The document provides guidance on writing letters of adjustment in response to customer complaints. It discusses the key components of such letters and offers examples for:
1. Accepting the claim fully by acknowledging the complaint, apologizing, explaining any errors, reassuring the customer, and concluding politely.
2. Accepting the claim partially by investigating the facts, concluding shared responsibility, offering an alternative solution, seeking the customer's agreement, and expressing regret.
3. Refusing the claim by verifying the facts, disclaiming responsibility, and explaining the reasons for refusal before concluding appropriately.
2. Letter of Adjustment
(Reply to Complaint)
Some Notes:
Use a courteous and tactful tone
Deal with complaints promptly
Show some form of apology for the inconveniences
3. Complaints could be dealt with by :
Accepting fully Refusing the
partially the
the claim of claim of
claim of
complaint complaint
4. Customer ordered 20 pairs of Size 5 jeans
but received 10 pairs of Size 8.
You found out that there was a mix-up in the
Accept fully (A*)
Accept partially (AP)
Refuse totally (R)
5. Customer complained that 3 out of the 50
apples ordered were rotten, and requested
Accept fully (A*)
Accept partially (AP)
Refuse totally (R)
6. Customer complained that T shirts bought
was badly stained and requested for a total
You have received 5 other similar
complaints and suspect that the colours are
Accept fully (A*)
Accept partially (AP)
Refuse totally (R)
7. Buyer complained that the newly bought
electric hot plate was not hot enough and
demanded a total refund.
You suspect that there is a minor fault which
could be recti鍖ed.
Accept fully (A*)
Accept partially (AP)
Refuse totally (R)
8. Customer complained that the food served
was bland and demanded a full refund.
You investigated and found nothing amiss.
Accept fully (A*)
Accept partially (AP)
Refuse totally (R)
9. As a seller, you always have to
Investigate and verify the facts mentioned
Decide whether the claims are reasonable or
Decide on an appropriate remedial action
12. Accept Fully
Para 1 : Introduction
Acknowledge the letter of complaint
Mention date of letter
Summarize brie鍖y the nature of the complaint received
13. Accept Fully
Para 1 : Introduction
Useful Expressions
Thank you for your letter regarding Order No 2345, in which you
mentioned that
We refer to your letter of 2 Oct, in which you informed us that the wrong
model was sent to you.
We received your letter of 4 Oct, and noted that you were very
dissatis鍖ed with our staff兵s service.
We received your letter of 6 Oct, and regret to hear that you were
dissatis鍖ed with the workmanship of the renovation works completed at
your premises.
15. Accept Fully
Para 2 : Acceptance & Apology
State acceptance of claim
Apologise for the inconveniences caused
16. Accept Fully
Para 2 : Acceptance & Apology
Useful Expressions
We are sorry to have sent you the wrong model.
We apologise for not sending you the shoe laces.
We have sent our representative to investigate and noted that the
workmanship was indeed shoddy.
We have checked with the staff concerned, and would agree with you
that our staff had handled the situation inappropriately. We understand
you have suffered much embarrassment.
18. Accept Fully
Para 3 : Explanation
Explain reasons for error
- Manufacturer was unable to produce the required parts on time, and had
caused the delay.
- Firm was facing labour shortage and was unable to 鍖nd good workers.
- Staff- in-charge had resigned, and the order was handled by part-time
inexperienced worker.
19. Accept Fully
Para 3 : Explanation
Useful Expressions
Part-time staff were employed to handle your order, and they have mixed
up your order with that of another 鍖rm. We are indeed sorry for the
The delay was caused by a massive machine breakdown at the
manufacturer兵s plant. It took them a week to repair and to resume
production works.
Upon investigation, our representative reported that inexperienced
foreign workers were hired to carry out the renovation works.
21. Accept Fully
Para 4 : Reassurance
Reassure error will not be repeated
Mention the remedial actions that you will take
- Specify date, person to contact etc.
22. Accept Fully
Para 4 : Reassurance
Useful Expressions
We will take the necessary action to prevent similar mistakes. The
correct model will be sent to you by 8 Oct.
Please be assured that our ef鍖ciency will not be lacking in the future, and
we will instruct our supervisors to be very strict with their staff.
28. Accept Partially
Para 1 : Introduction
Acknowledge the letter of complaint
Mention date of letter
Summarize brie鍖y the nature of the complaint received
29. Accept Partially
Useful Expressions
Thank you for your letter regarding Order No 2345, in which you
mentioned that
We refer to your letter of 2 Oct, in which you informed us that the wrong
model was sent to you.
We received your letter of 4 Oct, and noted that you were very
dissatis鍖ed with our staff兵s service.
We received your letter of 6 Oct, and regret to hear that you were
dissatis鍖ed with the workmanship of the renovation works completed at
your premises.
31. Accept Partially
Para 2 : Investigation
Mention that case had been investigated
Conclude that your 鍖rm is not solely responsible for the
32. Accept Partially
Useful Expressions
We have checked your Purchase Order No 2354, and noted
that you have indicated 15 Oct as the delivery deadline, and not
5 Oct as claimed in your letter. It could have been an oversight
on the part of your staff.
Our representative had checked on the bales of cloth at your
warehouse, and noted that only two out of the 20 bales were
soiled due to poor packaging.
34. Accept Partially
Para 3 : Alternative Solution
Suggest alternative solution
Offer partial refund or replacement
Offer small discounts
Provide repairs at nominal fee
35. Accept Partially
Para 3 : Alternative Solution
Useful Expressions
We will send you the additional 10 boxes of pencils without
charging you delivery costs.
We will send the replacement for the two bales of soiled cloth at
no additional cost by 12 Oct. However, we will not accede to
your request for a 20% price reduction. You will understand that
we operate on very thin pro鍖t margin and our prices are the
lowest in the market.
37. Accept Partially
Para 4 : Seek Agreement
Seek agreement to solution proposed
38. Accept Partially
Para 4 : Seek Agreement
Useful Expressions
We hope you are satis鍖ed with the proposed arrangement and
con鍖rm your agreement by calling or faxing us.
Please con鍖rm in writing your agreement to our proposal by 15
39. Accept Partially
Para 5 (Conclusion)
Express regret for inconvenience caused
Useful Expressions
We would like to apologise for any inconveniences caused and look
forward to your continual patronage.
We look forward to serving you again.
42. Refuse
Para 1 : Introduction
Acknowledge the letter of complaint
Mention date of letter
Summarize brie鍖y the nature of the complaint received
43. Refuse
Useful Expressions
Thank you for your letter regarding Order No 2345, in which you
mentioned that
We refer to your letter of 2 Oct, in which you informed us that the wrong
model was sent to you.
We received your letter of 4 Oct, and noted that you were very
dissatis鍖ed with our staff兵s service.
We received your letter of 6 Oct, and regret to hear that you were
dissatis鍖ed with the workmanship of the renovation works completed at
your premises.
45. Refuse
Para 2 : Verification of Facts
Mention actions taken to verify the facts mentioned by
46. Refuse
Useful Expressions
We have checked our delivery note against your order, and
noted that the correct model was sent to you.
We have checked with our staff, and noted that the food
ordered was served within 10 minutes and not one hour as
Our representative had checked the bales of cloth, and
reported that none of the 20 bales was soiled due to poor
48. Refuse
Para 3 :
Disclaim Responsibility & Explain Why
Disclaim responsibility and explain the reasons for not
acceding to the writer兵s claim.
49. Refuse
Useful Expressions
The evidence gathered showed that the error was not due to
our negligence. It was an error in your order.
Under such circumstances, we are unable to replace the bales
of cloth as requested.
Our investigation showed that our staff was provoked by your
unreasonable demand.
50. Refuse
Para 4 (Conclusion)
Conclude appropriately
Useful Expressions
We would like to apologise for any inconveniences caused.
We look forward to serving you again.
51. A summary for writing Letters of Adjustment...
Complaints could be dealt with by :
Accepting fully Accepting Refusing the
the claim of partially the claim of
complaint claim of complaint
- Introduction - Introduction
- Acceptance of Claim - Introduction - Verification of Facts
- Apology - Investigation of Facts - Disclaim
- Explanation - Conclude firm is not responsibility and
- Reassurance solely at fault explain why
- Conclusion - Alternative Solution - Conclusion
- Seek Agreement
- Conclusion