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Raja Gaurav Prakash, Chartered Engineer, IEI
M/s The Ridge Environment Consultants
Water Security Led
Model of our
@WRI Event July
India Habitat Centre,
New Delhi
Underlying Vision :
change The narrative
From Water Pollution control to
Clean Water Conservation
Why this model?
Water source has shifted from neighbourhood to nearly 25-100 kms in 100 years &
increasing.... What next???? Are in squandering resources and depriving other resources?
To Satluj
To Yamuna /Ganga
-1- -2-
Restoring Nature – Practising and Implementing
WATER HARVETING – we do 3 things:-
1. Recycler Rainwater Harvesting 9-Step Ridge
model to making building Net Water Positive
& Prevent Flooding
2. Stormwater harvesting from Roads, Drains
3. Raingardens – Water Conservation soil. It also
helps in changing development model of the
city or town to make it more eco friendly and
1. Rainwater Harvesting
How??? Rain water harvesting
WRI Raja PPT 18 july.ppsx
Pollution – Near Lift Shimla
Massive erosion, deforestation,Open
Garbage, No Grease Trap & Pollutants
1. Rainwater Harvesting
? Installation of Storm water Filters in public
drains, culverts.
? Installation like Solid Waste dustbins after
every km across city roads which are
maintained by cleaning trucks similar to
waste collection trucks or honey suckers.
? Each unit is designed by us according to
flow rate, pollution load and application
and the cost can be recovered by measuring
various savings.
? & For reduction – Reduce –Reuse–Recycle -
Solution for Stormwater pollution
How Nature Interacts – Conserving Water the way nature works –
This is mycorrhizal
network or Simply
mushroom network in
elementary form.
Water needs to
managed in a way it
sustains, because this is
life, and development
happens because life
So Raingardens.
1. Rainwater Harvesting
What and Why??? Solution 2: Rain gardens
? Provided option for Organizations/
Government to develop Raingardens and
Bioswales instead of simple landscaping
or roadside drainage.
? First of its kind pioneering projects
? Rain gardens and bioswales are simple
landscaping features used to slow,
collect, infiltrate, and filter rainwater
and stormwater which can be recycled.
? Positive ecological services, creating
Nano Watersheds etc.
1. Rainwater Harvesting
How??? Rain gardens
WRI Raja PPT 18 july.ppsx
How we serve
Serving Humanity Through water conservation the way Nature works –
Nature solution to the humanity which it has forgotten.

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  • 1. Raja Gaurav Prakash, Chartered Engineer, IEI M/s The Ridge Environment Consultants Water Security Led Model of our development @WRI Event July 2023 India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
  • 2. Underlying Vision : change The narrative From Water Pollution control to Clean Water Conservation
  • 3. Why this model? Water source has shifted from neighbourhood to nearly 25-100 kms in 100 years & increasing.... What next???? Are in squandering resources and depriving other resources? 3 SHIMLA BILASPUR SOLAN To Satluj To Yamuna /Ganga basin -1- -2-
  • 4. Restoring Nature – Practising and Implementing WATER HARVETING – we do 3 things:- 1. Recycler Rainwater Harvesting 9-Step Ridge model to making building Net Water Positive & Prevent Flooding 2. Stormwater harvesting from Roads, Drains 3. Raingardens – Water Conservation soil. It also helps in changing development model of the city or town to make it more eco friendly and sustainable.
  • 5. 1. Rainwater Harvesting How??? Rain water harvesting
  • 8. Pollution – Near Lift Shimla Massive erosion, deforestation,Open Garbage, No Grease Trap & Pollutants Solutions
  • 9. 1. Rainwater Harvesting ? Installation of Storm water Filters in public drains, culverts. ? Installation like Solid Waste dustbins after every km across city roads which are maintained by cleaning trucks similar to waste collection trucks or honey suckers. ? Each unit is designed by us according to flow rate, pollution load and application and the cost can be recovered by measuring various savings. ? & For reduction – Reduce –Reuse–Recycle - RAINWATER Solution for Stormwater pollution
  • 10. How Nature Interacts – Conserving Water the way nature works – Raingardens. This is mycorrhizal network or Simply underground mushroom network in elementary form. Water needs to managed in a way it sustains, because this is life, and development happens because life happens. So Raingardens.
  • 11. 1. Rainwater Harvesting What and Why??? Solution 2: Rain gardens ? Provided option for Organizations/ Government to develop Raingardens and Bioswales instead of simple landscaping or roadside drainage. ? First of its kind pioneering projects ? Rain gardens and bioswales are simple landscaping features used to slow, collect, infiltrate, and filter rainwater and stormwater which can be recycled. ? Positive ecological services, creating Nano Watersheds etc.
  • 12. 1. Rainwater Harvesting How??? Rain gardens Himachal Pradesh University Library Garden Transformed to Raingarden instead of Landscaping
  • 15. Serving Humanity Through water conservation the way Nature works – Nature solution to the humanity which it has forgotten. THANK YOU 9882088049