Case study on how we helped a business couple to prepare their business for sale so that they could stop working and start doing the things they really wanted to do with their lives. As part of the process we helped them understand how much money would be needed to fund their desired lifestyle without ever running out of money.
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Business sale case study
1. helped their children to benefit earlier without paying tax
Case Study along the way.
Business Sale We created an investment plan to generate a flexible
income to fund their retirement in a tax efficient way whilst
taking the least risk necessary to achieve this.
We helped a business couple to prepare their business Outcomes and Impact:
for sale so that they could stop working and start doing By working with their other advisors we were able to
the things they really wanted to do with their lives. As efficiently help them to make best use of their business
part of the process we helped them understand how assets and enabled them to focus on getting the business
much money would be needed to fund their desired into the right format to be sold. We gave them the
lifestyle without ever running out of money. confidence to sell while they were still fit and healthy so
that they could enjoy their accumulated wealth.
Background: We also helped them to realise that they had more assets
We had been working with a family owned business for that they would need and therefore gave them the chance
a number of years, when the time came to sell the to assist their children financially.
business and think about retirement. The clients
needed help to evaluate the lump sum needed to
achieve their future lifestyle requirements. Continuing Support:
Each year we schedule two reviews with the clients. The
first is to re-evaluate their financial situation and revise
Problems/Challenges: their financial plan so that we can take into account any
The first issue was to work out how much the client changes to their circumstances and re-assess whether
needed to achieve their future lifestyle aspirations. It they remain on target to meet their long-term goals.
was helpful that we had been working alongside the
business owner, their Accountant and their Business The second meeting reviews the clients investment
Coach for a number of years. portfolio and aims to keep it on track towards its goals
while taking the least risk needed to do so.
Following the business sale they needed to organise
their finances in a coherent way to make sure that they
had a secure basis to provide them with enough income Please contact us
to fund their retirement.
for further details:
Our approach: Woodruff Financial Planning
Prior to the business sale we worked with the other
business advisers to help the clients evaluate the value The Colchester Centre, Hawkins Road,
of their business and to help them work toward their exit Colchester, Essex CO2 8JX.
strategy. As a result of this the clients were able to Email:
successfully sell their business to a rival company. Fax: 01206 266885
Once the business had been sold, we re-evaluated the Tel: 01206 266882
clients future lifestyle requirements which would
obviously change as they moved into retirement. This
would mean a change in emphasis from accumulating
to spending and would mean much more leisure time.
We developed a financial plan to demonstrate that the
clients had enough money to fund their future lifestyle,
and that in fact as a result of the business sale they
were in danger of having too much. This could be an
issue in the future for their children as they would be
liable to pay inheritance tax of 40%. We were able to
set up a plan to gift some assets to their children while
maintaining enough money to fund their lifestyle. This
Principal: D Woodruff. Woodruff Financial Planning is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority. This document is for
information only, and does not constitute financial advice. This document is aimed at United Kingdom residents only.
息 Woodruff Financial Planning. No unauthorised reproduction is permitted without prior consent.