The document provides guidance on writing minutes of meetings in 3 paragraphs or less:
1. It describes the common format for minutes including the title, attendance, adoption of previous minutes, matters arising, discussion topics, other business, date of next meeting, and time of termination.
2. Key elements like attendance should list members present in order of importance. Adoption of previous minutes involves proposing and seconding that the minutes be adopted.
3. Discussion topics are where main issues are debated and decisions made. Other business covers any additional items not on the agenda.
2. Notice of Meeting
Document sent to
inform members or
participants of an
impending meeting
3. Notice of Meeting
1. Informs members of the day,
date, time & place of meeting.
2. Includes an agenda, which
lists all the items that are to be
3. Other Instructions.
4. 1. Inform
Please be informed that the next Relak-one-Korner
Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, 1 Nov
2012 at 1400 hours in Classroom 1607.
The 11/2012 QB Writing For Business Department
meeting will be held on
Day: Thursday
Date: 1 Nov 2012
Time: 1400 hours
Place: Classroom 1607
5. 2. Agenda
agenda 側 jend側
a list of items of business to be considered and discussed at a meeting
6. Example of Agenda
1. Apologies For Absence
2. Minutes Of Last Meeting
3. Matters Arising
4. Current Topic 1
5. Current Topic 2
6. Any Other Business
7. Date Of Next Meeting
7. 3. Other Instruction
Please be punctual.
Attendance is compulsory.
Please submit all discussion
papers and status reports by
1 Nov 2012.
8. Cyberway Caf辿
Notice of Meeting
To : All Friends of QB
From : Sharon Neo
Chief Bochup Officer
(Memo Style)
Date : 1 Nov 2012
Ref : CE/666
Please note that the next monthly meeting of the Relak Committee will
be held on Thursday, 1 Nov 2012 at 1400 hours in Classroom 1607.
1. Apologies For Absence
2. Minutes Of Last Meeting
3. Matters Arising
4. Sales Report
5. Staff Incentive Scheme
6. Any Other Business
7. Date Of Next Meeting
Sharon Neo 8
9. Notice of Meeting (Letter Style)
Cyberway Caf辿 The agenda will be as follows :
138 Bradell Heights 1. Apologies For Absence
Singapore 205567 2. Minutes Of Last Meeting
Tel : 3537760 3. Matters Arising
Fax : 3534686 4. Proposed Activities
5. Proposed Schedule Of
Our ref: CC/2012 Activities Of Sub-Committees
Your ref: 6. Proposed Budget
7. Any Other Business
1 Nov 2012 8. Date of Next Meeting
Miss Judith Lee Please note that attendance is
Blk 2 #08-98 Bukit Merah Road compulsory and be punctual.
Singapore 079845
Yours sincerely
Dear Miss Lee
Sharon Neo (Miss)
NOTICE OF MEETING Chief Bochup Officer
Enc (if any)
Please note that the next meeting of the
Promotion Working Committee will be
held on Tuesday, 17 Jan at 1430 hours
in Novelette Hotel, Hibiscus Room.
11. Minutes of Meeting
Of鍖cial record of a meeting
Whats the point?
What happened during the meeting
Main issues discussed
Decisions taken
12. Secretary takes notes
during the meeting.
Secretary drafts
minutes based on
Secretary sends draft
to the Chairman of
Chairman confirms the
Chairman / Secretary
distributes minutes to
13. Format of Minutes Samples: Page 188 - 193
1. Title
2. Attendance
3. Apologies For Absence
4. Minutes of Last Meeting (Adoption of Minutes)
5. Matters Arising
6. Current Topic 1
6. Current Topic 2 (and more, maybe)
7. Any Other Business
8. Date of Next Meeting
9. Termination of Meeting
14. Format
1. title
Minutes of the Name of the Committee or Dept
Meeting Held on Day, Date at Time in Place.
Minutes Of Relak-One-Korner Meeting Held On
1 November 2012 At 1400 Hours In Classroom
15. Format
2. Attendance
List the names of members present.
(in order of importance or alphabetical order)
Present Miss Sharon Neo Chair(wo)man
Miss Nur Amalia Member
Mr. Mahathir Bin Rahim Member
Miss Angel Chan Member
Mr Eugene Tan Secretary
16. Format
Order of names
In a committee meeting
Vice Chairman
2. Attendance
Members (in alphabetical order)
In a departmental meeting In a Board of Directors meeting
Manager/ Head of Department Chairman/ President
Officers or Executives Board Members/ Directors
Other lower level staff Managers
Secretary Secretary (Board or Co Secretary)
17. Format
If designations are given: 2. Attendance
Mr Sean Lee Manager Chairman
Miss Cher Loo H R Officer Member
Mr Arnez Soo A O Officer Member
Mdm Selvi G O Officer Secretary
If no designations are given:
Mr John Long Chairman
Mdm Wong Li Sian Treasurer
Mr Selvam Member
Mrs Ho Mei Lee Hon Secretary
Names of representatives from external organisations:
In Attendance
Mr Jon Li DP Architect
18. Format
3. Apologies For Absence
There were none / No one was absent / There were no absentees.
For members who are absent, names will be listed as follows:
Absent Mr R Tan On Reservist Training
Apologies Mrs Li On Medical Leave
Other reasons that could be cited:
On Annual Leave
On Maternity Leave
On Overseas Assignment
On No Pay Leave
Attend To Personal Matters
If no reasons are cited, leave the reason blank
19. Format
4. Adoption of Minutes
Section where Chairman seeks confirmation on the
accuracy of the record of previous meeting
Adoption Procedure
Normally one person will propose that the minutes be
Another person would second the proposal.
If no objections, minutes are then considered adopted.
20. Format
4. Adoption of Minutes
Writing the Adoption of Minutes
If no amendments,
* The Committee adopted the minutes of the last
meeting, OR
* The minutes of the last meeting were adopted as a
true and accurate record, OR
* There were no amendments raised and the minutes of
the previous meeting were adopted.
21. Format
4. Adoption of Minutes
Writing the Adoption of Minutes
If one amendment,
It was pointed out by Mr Tan that Para 4 of Section V should be
read as The Committee decided to keep the matter in abeyance.
The minutes of the last meeting were then adopted.
The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed with Para 2
of Section I be amended as Miss Priscilla Gan had agreed to
chair the Publicity Sub- committee. However, she needed an
assistant to help her with the administrative work.
22. Format
4. Adoption of Minutes
Writing the Adoption of Minutes
If more than one amendment,
The committee adopted the minutes of the previous meeting with
the following amendments:
1. Mr Lin Hee Fung be amended as Mr Lim Hi Fan.
2. Mr Han agreed to the proposal and not disagreed.
23. Format
4. Adoption of Minutes
There is no Adoption of Minutes at the First Meeting.
24. Format
5. Matters Arising
Members report on the current status of matters that
were discussed or decided in the previous meeting.
Jonathan, have you Chairman Jonathan
arranged for Starbucks
in our meeting room, as Yes, Sir. We are waiting
discussed in the for the year 1971.
previous meeting?
Random Information: The Chairman comes to our home, he takes the trouble to make detailed inquiries while chatting (1965)
25. Format
6. Current Topics This is the section where main
issues of the meeting are being
Members could raise their views,
give their opinion and decide on
an appropriate course of actions.
Useful Terms (It was... / Ms Sharon.. / The Chairman...)
Suggested Expressed Enquired
Decided Pointed out Proposed
Explained Clarified Noted
26. Format
7. Any Other Business
Any topics which are not listed in the agenda will be
discussed in this section.
Hot Water Dispenser
1 Mr Balbir Singh suggested that a hot water dispenser be
2 The committee agreed to the suggestion, and Miss Jane Lee was
assigned to look for a suitable model.
Fire Drill
3 It was noted that the fire drill was successfully conducted.
27. Format
8. Date of Next Meeting
At the end of a meeting, a day is scheduled for the next meeting.
If a date is fixed:
The next meeting would be held on Fri 13 Feb 97 at 1600 hours in
the Staff Lounge.
If no date is fixed:
1 The Secretary would inform members of the date of next
2 The date of next meeting would be scheduled and the secretary
would inform the committee in due course
3 The date of next meeting would be confirmed at a later date.
28. Format
9. Termination of Meeting
As a matter of good practice,
the secretary would record
the time the meeting ended.
Termination of Meeting
The meeting ended at 1530
29. Minutes of Meeting
The Various Styles
Narrative style summarises the members discussion,
and are written in paragraphs.
Resolution style briefly mentions the discussions, and
emphasizes mainly on the decisions or resolutions made.
Action style is like the narrative style, except that a
column is created at the right hand margin. This is to
include the name of the person responsible for following-
up on certain actions decided during the meeting.