What qualifications does your church have as they evaluate candidates for ministry? Would you consider the requirements biblical? Examine your churches qualifications for leadership in light of the attached illustration.
The document summarizes the Texas STaR Chart data for Bradfield Elementary School for the 2008-2009 school year. The STaR Chart measures progress in four key technology areas: teaching and learning, educator preparation, leadership/administration, and infrastructure. According to the data, educator preparation showed a 1 point improvement from 2007-2008, while leadership also improved by 1 point. Teaching/learning and infrastructure remained the same. The greatest need identified was in educator preparation, and input from teachers was requested to help determine professional development needs.
This document encourages the reader to sit back, relax, and enjoy observing Mother Nature and the animals she created. It suggests taking the time to slowly scroll through images that allow one to relax and smile by appreciating nature. The message is then meant to be shared with others who could also benefit from relaxing in such a way.
This document encourages the reader to sit back, relax, and enjoy observing Mother Nature and the animals she created. It suggests taking time to watch a presentation about nature at your own pace in order to relax and smile. The presentation aims to provide a simple yet remarkable view of life through nature.
A Quick Reference Guide Considering E Mail As A Federal Record, 2 2010Ken Matthews
E-mail messages can constitute federal records if they document agency business, policies, decisions, or other activities. E-mail messages may be records if they provide substantive comments on agency actions, document significant decisions, or convey important agency activities. As with paper records, e-mail records must include transmission data identifying senders, recipients, and dates. Attachments are also considered part of the record. E-mail records must be maintained according to approved retention schedules and stored in an accessible recordkeeping system.
Management Of Information Systems, Part IKen Matthews
An Information System is the organized collection, processing, transmission, and dissemination of information in accordance with defined procedures. The purpose of this presentation (parts I and II) is to provide a foundation for applying records management processes to the various Information Systems utilized within a Federal Government context.
The document discusses a School Technology and Readiness (STaR) Chart that is used to evaluate a campus's progress in integrating technology based on goals in the district's long-range technology plan. The STaR Chart examines teaching and learning, educator preparation, administration and support, and infrastructure using a four-point scale. It provides results from North Garland High School's 2008-2009 STaR Chart which showed they were meeting technology application standards but needed to increase resources, reallocate budgets, focus on students, and provide on-demand classroom access.
Proactively Managing Electronic Records In A Federal Environment Ken Matthews
This document provides an overview of proactively managing electronic records in a federal environment. It discusses defining electronic records and different types. It also covers creating, maintaining, and retiring electronic records. Key aspects include scheduling electronic records with NARA, selecting appropriate media like CD-ROM, and coordinating with records management on policies and retention schedules. Office automation applications, email, and systems must be managed according to requirements to properly store and dispose of electronic records.
The document describes a project for a digital library, resource center, and dance studio located in Hollywood, California. The project was program-based and aimed to facilitate four main forms of communication: spoken language, sign language, body language, and visual language. A central datum wall system was created to house resources like books, digital galleries, and computer stations and define circulation. Final designs included floor plans, spatial renderings, sections, and interior elevations that detailed spaces like a sign language classroom, cafe, and dance/yoga studio along with material and furniture selections.
The Scheduling Of Information Systems 2Ken Matthews
An Information System is the organized collection, processing, transmission, and dissemination of information in accordance with defined procedures. The purpose of this presentation (parts I and II) is to provide a foundation for applying records management processes to the various Information Systems utilized within a Federal Government context.
This document provides recommendations for 26 resources on the topics of electronic records management, document management systems, content management, records management, and related topics. Each resource listing includes the title, author, ISBN, and link to purchase the item on Amazon or another site. The resources cover books, reports, and guides and range in price from $6 to $110.
Describe where things and people are in the pictureabelll
This short document describes basic spatial relationships by listing different locations including: on the left, in the middle, on the right, in the background, in the foreground, at the top, and at the bottom.
Electronic Records Management An OverviewKen Matthews
The document provides an overview of electronic recordkeeping (ERK) in the government. It defines key terms, describes objectives and critical success factors for ERK projects. It reviews legal requirements and business benefits, and introduces planning checklists for records managers and IT staff considering an ERK project.
Recommended Electronic Filing Structure (Organization and Development)Ken Matthews
This presentation has been prepared to aide in the organization of electronic files located within an ERA (Electronic Records Application) or DMA (Document Records Application). The goal is to provide a foundation upon which one can use to develop records management skills in the areas of organization and preservation of electronic files. Applying these skills will foster a Records Management environment where (ESI) Electronically Stored Information may effectively stored, searched, and retrieved.
This document discusses the biblical concept of diakonia, which refers to service or ministry. It examines the Greek words diakonos, diakonia, and diakoneo, which are commonly translated as "service" or "minister". The document analyzes how these terms are used in various Bible passages, particularly in reference to the early church distributing food and assistance to widows. It explores what functions the men described as diakonos served, and how this was different from the roles of the 12 apostles. The overall purpose seems to be discussing the biblical foundations and meanings of service, ministry and the office of deacon within the early Christian community.
The document discusses divisions that arose at the 1888 General Conference meeting over interpretations of biblical prophecies and the law in Galatians. It describes tensions between E.G. White, George Ide Butler, Alonzo T. Jones, and Ellet J. Waggoner over these issues. White counseled unity but also warned against compromising on truth. The resolutions presented to the conference showed the disagreements between those viewing the law in Galatians as ceremonial versus the moral law.
This document discusses the symbolism of the church of Laodicea representing the spiritual condition of God's people from 1844 to the close of probation. It describes Laodicea as being under judgment due to being lukewarm, self-satisfied, and in need of spiritual revival. Key points include that judgment occurred only in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary, and that the restoration of God's sanctuary and people coincides with the cleansing of sin and restoration to Christ's image. It calls God's people to open their hearts to Christ's invitation to buy from Him the gold of faith, white raiment of righteousness, and eyesalve of spiritual discernment.
1) EGW warns that there will be a shaking and sifting among God's people as the straight testimony is given to call people out of Laodicea.
2) This will lead some to repent and be purified, receiving the seal of God, while others will reject the testimony and join the ranks of the opposition.
3) For those who reject the straight testimony and do not receive the seal, they will face the general destruction described in Ezekiel 9, as the five men with slaughter weapons begin at God's sanctuary and slay the wicked.
This passage discusses a case of immorality among the Corinthians that was commonly known, involving a man having a sexual relationship with his father's wife. Paul says he has already judged this situation, though absent, and has decided to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that his spirit may be saved. The passage discusses excommunicating unrepentant sinning Christians from the local church, with the goal of bringing about repentance to save both flesh and spirit.
Acts 5, The Personhood of the Holy Spirit, The scariest NT chapter, Satan can...Valley Bible Fellowship
Acts Chapter 5, The Personhood of the Holy Spirit, Is the Holy Spirit an impersonal force?, The scariest NT chapter, Satan can fill the heart, lying is sin, Gamaliel, rejoice in suffering, Psalm 110
The document summarizes Paul's imprisonment in Rome and how it led to the advancement of the gospel in three key ways:
1) Paul was chained to Roman soldiers for two years, using that time to preach the gospel to them. This led to many soldiers coming to faith, including some who went on to evangelize others.
2) Word of Paul's imprisonment spread throughout the entire Praetorian Guard in Rome and to everyone else.
3) Through Paul's example of joy and endurance in hardship, others were encouraged in their faith.
The document summarizes Paul's imprisonment in Rome and how it led to the advancement of the gospel in three key ways:
1) Paul was chained to Roman soldiers for two years, using that time to preach the gospel to them. This led to many soldiers coming to faith, including some who went on to evangelize others.
2) Word of Paul's imprisonment spread throughout the Praetorian Guard and beyond, exposing many influential people to his message.
3) Though imprisoned, Paul found a way to continue advancing God's kingdom, showing that difficulties cannot stop the progress of the gospel.
2 Corinthians 9, Christian Giving, Tithing, men de, grace charis, Tithes, Tit...Valley Bible Fellowship
What Does The Bible Say About Christian Giving?
Is Tithing For The Church?
Don¡¯t Slip Back Under The Law!
Following Christ costs everything!
grace charis, men de, Tithes, Tithe, Gifts
Acts 15, Clean hearts, after this meta tauta, 1st church council soteriology,...Valley Bible Fellowship
Acts Chapter 15, Clean Hearts, After this meta tauta, 1st church council soteriology, purified by faith, millennium, Rapture, Seeks After God, fornication porneia, eat anything diet, meat sacrificed to idols, don¡¯t stumble brothers, living in sin, Common Law Marriage, disagreements
Proactively Managing Electronic Records In A Federal Environment Ken Matthews
This document provides an overview of proactively managing electronic records in a federal environment. It discusses defining electronic records and different types. It also covers creating, maintaining, and retiring electronic records. Key aspects include scheduling electronic records with NARA, selecting appropriate media like CD-ROM, and coordinating with records management on policies and retention schedules. Office automation applications, email, and systems must be managed according to requirements to properly store and dispose of electronic records.
The document describes a project for a digital library, resource center, and dance studio located in Hollywood, California. The project was program-based and aimed to facilitate four main forms of communication: spoken language, sign language, body language, and visual language. A central datum wall system was created to house resources like books, digital galleries, and computer stations and define circulation. Final designs included floor plans, spatial renderings, sections, and interior elevations that detailed spaces like a sign language classroom, cafe, and dance/yoga studio along with material and furniture selections.
The Scheduling Of Information Systems 2Ken Matthews
An Information System is the organized collection, processing, transmission, and dissemination of information in accordance with defined procedures. The purpose of this presentation (parts I and II) is to provide a foundation for applying records management processes to the various Information Systems utilized within a Federal Government context.
This document provides recommendations for 26 resources on the topics of electronic records management, document management systems, content management, records management, and related topics. Each resource listing includes the title, author, ISBN, and link to purchase the item on Amazon or another site. The resources cover books, reports, and guides and range in price from $6 to $110.
Describe where things and people are in the pictureabelll
This short document describes basic spatial relationships by listing different locations including: on the left, in the middle, on the right, in the background, in the foreground, at the top, and at the bottom.
Electronic Records Management An OverviewKen Matthews
The document provides an overview of electronic recordkeeping (ERK) in the government. It defines key terms, describes objectives and critical success factors for ERK projects. It reviews legal requirements and business benefits, and introduces planning checklists for records managers and IT staff considering an ERK project.
Recommended Electronic Filing Structure (Organization and Development)Ken Matthews
This presentation has been prepared to aide in the organization of electronic files located within an ERA (Electronic Records Application) or DMA (Document Records Application). The goal is to provide a foundation upon which one can use to develop records management skills in the areas of organization and preservation of electronic files. Applying these skills will foster a Records Management environment where (ESI) Electronically Stored Information may effectively stored, searched, and retrieved.
This document discusses the biblical concept of diakonia, which refers to service or ministry. It examines the Greek words diakonos, diakonia, and diakoneo, which are commonly translated as "service" or "minister". The document analyzes how these terms are used in various Bible passages, particularly in reference to the early church distributing food and assistance to widows. It explores what functions the men described as diakonos served, and how this was different from the roles of the 12 apostles. The overall purpose seems to be discussing the biblical foundations and meanings of service, ministry and the office of deacon within the early Christian community.
The document discusses divisions that arose at the 1888 General Conference meeting over interpretations of biblical prophecies and the law in Galatians. It describes tensions between E.G. White, George Ide Butler, Alonzo T. Jones, and Ellet J. Waggoner over these issues. White counseled unity but also warned against compromising on truth. The resolutions presented to the conference showed the disagreements between those viewing the law in Galatians as ceremonial versus the moral law.
This document discusses the symbolism of the church of Laodicea representing the spiritual condition of God's people from 1844 to the close of probation. It describes Laodicea as being under judgment due to being lukewarm, self-satisfied, and in need of spiritual revival. Key points include that judgment occurred only in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary, and that the restoration of God's sanctuary and people coincides with the cleansing of sin and restoration to Christ's image. It calls God's people to open their hearts to Christ's invitation to buy from Him the gold of faith, white raiment of righteousness, and eyesalve of spiritual discernment.
1) EGW warns that there will be a shaking and sifting among God's people as the straight testimony is given to call people out of Laodicea.
2) This will lead some to repent and be purified, receiving the seal of God, while others will reject the testimony and join the ranks of the opposition.
3) For those who reject the straight testimony and do not receive the seal, they will face the general destruction described in Ezekiel 9, as the five men with slaughter weapons begin at God's sanctuary and slay the wicked.
This passage discusses a case of immorality among the Corinthians that was commonly known, involving a man having a sexual relationship with his father's wife. Paul says he has already judged this situation, though absent, and has decided to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that his spirit may be saved. The passage discusses excommunicating unrepentant sinning Christians from the local church, with the goal of bringing about repentance to save both flesh and spirit.
Acts 5, The Personhood of the Holy Spirit, The scariest NT chapter, Satan can...Valley Bible Fellowship
Acts Chapter 5, The Personhood of the Holy Spirit, Is the Holy Spirit an impersonal force?, The scariest NT chapter, Satan can fill the heart, lying is sin, Gamaliel, rejoice in suffering, Psalm 110
The document summarizes Paul's imprisonment in Rome and how it led to the advancement of the gospel in three key ways:
1) Paul was chained to Roman soldiers for two years, using that time to preach the gospel to them. This led to many soldiers coming to faith, including some who went on to evangelize others.
2) Word of Paul's imprisonment spread throughout the entire Praetorian Guard in Rome and to everyone else.
3) Through Paul's example of joy and endurance in hardship, others were encouraged in their faith.
The document summarizes Paul's imprisonment in Rome and how it led to the advancement of the gospel in three key ways:
1) Paul was chained to Roman soldiers for two years, using that time to preach the gospel to them. This led to many soldiers coming to faith, including some who went on to evangelize others.
2) Word of Paul's imprisonment spread throughout the Praetorian Guard and beyond, exposing many influential people to his message.
3) Though imprisoned, Paul found a way to continue advancing God's kingdom, showing that difficulties cannot stop the progress of the gospel.
2 Corinthians 9, Christian Giving, Tithing, men de, grace charis, Tithes, Tit...Valley Bible Fellowship
What Does The Bible Say About Christian Giving?
Is Tithing For The Church?
Don¡¯t Slip Back Under The Law!
Following Christ costs everything!
grace charis, men de, Tithes, Tithe, Gifts
Acts 15, Clean hearts, after this meta tauta, 1st church council soteriology,...Valley Bible Fellowship
Acts Chapter 15, Clean Hearts, After this meta tauta, 1st church council soteriology, purified by faith, millennium, Rapture, Seeks After God, fornication porneia, eat anything diet, meat sacrificed to idols, don¡¯t stumble brothers, living in sin, Common Law Marriage, disagreements
Galatians 2, Justified freely; Law vs. Grace; No one can keep the Law; Peter ...Valley Bible Fellowship
Galatians Chapter 2, We are justified freely; Law vs. Grace; Freedom in Christ or Slaves; No one can keep the Law; Peter was opposed to his face; Peter was wrong again; Peter was not the 1st. Pope; Peter was not in Rome; Public critique/rebuke
The document contains excerpts from Ellen G. White discussing prophetic gifts and health issues. It warns that tobacco is poisonous and can cause diseases like tuberculosis and cancer. It also recounts visions she had of buildings being consumed by fire despite being deemed fireproof, foretelling the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fires. The excerpts aim to demonstrate Ellen G. White's prophetic ministry and gift of prophecy.
5. gospel of liberation in the book of galatians an introductionSami Wilberforce
This document provides an introduction to the issues addressed in the book of Galatians. It summarizes that some Jewish Christians were troubling the Galatian believers by teaching that gentile converts needed to be circumcised and follow Mosaic law to be saved. This caused division. The Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 had previously ruled that gentile believers did not need to follow Jewish customs. The document explores how circumcision was intended as a sign of righteousness through faith, not as a means of salvation. It warns against emphasizing outward symbols over their spiritual meaning.
21 Exhortations to Excellence 1 Peter 5:1-14Rick Peterson
1) Peter addresses church elders, urging them to shepherd God's flock willingly under God's direction, not for profit but out of devotion, and to be examples to the flock.
2) He tells both elders and younger members to be humble and vigilant, casting their cares on God. Satan is prowling like a lion seeking people to destroy, so believers must resist him in faith.
3) After a time of suffering, God will strengthen, establish, and restore believers. Peter urges humility, unity, and obedience to leadership to endure trials together through God's grace.
Paul wants the Corinthians to know about the generosity shown by the churches in Macedonia in collecting money to help Christians in need in Jerusalem. He explains that this generosity was a grace or favor from God, who stirred up the Macedonian churches to give liberally according to their means. Paul cites their example to encourage the Corinthians to also give freely to assist their fellow believers. Commentators note that Paul strategically appeals to the Corinthians' competitive spirit by praising the contributions of others to motivate them to potentially do even more.
Gospel order 3-20 - leadership of the church and their qualificationsSami Wilberforce
The document discusses the qualifications and roles of church leaders such as elders and deacons. It describes how they should be of good character, able to teach, not greedy or quarrelsome. Church leaders are to serve the flock and set a godly example through their conduct, in order to properly oversee the church and care for its members.
This document provides background information on the authorship of the Epistle of James. It discusses the different men named James in the New Testament and concludes that James, the brother of Jesus, was most likely the author. It also discusses Martin Luther's criticism of the Epistle of James, summarizes several key passages and teachings from James, and provides commentary on those teachings from other religious leaders and scholars.
Studying Mediumship - Final Part - M. Peralva.pdfMashaL38
Here one can find the final conclusions and a sort of an invitation for us to reevaluate our conduct when it comes to deal with Mediumship. All the dangers are related, The joy and the satisfaction to use this gift in favor of the neighbor is expressed here as the unique reason for working as a medium. Once more it is written here, without Jesus, mediumship has no end. And worse, it can be very hazardous.
NoHo First UMC Good News Newsletter March 2025NoHo FUMC
NoHo First UMC, monthly newsletter is now available to read online. Get your printed copy at church or make sure the church office has your current address if you would like a hard copy mailed to your home.
The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. 2 Samuel 23:3-4 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Psalm 33:12
Free from prison mean have a freedom and eternal lifeTImothy leonard
Shalom everyone, i m sharing the word of god with you all
Spiritual Freedom: Spiritually, being "free from prison" refers to liberation from the bondage of sin. The Bible describes sin as a form of captivity that can imprison the soul. Jesus' sacrifice is seen as the key to unlocking this prison, offering forgiveness, healing, and freedom.
Isaiah 61:1 (NIV): "The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners."
John 8:36 (NIV): "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
Moon And Health Understanding The Medical Astrology Of Moon-Related DiseasesAstroAnuradha
The Vedic Astrologer in India explains how the Moon influences health in medical astrology and its connection to moon-related diseases. For more information contact with https://astroanuradha.com/
Sendero viviente -Autobiograf¨ªa de un iluminado- en INGLES.pdfRafael Reverte P¨¦rez
Autobiograf¨ªa de un Iluminado
? Mi Retiro
? La Se?al del Hijo del Hombre
? Merkaba y La Era de Paz
- Se comenz¨® a transcribir en Abril 2002 (23 abril a 3 mayo alineaci¨®n en conjunci¨®n Saturno, J¨²piter y Mercurio, Venus) -
M¨¦xico 2002
N¨²m. de Registro 03-2003-022413471400-01
Revisado por el autor en 2017
The ºÝºÝߣShare slide show does funky things to the slide formatting and a few slides are wrecked by its slide show, but the downloaded pptx and the Dropbox slide show are good, see link below.
My attempt to explain how the metaphysics of the universe works using speculative philosophy and physics. I use the philosophy of idealism, consciousness primary, along with support from modern physicists who support this argument. I propose that the basis of the universe is non-dual monistic idealism. Using the Buddhist metaphysics of an unconditioned basis of being (¡°infinite¡± space-time & potential) we see how monistic idealism plays out in the non-random rules, structure, and repeating patterns of a manifested & conditioned universe. I also propose that the unconditioned basis-of-being is the G?del "X" (unrecognized complexity) factor that explains the existence of the manifested conditioned universe per his ontological proof. Idealism can also explain the structural theodicy and suffering of the manifested universe, it is not a problem of ¡°evil¡± but of ruthlessness for a purpose. Idealism also refutes a personal ¡°conditioned¡± theistic God as Absolute or Ultimate, but does not refute (allows) spiritual power and meaning in the world. I include my Neoplatonic-like cosmological proof of ¡°God¡± as the unconditioned basis of being, a terminal ontological ¡°ground-state¡± (as ¡°brute fact¡±), as being a non-theistic source of the universe. It is a long pptx, but it is a big subject.
Dropbox allows the use of PowerPoint for the web where the slides and animations works: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g7ubfflicp2daqj8k52yl/How-the-Universe-Works.pptx?rlkey=e27bt96av3elx9aiyxiv9ekz5&st=vasftnm0&dl=0
The New Testament is the second division of the Christian Biblical canon. It discusses the teachings and person of Jesus, as well as events relating to first-century Christianity.
The poem describes what it means to say "I am a Christian". It suggests that being a Christian means admitting flaws and failures, seeking guidance from God, and not judging others.
Shalom everyone , i will sharing the word of god with you all
This presentation focuses on the spiritual battles we face in life and how, through faith, prayer, and obedience to God, we can emerge victorious. Drawing from powerful biblical stories like Cain and Abel, and examples such as Esther, the presentation explores key Christian lessons on trusting in God¡¯s plan.
The core message revolves around three key actions:
Putting on the Armor of God daily, as described in Ephesians 6, to spiritually equip ourselves for life¡¯s challenges.
Trusting in God¡¯s plan, knowing that He works all things for our good.
Continuing in prayer as a means to maintain connection with God and seek His guidance.
With personal anecdotes, scripture references, and a powerful conclusion reminding the audience that the battle belongs to the Lord, the presentation emphasizes that victory is assured when we align ourselves with God¡¯s power.
The visuals guide the audience through the journey¡ªstarting from the spiritual warfare we face, through biblical examples of triumph, to the ultimate victory in Christ. Through these lessons, the audience is encouraged to strengthen their faith and trust in God to fight their battles.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-3 Honour thy father with thy whole heart, and forget not the sorrows of thy mother. Remember that thou wast begotten of them; and how canst thou recompense them the things that they have done for thee? Ecclesiasticus 7:27-28
In Acts 2:22-36 Peter concludes his sermon on Pentecost Sunday. This is the sermon that launched the Church. We find that the Peter who once shrank back and even denied Jesus is now confident, bold and impassioned. Peter lays out three proofs of Jesus Good News, the Gospel. He does so through citing eyewitness testimony of the resurrection and ascension of Jesus and by citing prophetic texts that were fulfilled by Jesus. He shows us that the Gospel of Jesus is a proven fact!
"And blessed is the eunuch, which with his hands hath wrought no iniquity, nor imagined wicked things against God: for unto him shall be given the special gift of faith, and an inheritance in the temple of the Lord more acceptable to his mind." WISDOM OF SOLOMON 3:14
NOTICE OF INFORMATION JC-DKR-02222025-01.pdftrungvo92
Would your church hire the apostle paul
1. The Apostle Paul would not be accepted for employment by most pulpit committee¡¯s of today world. ?Pulpit committees searching for a pastor, elder, missionary, or minister would not hire the Apostle Paul and the follow letter list reasons why! As you search for your next church leader read the following and consider whether the Apostle Paul would be a viable candidate for your search committee.<br />The Apostle Paul: \"
<br />*<br />MYSTERY BABYLON DENOMINATION<br />FOREIGN MISSIONS BOARD<br />To: Rev. Saul Paul <br />First Christian Church <br />Antioch, Syria<br />Dear Mr. Paul:<br />I have your application for missionary appointment before me, and will be as frank as possible concerning your qualifications as a foreign missionary. We have to be very careful in choosing our missionaries, and our Missions Board has reviewed your case thoroughly. We have decided that it would be unwise to send you to the foreign field for the following reasons:<br />It has come to our attention that you are doing secular work on the side. We do not feel that making tents and full time ministry go together very well. [1Th 2:9] It seems that you do not have enough experience in trusting the Lord for your income. You should make up your mind whether you want to preach or continue your profession.<br />Your previous actions have been very rash and unseemly for a minister. We learned that in a public meeting you opposed Dr. Simon Peter, an esteemed minister with a high reputation. [Ga 2:11-14] We also hear that you refused to compromise with other ministers such that a special council meeting had to be called in Jerusalem to prevent a serious split in the churches. [Ac 15:1-30] We frown on putting ideology before people. For your own good, I am enclosing a copy of Daius' Carnegus book on \"
How to Win Jews and Influence Greeks.\"
[Ga 1:10, 1Th 2:4-6]<br />You have conflicted with mature Jewish brethren in nearly every city you have visited who simply want to encourage the converted Pagans to be properly circumcised. Mr. Paul, you must know that these men are our most learned sages with a deep sense of the roots and history of our faith. As well, and more importantly, these men control the synagogues you could be ministering in if you would simply tone down your dialog into a more friendly and respectful exchange. [Gal 5:2-12]<br />In checking back, we discovered your Christian education consisted of a three year course in Arabia. [Ga 1:15-20] We find that the Arabian school has not been approved by our accreditation board.<br />Further, you admit to being an unskilled public speaker. [2Co 10:10, 11:6] Paul, surely you must know that people expect fine elocution from men of God, and that as a denomination we stand for the highest levels of excellence in the pulpit. Yet instead of going to much-needed oratory classes you spend your time making tents instead. From your correspondence, you also appear to be spending a considerable amount of time writing letters to insignificant little \"
that meet in homes. [Ac 28:3-6] Honestly now; do you really think that such misguided activities are what will lead to your success in the world of religion? We strongly suggest that you put down your tools and set aside your pen, and instead practice hand gestures, facial expressions, and voice modulation in front of a mirror for several hours a day until you come up to par.<br />It has come to our attention that you often emphasize \"
the power of God\"
and \"
the gifts of the Spirit.\"
[1Co 2:3-5, 12:1-7] Also that you speak in tongues a great deal. [1Co 14:18] Surely you realize that such as this only drives off the better class of people, and attracts only the riff-raff. It would be better to tone down those more sensational forms of worship. You sound as though you are \"
off the deep end.\"
[1Co 3:18]<br />It has been proven to our satisfaction that you had hands laid on you at Antioch with prophecy going forth, [Ac 13:1-3] with none of the Apostles or Headquarters brethren present to conduct this ordination service in the prescribed manner.<br />We see here that you have a jail record in several places. [2Co 11:23-27] If this is true, it puts you in a bad light, for our denomination has always stood for a high standard of civic responsibility. I fear it would damage our reputation to have someone representing us that had served time in jails and prisons. Frankly, Mr. Paul, we seriously doubt you could have been innocent and the judge wrong in so many cases. It just doesn't look right.<br />It seems that you are a troublemaker, Mr. Paul. Several business men of Ephesus have written us that you were the cause of severe loss of business to them and stirred up a mob protest. You must learn to cultivate the friendship and influence of men and groups such as these. [Ac 16:16-22]<br />We also have some details of a shameful \"
over the wall in a basket\"
episode at Damascus, [2Co 11:30-33] plus a stoning at Lystra, and several other violent actions taken against your ministry. [2Ti 3:11] Haven't you ever suspected that conciliatory behavior and gentler words might gain you more friends?<br />We have learned through channels that following some trouble with a preacher on the island of Cyprus, you began to allow yourself to be known by the Gentile pronunciation of your name rather than the proper Hebrew. [Ac 13:4-11] Yet another conflict, and then a name change. This does not seem to us to be conduct becoming to the ministry.<br />You admitted in your application that in the past you neglected such needy fields as Bithynia, just because \"
the Spirit didn't lead that way,\"
and that you undertook a hazardous journey on the strength of a dream you had at Troas. [Ac 16:6-10] Mr. Paul, surely you don't expect us to go along with such flimsy and fantastic excuses for your seemingly purposeless wanderings.<br />Many times you did not stay long enough, in our opinion, to get a church properly established. You left your converts many times without even a pastor to guide them, and without setting the church in order in some good hierarchical denomination. [Ts 1:5]<br />We hear also from Troas that you preach too long, one sermon lasting almost twenty-four hours, even to the extent that a young man fell asleep and was seriously injured. [Ac 20:7-12] We understand that you claim to have restored his life and raised him from the dead by falling on him and embracing him. What nonsense! We need practical men in the ministry, Mr. Paul, not high strung emotional radicals. Our advice is for you to shorten your sermons considerably. We find that about twenty minutes is the longest a minister can hold the attention of his audience these days. Our motto is \"
Stand up, speak up, and shut up.\"
<br />It is reported from your home church that you could not get along with your fellow ministers; that John Mark--a commendable young man and nephew of one of our highest leaders--had to leave your party in the middle of a journey; and that you had a sharp quarrel with gentle, good natured Barnabas. [Ac 15:36-40] Now these men are well thought of in Jerusalem and we wonder why you are always having trouble with your fellow workers?<br />We have notarized affidavits from four very popular and influential preachers: Diotrephes, Demas, Hymenaeus, and Alexander; to the effect that it is impossible for them to cooperate with either you or your program. [1Ti 1:20]<br />From what we hear, you seem to think that you have some direct sanction from on-high, boasting about your revelations and that God has chosen you to reveal some \"
. [Ep 3:3-4] Can't you realize that any truth that is to be revealed would come through Headquarters to the recognized, established brethren, and that after it had been checked by our Procedure and Doctrine Committee that we would distribute it on to the field workers?<br />Finally, we hear that you claim to be an Apostle. We know nothing of this being passed upon by the proper authoritative channels and wonder how you could back that claim up, when the last Apostle was voted into office right here in Jerusalem. [Ac 1:26] Now that our denomination is firmly established, why do you imagine there would be any need for God to continue the Apostolic gifting?<br />As you see, Mr. Paul, we feel definitely after close scrutiny of your case, that you are undoubtedly the most unqualified applicant we have ever seen, and my advice for you is to find a church where you can work in harmony, and use your past education as perhaps a Sunday School teacher.<br />I hope I have prevented you from making a terrible mistake in your life.<br />Most sincerely yours,<br />J. Flavios Fluphehead, SECY<br />