wealth. People
with world poverty are poor. They don’t have
much food, water and shelter. Many poor countries
are too poor to make the investments necessary to
escape poverty.
5. World Poverty Started
? World poverty started from lots of things like people wasting
food which is a overall high of 20-38 billion dollars of food
thrown away every year. It is also caused by war which a lot of
people lose there houses and businesses. It is caused from
drought and when your crops don’t grow you can’t sell any
food .
8. Development Aid and
Economic Growth
? Developmental aid (DA) as aid expended in a
manner that is anticipated to promote
development, whether achieved through
economic growth or other means.
9. Building a Case for
Overseas Aid
Helps to overcome the savings
gap + aid can play a key role in
stabilising post-conflict
environments and in disaster
Project aid can fast forward
investment in critical
infrastructure projects – capital
deepening effects +higher
Long term aid for health and
education projects - builds
human capital and stronger
social institutions. Aid projects
for enterprise
Well targeted aid might add
around 0.5% to growth rate of
poorest countries - this benefits
donor countries too as trade
Building a Case
for Overseas Aid
10. Different Types Of Aid
Bi-lateral aid
Project aid
Soft loans
Tied aid Debt relief
20. Pareto Criterian
The use of Pareto criterion is for the economic welfare of
the country. Relief Pareto criterion is funding the
development of rich country governments to poor
countries are permitted as long as does not interfere with
the efficiency of the free market.
22. Libertarion Theory
? Libertarian theory supports development assistance.
? Radical socialist say that dependence theory directly
related with Marxis theorem