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n	 Elevate   your legs
 n	 Wear   compression stockings
 n	 Quit smoking or reduce the amount
    you smoke
 n	 Get   good nutrition

Storing your wound-care supplies
Protect your bandages and any wound-care
ointments, salves and medicines you received
from your doctor or nurse. These supplies are
valuable and have been selected especially
for you and your type of wound.

Store your supplies in a clean, re-sealable bag.
Your nurse or pharmacist will tell you if there
are special storage instructions.

Warning signs
Check your wound carefully each day. If you        OUR MISSION
notice any of the following warning signs,         As people of Providence,
call your doctor immediately.                      we reveal Gods love for all,
 n	 A change in the color of the                   especially the poor and vulnerable,

                                                                                                                   Wound Care:
    drainage coming from your wound                through our compassionate service.
 n	 Increased
            redness or warmth around
    the wound                                      OUR CORE VALUES

 n	 Increased
            pain or swelling around
                                                   Respect, Compassion, Justice,
                                                   Excellence, Stewardship
                                                                                                                   Its more than just
    the wound
 n	 A   fever higher than 100.5 F or chills                                                                        a dressing change
 n	 General   weakness                             www.providence.org/oregon
 n	 Confusion   or difficulty thinking clearly
 n	 A   rapid heart beat
 n	 Uncontrollable   pain

                                                   Providence Health & Services, a not-for-profit health system,
                                                   is an equal opportunity organization in the provision of
                                                   health care services and employment opportunities.

                                                   120762 RP 2-12
You play an important role.                      Good nutrition                                      Smoking and wound healing
Youre an important member of your wound-        Good nutrition is necessary for healing. During     If you smoke, it is important that you quit
care team. Your doctor, nurses and others will   this time, your body needs extra fluids, protein,   or at least cut back the amount you smoke.
do their best to help your wound heal quickly    vitamins and minerals. Choose from these healthy
and completely. However, they need you to        beverages and protein-rich, vitamin-packed          Smoking causes blood vessels instantly to
take an active role in caring for your wound.    foods to improve your healing process:              constrict. When blood vessels constrict,
                                                                                                     blood flow through your body slows down.
                                                  n	 Water
The healing process involves many factors.                                                           Because blood carries the oxygen and
Well teach you what it takes to promote          n	 Fruit
                                                         juices (Limit these if you                  nutrients your body needs to heal a wound,
wound healing. Its much more than changing         have diabetes.)                                  you want to increase, not decrease, your
a bandage.                                        n	 Milk                                            blood flow.

Much of the success of your wound healing         n	 Decaffeinatedteas and coffee
depends on your level of commitment and             (These should not be your                        Diabetes and wound healing
involvement.                                        main source of fluid.)                           If you have diabetes, it is very important to
                                                  n	 Eggs                                            control your blood sugar. Wounds are unlikely
The care plan                                                                                        to heal properly if blood sugar levels exceed
                                                  n	 Dairy    foods (cheese, yogurt)
                                                                                                     140 mg/dL. For best healing, blood sugar
Your nurse will work with you to create a         n	 Meat     (beef, pork, chicken, fish)            levels should be 120 mg/dL or less.
care plan tailored to your wound. Your nurse
                                                  n	 Driedbeans, peas, nuts, seeds
will teach you how and when to change the                                                            Your doctor may order a test, hemoglobin
                                                    (including peanut butter)
dressing on your wound. If you cant change                                                          A1c (HbA1c), which shows your average
the dressing yourself, youll need to identify    n	 Soy   or tofu products                          blood sugar levels over time. People with
someone  a family member, caregiver or           n	 Whole  grains (cereals, breads,                 diabetes should target their HbA1c levels
friend  who we can teach to do it for you.         pasta, rice)                                     for 7.0 or less.
                                                  n	 Leafygreen, orange or
                                                    yellow vegetables                                Helping wounds heal
                                                  n	 Citrus
                                                          fruits and juices,                         You can do a number of things to help your
                                                    strawberries, tomatoes                           wound heal faster and more completely.
                                                                                                     Your nurse may ask you to:
                                                 Helpful hints for good nutrition                     n	 Reduce the amount of pressure
                                                  n	 Eat   five or six small meals a day.               against your wound. You may need
                                                                                                        to use a special pad or a different
                                                  n	 Make each meal or snack count by
                                                                                                        surface to sit or sleep on.
                                                    having protein in it.
                                                                                                      n	 Wearshoes or special boots to
                                                  n	 Takea multivitamin every day.
                                                                                                        prevent pressure on your feet
                                                    (Vitamin C and zinc are especially
                                                    important for wound healing.)                     n	 Avoidrubbing the wound across
                                                                                                        surfaces when you reposition yourself,
                                                  n	 If
                                                      you dont have much appetite, add a
                                                                                                        such as when you turn over in bed
                                                    protein powder to any food you eat or
                                                    try a liquid nutritional supplement, such         	 	   	      	            (continued on back)
                                                    as Ensure速 or Carnation Instant Breakfast速.

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Wound care brochure 2012

  • 1. n Elevate your legs n Wear compression stockings n Quit smoking or reduce the amount you smoke n Get good nutrition Storing your wound-care supplies Protect your bandages and any wound-care ointments, salves and medicines you received from your doctor or nurse. These supplies are valuable and have been selected especially for you and your type of wound. Store your supplies in a clean, re-sealable bag. Your nurse or pharmacist will tell you if there are special storage instructions. Warning signs Check your wound carefully each day. If you OUR MISSION notice any of the following warning signs, As people of Providence, call your doctor immediately. we reveal Gods love for all, n A change in the color of the especially the poor and vulnerable, Wound Care: drainage coming from your wound through our compassionate service. n Increased redness or warmth around the wound OUR CORE VALUES n Increased pain or swelling around Respect, Compassion, Justice, Excellence, Stewardship Its more than just the wound n A fever higher than 100.5 F or chills a dressing change n General weakness www.providence.org/oregon n Confusion or difficulty thinking clearly n A rapid heart beat n Uncontrollable pain Providence Health & Services, a not-for-profit health system, is an equal opportunity organization in the provision of health care services and employment opportunities. 120762 RP 2-12
  • 2. You play an important role. Good nutrition Smoking and wound healing Youre an important member of your wound- Good nutrition is necessary for healing. During If you smoke, it is important that you quit care team. Your doctor, nurses and others will this time, your body needs extra fluids, protein, or at least cut back the amount you smoke. do their best to help your wound heal quickly vitamins and minerals. Choose from these healthy and completely. However, they need you to beverages and protein-rich, vitamin-packed Smoking causes blood vessels instantly to take an active role in caring for your wound. foods to improve your healing process: constrict. When blood vessels constrict, blood flow through your body slows down. n Water The healing process involves many factors. Because blood carries the oxygen and Well teach you what it takes to promote n Fruit juices (Limit these if you nutrients your body needs to heal a wound, wound healing. Its much more than changing have diabetes.) you want to increase, not decrease, your a bandage. n Milk blood flow. Much of the success of your wound healing n Decaffeinatedteas and coffee depends on your level of commitment and (These should not be your Diabetes and wound healing involvement. main source of fluid.) If you have diabetes, it is very important to n Eggs control your blood sugar. Wounds are unlikely The care plan to heal properly if blood sugar levels exceed n Dairy foods (cheese, yogurt) 140 mg/dL. For best healing, blood sugar Your nurse will work with you to create a n Meat (beef, pork, chicken, fish) levels should be 120 mg/dL or less. care plan tailored to your wound. Your nurse n Driedbeans, peas, nuts, seeds will teach you how and when to change the Your doctor may order a test, hemoglobin (including peanut butter) dressing on your wound. If you cant change A1c (HbA1c), which shows your average the dressing yourself, youll need to identify n Soy or tofu products blood sugar levels over time. People with someone a family member, caregiver or n Whole grains (cereals, breads, diabetes should target their HbA1c levels friend who we can teach to do it for you. pasta, rice) for 7.0 or less. n Leafygreen, orange or yellow vegetables Helping wounds heal n Citrus fruits and juices, You can do a number of things to help your strawberries, tomatoes wound heal faster and more completely. Your nurse may ask you to: Helpful hints for good nutrition n Reduce the amount of pressure n Eat five or six small meals a day. against your wound. You may need to use a special pad or a different n Make each meal or snack count by surface to sit or sleep on. having protein in it. n Wearshoes or special boots to n Takea multivitamin every day. prevent pressure on your feet (Vitamin C and zinc are especially important for wound healing.) n Avoidrubbing the wound across surfaces when you reposition yourself, n If you dont have much appetite, add a such as when you turn over in bed protein powder to any food you eat or try a liquid nutritional supplement, such (continued on back) as Ensure速 or Carnation Instant Breakfast速.